I knew I shouldn't have went on that damn school trip I F-ING died but hey atleast I get to reincarnate with my two best friends
Seven years has passed and, Rikudou Goten and Trunks are in school along with the children of Jordaine Ajani and Jeffery. Jordaine had a son name Gold D Edge Edward who took after his mother Xian Yue with bluish dark hair and black eyes he had also sported a bushy brown tail he has dark skin like his Jordaine, he also had a daughter to which Hinata named Himawari seems in the Canon she was fantasizing name for her 'future' kids with Naruto kids she had Black hair and black and the dark skin like her father
Jeffery had two daughters Karin child's name is Gold D Sara had black hair and the same eye as his mother he also wore pair of glasses like his mother. His second daughter Gold D Meilin she was named after her mother she had mostly black hair with white stripes they both inherited they're father's dark skin.
Ajani had a son and a daughter as well, his daughter names is Gold D Usana she has white hair like her mother Hieri and black eyes,Nitai Yun had a son with Ajani named Gold D Souma he had his mother's orange hair and black eyes. They didn't really inherit they're father's skin colour as Ajani is really light skinned.
Xian Shen:"Hey Gohan you finished that math homework?" said Xian Shen playing his Playstation 10.
Gohan:"Yeah it was pretty easy nothing compared to what the computers gave us!" said Gohan reading a book.
Emerald:"Really now but your little super hero stunt got figured out by that girl Videl heard you two talking!" Gohan blushed.
Gohan:"Did you use haki to spy in on our conversation!?" shouted the hybrid saiyan.
Emerald:"Maybe maybe not!"
Sven:"By the way wasn't there that one boy you had a crush on!"
Emerald:"Shut up that guy was a jerk!" said the dragon with a scowl on her face.
Sven:"Your fault for trying for reading his mind but found out he was complete douche, hey atleast you found out before trying to date him or if he hurt you, Uncle Jordaine would've played ping pong with his soul!"
-On another planet-
Two golden haired figures were fighting a Red mechanical dragon, The dragon fired a breath blast at the two golden figures.
Rikudou:"Geez those guys has been going at it for a while now !"
Edge:"This is getting me pumped, I wanna fight too!" said the boy excited he was wearing a fur hoodie with a cut jeans pants and some finger less gloves.
Souma:"Calm down cuzin why don't we just take a nap found some really comfy
rocks we can sleep on!" said Souma who was wearing a simple grey hoodie and baggy shorts along with some sneakers.
Usana:"Or you could just eat some delicious cake !" said Usana stuffing her face with a whole of cake five times her body. She was wearing a silver hoodie with black stripes and jeans pants.
Sara:"Please Usana don't talk with your mouth full and don't eat so much we may be saiyans but over eating may cause you to gain weight." said the girl completely stoic. She was wearing a pair of glasses along with button up blouse and a skirt.
Meilin:"Can you guys shut up I'm trying to paint!" said Meilin who was trying paint the entire battle. She liked to paint and doesn't like when anyone interrupts or make her break focus. She was dressed in red chinese robes with golden and black accents
Edge:"FOOOOOOODDDD!!!!" Edge dashed right into the Usana's pile of sweets.
Issei:"Okay so how do you boys feel any stamina issues!" said Issei who's currently in his CRIMSON DRAGOON MODE but smaller.
Goten:"No it doesn't."
Trunks:"Thanks it feels just like my base form super saiyan two is awesome thanks Issei-san!"
Trunks:"I'd have to agree now we can make master super saiyan three!"
Issei:"Anytime let's go finish up let's not worry your parents!"
Himawari:"Worrying about us would be the last of they're worries they should worry if one those idiots don't destroy an entire galaxy!"
Issei:"Yo Hima didn't think you'd be here!"
Himawari:"Sensed you were having fun without me wanted to join!" the girl then went super saiyan three and smirked.
Himawari:"If your up for it!"
Issei:"Geez you inherited Jordaine's overconfidence in battle didn't you, but I'm always ready!" Issei's aura burst out of his body ready to fight.
Edge:"Hey Usana can I get some of the chicken?" said Edge eating pizza.
Usana:"Hell no way I called dibs!"
Edge:"I'll play punches for it!"
Usana:"Are you challenging my power filthy mortal?"
Edge:"Mortal aren't we all God's?"
-Somewhere in West city-
Jordaine was currently drawing a comic book he and Jeffery created a comic book company a few years of their children were born they also moved out of the ships and made houses Goku, Vegeta and has been working for the time patrol so they have been getting alot money.
Creating a comic series was one of Jordaine and Jeffery's dream in their past lives their now their taking this opportunity to fullfill it. Their sisters are currently with their boyfriends who are also multiverse travelers they have been gone for a few months. The Demon beasts has been pretty alright mostly staying in the Heavenly Soul Realms, though Ddraig and Kurama are now expecting children.
Jordaine:"Finished another manuscript!"
Jeffery:"Here's some hot chocolate you need it!"
Jordaine:"Thanks!" Jordaine took a sip of his drink.
Jordaine:"Man this is nice!" said Jordaine looking at ceiling
Jeffery:"I guess your right it's nice we got family a nice place to sleep beautiful wives adorable children and great friends." Jeffery had peaceful gaze.
Jordaine:"I'll drink to that lil brother!" Jeffery's gaze then turned dark.
Jeffery:"But still there's somethings Mom didn't tell us. I can tell but what is she hiding?"
Jordaine:"Dunno but let's not worry about that later, we got enough time to get revenge, instead let's worry about the next world tournament we've been so occupied with our family that we haven't fought seriously in a few years only light sparring."
Jeffery:"Oh yeah also heard Gohan met Videl and she discovered his identity as the great saiyaman!" Jeffery couldn't help but snicker.
Jordaine:"Oh really now let's just go anyway I'm sick of the office!"
Part of the city was destroyed every fighter currently on the planet sensed it.
Jeffery:"What the hell is that God ki!?"
Jordaine:"Yeah it is but it feels demonic!" they both flew they're as fast and saw a very familiar person it was Demigra the Demon God.
Demigra:"You dare call me a bastard you insolent mortal I'll send you to hell!" he charged his ki ready to blast them.
But Jordaine punched him in the face and delivered a combo of kicks punches to his face and stomach.
Demigra:"I refuse to lose!" he blew Jordaine back with his ki but only because he was caught by suprise.
Demigra:"I'll destroy you!" his body changed as he became bigger he transformed into a demon with horns and blue skin.
Jordaine:"Angel Trigger!" beautiful golden light seem to emit from Jordaine as his hair became silverish gold it was flowing down but not spiky like when in super saiyan he gained silverish gold armour along with 40 wings and a white cape and his eye colour became orange.
Demigra:"What?!?" Jordaine dissapeared and arrived behind the demon God and punched him in the face sending him out of the planets orbit Jordaine rushed him to follow him.
Jeffery:"Guess I'll go reverse the damage and lost lives then, he needs to have his fun."
A flurry of golden coated punches.
Jordaine:"Gum-Gum Holy Jet Gattling!" Jordaine was in second Gear beating the absolute crap out of Demigra.
Jordaine:"Let's end this!" Jordaine disengaged his holy trigger returning to his base form, he then went super saiyan.
Demigra:"Super saiyan are you underestimating me!"
Jordaine:"No I'm not. I'm just about to make you suffer!"
Demigra:"You dar-!"
A red and dark aura burst out Jordaine's body his eyes became blank his hair turning a mix of red and black but still retaining his super saiyan form.
Jordaine:"Goodbye Demigra." he reached his hand out and the dark and red aura surrounded his finger and he touched the terrified Demigra who just urinated and shat himself.
Jordaine:"Touch of the Eraser." With just one touch the Demon God shout in pain as he slowly was being erased Jordaine however just teleported to earth. Back to the fully restored city the z fighters were also there asking Jeffery questions. Which were all answered.
-A few days later-
Jordaine, Jeffery and Ajani were at a bar with the human Z-fighters.
Ajani:"He must've been searching for me, well I have just been using a time machine to travel to and fro guess I'll stop using it." Demigra has followed Ajani while everyone was waiting on the line for the punching machine.
Jordaine:"I could work on some anti-tracking systems for you guys."
Ajani:"No your already busy plus it's take your kid to work day in few days."
Yamcha:"Time patrol is no easy job the amount of Goku's I met!" Yamcha has also been doing it he doesn't want to be as useless as his original counterpart so right now he's pretty strong.
Jordaine:"Sounds rough!"
Yamcha:"Yeah I've been thinking since they're elemental variants of ki and since the multiverse is literal infinite possibilities, I tried studying a new type of ki with Gohan."
Jordaine:"He's gonna make that book about ki in the future and Goten and Trunks will add some sword techniques to it."
Tien:"Oh yeah Dragon Ball Online right?"
Krillin:"Still though it's hard to imagine people using ki in every day life."
Jordaine:"I don't know why you guys haven't started a dojo, with Capsule Corps influence you could've made ki mainstream, think about it and army of powerful ki users. Sure they may be people who take advantage of it but the law enforcement would have access to it and, I am making techniques and cuffs to be able to seal off ki."
Tien:"Well I am planning to start a dojo, though I've been getting students so far."
Jordaine:"I see well if one us wins the next martial arts tournament we can advertise your dojo. Why not team up and make a series of dojos."
Krillin:"That's not a bad idea and like you said we can make a series of Dojos!"
???:' You insignificant maggots tell me where is Majin Buu?" Everyone on earth heard a voice in their heads. It revealed Babidi who went on about Buu and his egg.
Babidi:"Dabura it seems I'm not getting much of a response destroy that city." The demon lord placed out his hand and charged a huge energy blast. But a kick was met to his face.
Jordaine:"Hey its Rikudou! What he's doing here?"
Ajani:"Called him with telepathy he might want to deal Babidi and he knows Instant Transmission so..."
Rikudou:"So your Babidi?"
Babidi:"Who are you insect." Rikudou turned into kid Buu his clothes staying the same as those aren't apart of him.
Babidi:"B-Buu is that you?!?"
Rikudou:"Yes and no the Buu you know has been purified I'm and completely new personality."
Babidi:"What?" he pointed his palm out to the wizard and kill him.
Dabura:"You!" Dabura dashed to him the two engaged in combat kicks and punches landing at super sonic speeds as they dashed across the sky. Rikudou fired a multiple small energy blast.
Dabura:"Such puny energy blast." however they tore right through his body like blades.
Dabura:"But how?"
Rikudou:"Simple small sharpened energy blasts, they aren't powerful individually but they are work well in large numbers."
Rikudou:"Goodbye." The Majin placed his hand out and fired a energy shot killing the demon lord. The child Majin then turned to Babidi who was paralyzed in fear.
Rikudou:"No for you."
Babidi:"No think about this Buu all the world's we can conquer and destroy-"
A sharp energy blast tore the wizard's head.
Rikudou:"My name is Rikudou not Buu." he then used instant transmission and returned to home.
Vali:"So how was it?"
Rikudou:"You sensed it you know Grandpa Vali." The children refer to Issei and Vali as Grandpa. This is due to a prank Jordaine pulled causing the children to forever call them Grandpa. Though they didn't mind as they had Grandchildren and are quite used to it.
Rikudou:"Thanks for telling me when they'll arrive."
Vali:"No problem kid your Mom's making dinner we should go."