
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Gosaku's 2nd Disciple and stopping the siege of Amera Town (2/3)


Narrator POV

As Gosaku slowly approached the marching army, he told Amon in a serious tone that he should get used to how their army operates and to follow his orders from now onwards.

Amon: "Will they not accept me....?"

Gosaku: "They will accept you, plus you have A senior disciple to train with as well! I still need to fuel him as promised but now is not the time"

Amon: 'Senior disciple? Can't wait to meet him!'

Seeing there be another occupant behind Gosaku everyone was surprised and asked him why did he bring a child here.

The only response Gosaku gave was that the boy named Amon, would be his 2nd Disciple much to the shock of the rest and laughter bellowed from Yoshinobu who had a grin on his face.

Yoshinobu: "So how did he end up as your disciple Gosaku?"

Gosaku: "While I did save their village and received their gratitude there was a priest who called us heralds of demons"

Gosaku: "Even with our bloodshed, the boy stood his ground and showed me his inspirations to become stronger so I took him and let him fight against injured bandits by himself to test his willpower"

Yoshinobu: "Then he killed them all if he is with you currently?"

Gosaku: "Indeed, he followed my instructions on hitting vital points and used his enemies momentum to strike, he came out victoriously"

Aoi: "Interesting...then he shall be your responsibility from now onwards and it seems like you are the first person to come back"

Gosaku: "Then the rest must be fighting still or traveling back"




Hearing the sounds of hooves stomping against the ground Gosaku turned and looked at the wave of horses coming their wave.

Seeing them not be one of them, Gosaku looked at them seriously and raised his Jumonji Yari and started to light it up in flames but upon closer look, he saw Katsuyori at the front and the 2x Heavy Cavalry squads, making him stop and lay his Yari over his right shoulder.

Once the horsemen were near, they stopped and Yoshinobu looked at Katsuyori questionably on who were the riders of the 20 cavalrymen.

Katsuyori: "Yoshinobu-dono! Aoi-dono! Gosaku-dono!, These people are the Knights of the nearby Knight Keep!"

Katsuyori: "They were helping the burning villages but they were overrun by a horde of Goblins and three Hob-Goblin Captains to which we dealt with quickly"

Aoi: "Hmm, then why did they follow you Katsuyori?"

Before Katsuyori could open his mouth to speak a man clad in knight armor moved up with his horse and addressed Aoi seriously.

???: "My name is Joseph, a Knight Captain of the Izaen Cavalry knights"

Joseph: "So it seems you are the leader of this band of Mercenaries? If you are, then I would like to give you our thanks on behalf of Grandmaster Izett for helping the Izaen Cavalry Knight's

Aoi not expecting him to suddenly bow and give her thanks on behalf of their Grandmaster was surprised but she told him to raise himself.

Aoi: "If we are to move against the Goblin Kings Green Horde, we would like to join forces with your own temporarily and save as many people in danger"

Joseph: "I'm glad we both are in the same page Lady Aoi! But It seems Grandmaster's guess was right about the Goblin King being awakened"

Aoi: "Then we shall join forces and deal with the Green Horde and rescue as many people as possible"

Hearing such words coming out her mouth, Yoshinobu's and Katsuyori's eyebrows twitched but kept silent as the knight nodded and bade his farewells after getting more information.

Before he could leave however, 2 of the Tetsujin Cavalry squads arrived with Oda's Wolves in the front and Oda himself at the back riding on the Demon Wolf King.

And looking more closely, there were five horsemen similar to the Izaen knights with one having a red banner on their left hand.

The only difference was that these knights had their armor bloodied, battered and less than the 20 Mounted Knights that came with Katsuyori.

Joseph had rode his horse towards the horsemen and met them midway and had grabbed the knight with the banner and asked them what happened.

Aoi and the others followed closely behind and asked Oda on what happened with Oda having a troubled face.

???: "Captain Joseph...*cough*...We need to head back to Amera Town!"

Joseph: "What? Why!? What happened to your squadron that were sent out to help the people nearby?"

???: "Captain Joseph! It was all a distraction! The Izaen Knight's sent to the western villages of Amera were annihilated with corpses left behind!!!"

Joseph: "What!? There were more than 1500 Knights there to help which is a chunk of our Knight Chapter!"

???: "Captain, there were Goblin Champions that tore through our defensive line! They even managed to occupy Kela Castle within a day!"

Oda: "In all, They caught the Phykia Kingdom unprepared from their grand assault and with the Borsil Kingdom having to defend against the Goblin King's main army... it's become a major problem"

Yoshinobu: "Champions? Occupying a castle within a day?"

Katsuyori: "500 Knight's defeated in one fell swoop, I wonder?"

Aoi: "Well, their numbers did increase by another 3,000. Especially the one we are going after who now has 2500 troops as of right now"

Joseph: "What!?"

Aoi: "And that's without counting the amount we've taken down in total that are nearly 235"

Seeing their faces go from surprise to disbelief to shock was one Oda never thought he'd see only for them to start grinning and their battle aura to suddenly skyrocket and spread widely.

Joseph: "What in Goddess Sera's name!?"

They had all felt their minds and body strain but it quickly disappeared as if it was never there to begin with.

Aoi: "Then this means we need to head towards Amera Town huh?"

Oda: "Indeed, but we need more reinforcements if we want to fight their 1500 strong man army. Tanegashima gunners would have work if we had 60 of them but guessing it's still far from our current technology"

Aoi: "If you don't mind me asking, how long is the journey towards Amera Town?"

???: "Amera Town is...*cough* three days travel from here. I don't know if we would make it in time"

Aoi had simply smiled and told Oda not to worry since they had plenty of time but they still needed to deal with the remaining bandits and Goblins roaming the Western side of the Phykian kingdom.

Oda: "It is best to reduce their forces pillaging the villages or castles that are within our reach"

Joseph: "Then I shall give my farewell and go back towards the Izaen Keep and report our findings. By the time we get there, the king would be notified of the current situation and send out the Armies to destroy the enemy!"

Gosaku had nodded and everyone said goodbye to one another and the Izaen Cavalry Knights left with their own towards the East to their keep.

After they left, everyone fell into a grim atmosphere before Yoshinobu and Oda laughed out loud with a burning fire in their eyes.

Oda: "How many Troops do you think we can get as reinforcements Lady Aoi?"

Aoi: "From the looks of it, I can get a maximum of 500 Recruits if it was just them, 150 of the Veterans, and 50 Elite in all"

Everyone looked at her seriously and decided to get the 150 Veteran soldiers and soon started talking about what troops we should gain for our current situation.

Yoshinobu: "Although I would usually say going for Veteran Longbowmen is helpful, but with a time limit of 3 days and saving villages or castles it will limit our mobility"

Gosaku: "Tetsujin Heavy Cavalry will be better to have as Shock Troopers, but we must also remind ourselves we need to have a balance army"

Oda: "If it is 150, we would have 5 platoons while assigning a Captain to each one. We can say 2x platoons of Heavy Cavalry and 2x platoons of Tetsujin Veteran Longbowmen with the last platoon being Veteran Vanguards"

Katsuyori: "Plausible, but in our current state we need to have as much Cavalry with Archers. So let's say around 4x Heavy Cavalry Platoons, and 1x Veteran Longbowmen Platoon"

Aoi: "Although I agree more with Oda's way of thinking, We are in a position where we need mobility more than a balanced army"

Oda: "I understand, so will it be on the third day we go with Vanguard and if we're right on time they will help?"

Yoshinobu nodded, Katsuyori hummed, and Aoi smiled before telling Alice to use all five of her spins to summon 4x platoons of Heavy Cavalry, and 1x Veteran Longbowmen Platoon.

Looking at the sun setting, they saw the shadows of a small marching Army of horses with swift marching of the Veteran Longbowmen who had great athletic ability.

Once they arrived, they greeted the temporary Commander of the Main army being Aoi and stood in place waiting for her next orders.

Aoi: "Goya Takanori, Fuwara Toshi,Ueyama Kenichi, Hayai Kaze, and Nisagi Yotomotsu step forwards!"

All four Heavy Cavalry Lieutenants had a stoic expression on their face without a trace of worry in their eyes and Hayai, Lieutenant of the veteran Longbowmen, stepped forwards seriously with a hint of pride within his eyes.

Aoi: "You five are promoted to captains and will lead a platoon of 50! I will chose five Lieutenants to step up and show me they will strive to be the spearhead of our Army and to aid you in your platoons"

After two minutes of waiting 4x Heavy Cavalry got off their horses and stepped forwards before kneeling on one knee.

A man walked forwards before kneeling behind Captain Hayai waiting for Aoi to speak.

All five: "We will show we will become competent and lead the Tetsujin Clan through Victory and no defeat!"

After saying that Aoi had grinned and a golden light blinded everyone's eyes from seeing their transformation who now had their armor turned Black with red rope wrapped in their waist, A long Nodachi on their back, A black purebred charger, and a Masterwork Jumonji Yari on their backs.

For Hayai, his armor changed from steel to a black color with red rope around his waist. His leather quiver changed to an Shiko-Ebira filled with Balanced Bodkin arrows. As his secondary weapon he held a wakizachi with ornamental design of the Tetsujin Clan on his scabbard.

They had all suddenly bowed deeply before thanking her and got back on their horses before Aoi told them to prove their ranks and words earlier by helping at most 3 villages in danger.

Aoi: "If you meet other knights, tell them we are helping them by Order of Grandmaster Izett as mercenaries by the name of Tetsujin"

Once doing so, the 4x Heavy Cavalry Platoons nodded before they left swiftly following the long road ahead and the Main Army marched forwards heading towards Amera Town with it's ever growing army.

Aoi looked at Hayai with a smile before speaking loudly for all to hear.

Ali: "As of today onwards everyone will train one another to grow stronger and have a chance to one day become an Proud Oni of the Tetsujin Clan!"

All: "Hurrah!"

All: "We will work hard!"

Hearing her words Oda, and Gosaku had a grin on their faces with Oda's grin being disturbing but they seemed happy to train.

Narrator POV

2 Days Later

In a Majestic and heavily guarded Palace were there was rose gardens and Knights patrolling around seriously.


A man who seeked audience with the King of the Phykian Kingdom was waiting outside the Large gates of the Palace where the Royal Guards stopped him and a Mage who checked his body for concealed weapons waited anxiously.

???: "I need to speak with his highness the King immediately!!! It comes from Grandmaster Izett herself!!!"

???: "A grandmaster of the Izaen Cavalry Knight's must wait to seek audience with the King. So what makes you, a messenger think he can barge in without booking an appointme-"

???: "The Goblin King has risen and is gathering his Armies!!! The Western Front has fallen in disorder and villages are being raid-!"

???: "Let him through William!"

William: "What! He must wait to receive audience with his Royal Highness-!"

???: "Did I ask for your opinion William? If it has to do anything with the 10 Knight Chapters and a Monster King it needs to be directly reported!"

William: "Tsk, fi-"

Before William could continue speaking he was suddenly punched in his face by a metal gauntlet breaking his nose as he fell down in the ground holding his bleeding nose.

???: "If this continues William, I will make sure to personally kick you out of the Royal Guards.."

William: "Yo-...Wait! I'm sorry, it won't happen again!"

???: "Don't make threat's unless you value your life for the King and the Royal Family.."

???: "That should be enough Lady Ysmeina, I shall accompany the messenger to report to the King"

Ysmeina: "Yes, Vice-Captain Ivon!"

The Vice-Captain soon left with the messenger with hurried steps towards the Palace whom the Knight's opened the gates and they entered as they saw the grandiose appearance and atmosphere the Palace gave off as one walked through it's halls.

Ivon: "How has Grandmaster Izett been, if you don't mind me asking?"

Being caught off guard about the question, the messenger wanted to ask if he wasn't worried about the threat only for Ivon to look at him like an idiot.

Ivon: "The King will send out the Armies under General Alexander and General Rogerus and question the Gretev Family about it's private armies they have in the region and why they didn't assist"

The messenger simply nodded and told him that their Grandmaster is well and training like always but she is stationed at Amera Town as of now.

Ivon: "If you don't mind, would you be able to give this letter to Grandmaster Izett for me?"

???: "Hah? U-Ahem, I will give it to the grandmaster Vice-Captain Ivon!"

The Guards looked at Ivon and the messenger before a terrifying pressure was released from inside the King's Chambers making the messenger and Ivon tremble within.

???: Who seeks audience with me today? No appointments have been made so I'd like to know why you are here?"

Ivon grabbed the messenger left shoulder and pushed him down as both were kneeling bowing their heads before Ivon spoke first.

Ivon: "We greet your Royal Highness! A messenger from the Izaen Cavalry Knight's has arrived to inform about the issue of the Monster King's armies pillaging our villages!!!"

???: "Guess those Gretev Family Bastards haven't done anything yet huh? Let them in and tell me fully about this current issue and don't leave anything out!"

The gold armored Knight's opened the huge Gates and let the both of them in and saw the Long Royal Chamber with a long golden embroided red Carpet leading up the stairs up to the Throne were the King sat in staring at the two guests.

With piercing gold eyes staring at them silently and invisible pressure building within the atmosphere both knew they had to tell everything quickly.

???: "So tell me honestly, which Monster king has awakened and when did you leave for the Capital?"

???: "Yes! I left the Keep for the Capital 2 Days ago and with the rumors from a few people there seems to be unknown soldiers helping the nearby Villages"

Ivon: 'Interesting'

???: "Hmm? Tell me their description, what are their motives for helping them?"

???: "Cavalry men in plated scale armor with strange long spears, have attacked the bandits and Goblin warbands around the region and people call them them Saviours and Devils for their cruel killings"

???: "Interesting indeed, then it should be our turn now to show our might"

???: "Alexander! Rogerus! Get an army of 10,000 each and clean the filth off from our Country!"

Out of nowhere two middle aged men walked out from behind the King's throne and knelt on one knee with their head low before receiving the King's command.

Both: "Yes Your Royal Highness Azemar!!!"

Seeing the two generals walk out from behind the Throne surprised both kneeling guests but nevertheless they kept kneeling until both Generals had walked past them and out the gates.

Azemar: "Messenger, do you know how strong the Cavalry of these strange men are?"

???: "No, your highness. The only things I know is that they kill their way through their enemies and if my memory serves right, they were decapitated or bodies split in half by a swing of their weapons"

Azemar: "Oh? strong enough to cut through their armor with just a swing? Well aren't they a strong group of Cavalrymen!"

Azemar: "How many of them are there if their fame has spread this far? And more importantly who is their Leader...?"

???: "I-...From rumors It seems like there are 4 Platoons with powerful Captains leading them. And for their Army, Knight Captain Joseph met with them and had found a small army of 200 at first until an army of 120 Cavalrymen joined them from the horizon"

King Azemar stopped at looked at the messenger intensely as the once receding pressure now came back at full force as it it made the messenger hit his head in the Red floor as the pressure continued to rise.

Azemar: "Hah?, I wonder why none of the Nobles reported a large force going around their lands and where did such a small army come from?"

Ivon: "Your Majesty! If I may speak!"

Azemar switched his target on Ivon and looked at him as the Golden statues Infront of the Pillars looked at him adding on to the pressure he is currently enduring.

Azemar: "Speak young Ivon…"

Ivon: "Your Majesty, if we were to recruit such a strong small army into our midst we will receive the western regions appreciation and show the King is better to confide in rather than the Families within their regions!"

Ivon: "It will make it easier for the people to rebel in their territory for not saving them which would make them lose standing with yourself and easier to get rid off!"

Azemar: "You sound more like your father the Marques, Bastille, Vice-Captain Ivon!"

Ivon stopped moving as he was frozen head to toe with the King's words mentioning his father before he regained his calm and stoically spoke.

Ivon: "Yes, Your Majesty. But I chose the way of a soldier not a politician..."

Azemar: "Haha, at least you have a better will than your father and I like your resolve to tell the Crown what to do..."

Ivon: "I will accept any punishment your Majesty wishes to gives me for my insolence..."

At this very moment a black shadow moved towards the King and a figure of an ethereal woman could slowly be seen as she leaned to the King's ear and whispered into his ear.

The King's brows furrowed and took a serious look at the woman before he sighed and the air around the King changed to grandiose and Royalty as the throne room lit up in a golden light.

Azemar: "The punishment I am willing to give you will be going towards Treheva Town with a companion and defend against the Goblin General's Invasion to rescue their locked-up prisoners!"

Azemar: "With my Royal decree, you shall ride with your companion onwards to Treheva Town and lead the Guards stationed there and hold out until Rogerus or Alexander arrive to help you"

Azemar: "Prove to me your loyalty and show me why you are one of the Vice-Captains of the Royal Guards"

Azemar: "If you are to survive this I will give you the rank of Earl and a chance for you to compete with Wolfred & Rezech for the rank of Captain, or do you wish for something more?"

With such temping words, Ivon contemplated answering before he spoke softly with burning determination in his eyes growing stronger with his resolve.

Ivon: "I wish to lead my own Knight Chapter. I know I need to have the power of a Grandmaster, so I will bring back the Goblin General's head before you and gain more than 500 kills to prove my rank"

Hearing such words, both the King and ethereal woman were stunned before the King laughed boisterously and the woman chuckled softly. The King looked into Ivon's eyes with seriousness as he spoke slowly.

Azemar: "If you manage to prove yourself with your own conditions I will grant you your wish to be a Grandmaster of your own Knight Chapter"

Azemar: "Don't disappoint me, Knight Ivon Faust. I shall wait for your success all the way from the Capital"

Azemar: "The two of you may leave, but just to sate my curiosity. What banner did the unknown army have?"

???: "The unknown Army had three banners but the most prominent one was a White banner with a red four-leaf clover within a red circle"


Azemar: "Thank you messenger for your report, you both may now leave"

Both: "Yes your Royal Highness!"

Soon both had gotten up and bowed once more before leaving the Throne Rooms leaving only King Azemar and the Ethereal woman.

King Azemar: "Ivon seems like a better candidate with all his qualities but it's such a regret he is smitten for Izett otherwise he would have been Penelope's type"

???: "Don't worry dear, we will find someone to be Penelope's fiance or do you wish to resort to "that" option"

Azemar POV

Hmm, while I hoped to find a fiance for Penelope it seems there are none that fit her criteria. I hoped I wouldn't have to do this without her permission otherwise she would hate me forever.

???: "Ah, that reminds me, the Academy of Magic, Pandora, wished to let it's student's go out and gain experience in the Avondale forest"

I perked up hearing Pandora wanted to let it's student's go out to gain experience. It also made me remember that there were a few students that are strong enough.

There is that boy who has made his name known by defeating the gang leader of a Viscount's son even with his lower status.

???: "So by the look of your face, it seems you got a few candidates chosen for her, dear?"

Azemar: "Indeed I have Marija, It's ironic to think they will be the same as me if they manage to pass my tests..."

Seeing the surprised look on Merija's face made me grin and sigh deeply at our current situation as I clenched my fist in frustration.

Azemar: "Thinking back on the messengers words, we seem it worthy enough for Pandora to be allowed entry into Avondale as training grounds!"

Marija had knelt on one knee and bowed her head as her ethereal figure turned into shadows instead and glowing orange eyes could be seen instead of her previous vistage.

Merija: "We listen and Obey the King's Decree!"

Five more shadows appeared behind the woman and knelt on one knee before shouting "We listen and Obey the King's Decree" all together in unison.

They all disappeared in an instant and I sighed as I felt the presence of my Advisor walking from behind the tall pillar and walk towards my side before speaking quietly.

???: "I must say, the unknown Army that is siding the villages is more terrifying than I previously thought"

I perked up at that and looked at him surprisingly, this might be the third time I have ever heard my Advisor saying the word "terrifying" with a hint of fear and surprise in his eyes.

King Azemar: "Now why do you say that Maximilian?"

Maximilian: "It has been a few days and they have an army of 500 at their disposal. We tried tracking them down but they appear from thin air and all give out heavy bloodlust but they all are seasoned veterans"

I tapped my index finger on the golden armrest and heard him talk more about the unknown Army and think more highly of Ivon yet regret fills me even more now.

Maximilian: "Out of all the known captains, it seems the most famous one is a man named Gosaku and he is said to be a saint by the people and by far the most skilled man we have ever seen"

King Azemar: "How skilled do you take him to be, Maximilian?"

Maximilian: "With every swing of his weapon, 10-15 bandits would be halved or beheaded. His mount is a Great Demon Wolf, a powerful wolf from old thought to be extinct..."

Maximilian: "Even so, we must remain respectful with how many villages have been saved from total destruction from the bandits hands"

King Azemar: "I see, then if we are to meet their leader, we shall have a cordial relationship with them"

Maximilian looked at me seriously and told me to prepare for either the survival or destruction of the Phykia Kingdom much to my annoyance yet I knew he was right.

An ally or foe that can call upon small yet Elite armies in a span of days is truly one that needs to pay attention to and it's Captain Gosaku.

I hope we are able to settle this accident peacefully otherwise the other two Kingdoms might use this advantage to push our borders.

King Azemar: "It was so much simpler when I just fought without a care in the word and was in a party with the others exploring the vast world.."

King Azemar: "Damn that old fool of my father! Calling me back to become the King after abandoning me for Aryeus!"

As I grumbled I looked through the glass mirror and saw the large and expansive buildings of the Capital and cherished my 25 years of rebuilding the Entire Kingdom back up again with it's laws and regulations.

Hmm, I wonder if I can sneak off to try to join the Adventurer's Guild once again and do a mission or two to refresh my mind of the best moments with my friends.

Thoughts for another time, now to figure out how to deal with the pesky Goblin King that reappeared.

Ivon POV

As I walked out the King's Palace with the Messenger in tow I grimaced remembering the King's Words. I clenched my fist before breathing in and out and going towards the Royal Guards Main building and asked around for Ysmeina.

Not long after I found her, she was panting with a few bruises in her face and seeing a few Royal Guards not far away with two unconscious and one left standing.

Sensing the use of Sword energy I pulled out an ornamental knife and infused with my own energy and swung at the Royal Guard who tried attacking Ysmeina with an energy infused sword.

A black energy arc shot out of my knife and broke the weapon in the Royal Guards hands prompting to look at me before being knocked unconscious with an uppercut by Ysmeina.

I approached slowly as the headache from earlier made me more moody than before and black mist come off my body drenching the entire hall into darkness.

Ivon: "Ysmeina...Tell me what fully happened here before I get pissed off even more than I am already..."

Ysmeina POV

As the walls changed from gold to black, I felt my body turn cold as Vice-Captain Ivon approached me slowly.

Ivon: "Ysmeina...Tell me what fully happened here before I get pissed off even more than I am already..."

Hearing him speak, I felt afraid of telling him anything but if this is him not being pissed what would happen to me if he gets more pissed than he already is now?

Ysmeina: "I-...I had come to practice with Master Kain but two of the Royal Guards told me to follow them under the orders of Vice-Captain Rezech"

Ivon: "That double-crossing son of a Bitch!"

Hearing the harsh tone Vice-Captain Ivon had spoke about Vice-Captain Rezech made me confirm the rumors about them.

Ysmeina: "I don't know if I was targeted because I was under your apprenticeship or because William was the friend of Vice-Captain Rezech's brother"

Ysmeina: "I'm sorry for hurting one of-"

Ivon: "*sigh* Never apologize to me about being sorry for attacking the children of nobles. You have the right to the power to fight back so never apologize to me"

Ysmeina: "I-I understand Sir Ivon! I won't let them corner me again!"

Ivon: "Haha, I'm glad you haven't lost yourself with the current atmosphere around here. And I am sorry for getting mad at you, I hope you can forgive me Ysmeina..."

Seeing the Vice-Captain's apologetic smile made my heart thumb surprising me before I turned away blushing somewhat.




Ysmeina: "I accept your apology Ivon, and may I ask why you are asking for me?"

Ivon POV

Ivon: "Right, I was looking for you because his Majesty has given me an order to head to Treheva Town were the Goblin army will be attacking next along with Almera Town and I was given an option for someone to accompany me with my journey"

Seeing the look of shock turn into an exited expression made me chuckle before she had suddenly grabbed ahold of my cold hands and I felt warmth from her as she had her face close to mine with the most charming smile I've ever seen.

Ysmeina: "I will gladly go along with you Sir Ivon and I hope to not disappoint you in your Journey!"



I felt my cheeks become hotter and I answered quickly as I could feel her warmth radiating from her hands. My heart started beating irregularly surprising myself and slowly rethink what just happened with me?

Ivon: "Hah, it's fine Ysmeina. But we should probably get going and make sure to grab your own equipment because it will be a very harsh day ahead of us"

Ysmeina: "Yes!"

Ivon: "But can you let go of my hands now Ysmeina?"

Ysmeina: "Huh? Oh, oh I-Im terribly sorry sir, I-I must get going now!"

Ivon: "Meet me at the Southern Gates where I shall wait for you!"

Ysmeina: "Y-yes Sir!"

As she quickly ran off I placed my hand near my heart and started to think again on why my heart had thumped when we had our hand clasped together and her smile...

...what's happening to me...?

Narrator POV

Unknown to either Ysmeina and Ivon, a woman clad in black watched their meeting and chuckled to herself seeing such a scene play out.

If one would would pay closer attention to her, she would be the same woman who appeared in the King's Throne room.

Merija: "Oh my, this type of scene would surely make Elena jealous and even Jevelle would have new ideas for her stories"

As the woman though to herself in the shadows, a figure of a woman could be seen coming out the shadows and kneeling before Merija before reporting the situation of the Foreign army.

Merija: "Thank you dear Thorn, continue spying on them from far away distance if they can detect you even with invisibility"

???: "Yes Mistress!'

The Thorn slowly sinked herself into the shadows once more as she went back to the place the army she saw appeared in which is near the castle to return to spying from afar once again.

Narrator POV

2 Days later at the same time the Messenger had arrived at the capital, the Tetsujin Clan found themselves with counter-attacking an Army of Bandits and 10 Hob-Goblin Captains who were laying siege to the Castles Walls.

In the far distance marched the Tetsujin army fully shining with their plate armor and the army itself now giving off dangerous vibes and a faint red glow radiating off their bodies.

In the front lays Lady Aoi, the Commander, Oda, and Yoshinobu as the Generals, and Gosaku, Hayai, Katsuyori, as the Captains.

Amon was walking beside Gosaku and his Wolf mount whilst carrying a load of 10 chipped iron spears on both his shoulders as he panted hard but he did not drop down in exhaustion.

Gosaku: "It seems we have reached a castle that is being sieged. Have yourself be prepared Amon for you will prepare to fight in a siege and must get at least 20 kills"

Amon: "Hah? Ahem, I mean Yes master! I will kill more than twenty enemies Master!"

Gosaku: "Good!"

Oda: "I sometimes wonder if you truly were only a retainer Gosaku instead of an Martial Arts Teacher"

Gosaku: "Even If I were to create a Martial Arts School, it would only be for killing your enemy using Polearm's and I was in service to my previous Lord so I couldn't open one and I needed to create my own Style as well"

Aoi: "Then does this mean you have created some techniques to make as the basis of your School?"

Gosaku: "Depending if they are able to gain the same flames as myself they will be able to lessen the training but will leave them drained"

Gosaku: "And of course, most of the training will depend if your body has been trained sufficiently well"

Amon: "The same flames as Master Gosaku? Then is that the reason... *pant* ...why I have to hold these heavy spears...Master?"

Gosaku: "Indeed, but also no at the same time because I want to deal with the Hob-Goblin Captains that are moving towards the castle walls"

Yoshinobu: "Now that I think about it, doesn't it feel like they are different from the ones we have fought with before?"

Oda: "Three of the captains have bronze goggles over their heads and... hahaha, hey who would like to take away some free siege weapons?"

Katsuyori: "Hmm, we would just need to disarm and take it apart and place it within our inventory. But how will we hide their disappearance and let it give it to us?"

Oda: "Oh my young apprentice, you must learn to get a favor from them to take it away and give your name as the Tetsujin Clan"

Katsuyori: "We don't know how far our name spread and don't call me apprentice, I'd never stoop to your level Oda"

Oda: "Oi, even if Lord Alexis was in trouble will you stoop to my level to help him"

Katsuyori: "Damn you Oda! You already know the answer to that question!"

Oda: "Haha, well I'll stop teasing you and start focusing on the matter at hand"

Aoi: "I'm glad I didn't have to intervene in your conversation. At least it was just teasing so it's alright as long as it doesn't go into fighting"


Yoshinobu: "With the amount of people we have saved and villages, we have spread our name far enough as an honorable Mercenary Army so we will be able to convince them easily"

Gosaku: "Then we should bring the Archers and the Cavalry to get rid of their foot soldiers quickly and advance forwards"

Seeing everyone nod, Gosaku had grabbed one of the iron spears and suddenly thrown it from such a long distance away at one of the shouting humanoid goblins.


Before the goblin could react or even continue shouting his head was decapitated and fell onto the ground rolling.

Not long after the first death of one of their captains, six more spears were shot out from the horizon as they came crashing down into the enemy unprepared captains.

Only three of the Hob-Goblin Captains had survived yet they had a limb or flesh torn giving them agonizing pain and not long for the attacking party to protect their injured captains.

As one gave the order to retreat, the rest were confused since they already had taken over the wall. Yet a few heard the ground shake and looked at the horizon as Heavy Cavalry charged down the hill and the thumping of the iron hooves of the horses could be heard around the battlefield.






??? POV

As we kept fighting for our god damn lives against the combined force of a 500 goblins & Bandits, I remembered my family and my soon to be born child.

I stabbed my sword through a climbing bandit's throat as I roared and slammed my shield against the goblin who climbed the bandits back lunging at me who was sent off the wall.

I smashed my shield once again onto a bandits face and looked at him straight at his eyes before roaring out.

???: "THIS...IS...SPARTAAA!!!"

???: "AHHH!!!"


???: This is for my Family!!! Everyone defend your position till your last breath!!!"

???: "Don't! NO- AHHHHHH!!!"

I raised my foot and kicked him off as he fell backwards only to unfortunately fall on a spear wielding goblins whose spear impaled the man but also crushed the small goblin with his falling momentum, killing them both.

I prepared myself as I saw more of my brethren being slain before me as I kept slamming my shield into bandits or goblins as they fell back down.

I lifted my shield to block spear jabs and pushed forwards before either cutting them down or backing off if there's too many spears.

After another 20 minutes of fighting I felt exhausted yet the enemy continued to climb up the walls. We retreated slowly down the steps and fought against goblins or bandits already within the castle walls.

That was until we heard an explosion and soon followed by ten more and whatever it was made the goblins stop attacking and hurriedly retreat backwards leaving only the bandits who were confused and few tried getting away.

???: "Don't let them escape, cut them down like they did our brothers!!!"

With the remaining 30 soldiers we had pushed forwards and split off into pairs of two and fought against the confused bandits and those who realized something wrong happened.

???: "Guard Captain Martin!!! Reinforcements have arrived from beyond the Horizon!!! It's a full army of Cavalry and archers!!!"

Hearing the words "Reinforcements" made my stressed out brain relax somewhat and lead my men in to continue fighting.

As we fought I saw the littered corpses of our enemy and brothers I grit my teeth and as I was about to strike down another Bandits a huge shadow flew over our heads and it's jaws tore into two bandits as they screamed in horror and shock.



Before they could continue wailing the tall and mysterious man who rode on the beast had taken out a small short sword with his left hand before he decapitated both of their heads easily.

And it was also at this moment that more shadows flew over our heads but this time they were the cavalry Lashi had described and with a swing of their polearms they split the bandits in half or cut their limbs off whilst in midair.


Hearing the cowardly castellan speak, I was about to rebuke him when I heard the man speak and it was at this moment I knew why they were shadows.

The man and beast both were covered in thick blood throughout their body and I saw blood dripping down from the pointy end of his polearm layed over his right shoulder.

Gosaku: "My name is Gosaku, A Captain of the Tetsujin Army and a Retainer of my Lord. We saw this castle being besieged so we came to help just like the other places we have helped"

Castellan: "You think I would believe people who came here at the right time and act like heroes claiming all the cr-"

Gosaku: "I would watch your tongue if I were you, if we were to kill our own men why would we waste people who are well trained just for being known as heroes and fame?"

HC: "Gosaku-dono is an honorable man who has saved countless villages from the Invasion of the Goblin King's Armies. And by the look on your captains face, he must know about us more than the castellan in charge of the Castle and it's lands"

Gosaku: "Guess people still like to pay their way through ranks just for some land and profit that may go down the drain after this"

???: "Ahem, Don't pay attention to the strayed Castellan Sir Go-..saku? I am Vehrit, the Guard Captain of this Castle and am thankful for you for helping us in our time of great need"

Castellan: "Why You-!"

Vehrit: "I said let me handle this castellan!"

Gosaku: "It is no problem helping others in their times of needs! And we should be done by know, hopefully Amon managed to get more 20 kills and trained himself while doing so"

As much as I was confused yet exited knowing it's the Tetsujin Army who have been saving villages at an exaggerated rate.

I am happy that I am able to go back home to my family and live another day. As we were walking through the now heavily damaged gates Sir Gosaku had briefly stopped before he swung the long polearm and thrust it to the right.

He had suddenly disappeared from his mount and appeared five meters at the end of the Gate and had his arm stretched out and his hand wrapped around something as he pinned it to the wall.

Gosaku: "So there's another one also here, I'd you don't mind, I would like to ask you why you are spying on us and are you with the other intruder we captured a day ago?"

Hearing him speak to the wall, I was confused and wanted to tell him that there's nothing there only for my mouth to gape in shock seeing the figure of a woman clad in black glaring daggers at Sir Gosaku as he had a hand on her throat tightly.

Gosaku: "Are you willing to tell me or will you keep quiet...?"

???: "I...Will...Speak..."

I took a deep breath of relief wash over me as I saw Sir Gosaku let go of this assassin? And slowly loosened his grip on her neck before letting her speak.

Gosaku POV

???: "If you have not killed one of the Shadows then I am able to speak. As my mission is but reconnaissance we are to deem you as a threat to the Crown or Ally of the Crown"

Gosaku: "Oh? Then tell me what have you thought so far of our actions"

???: "In the people's eyes you are just and honorable people, yet we deem you having ulterior motives for helping the people and gaining their trust"

Gosaku: "Haha, Oh we have ulterior motives but I made them help the villages as I can't see innocent people die, especially innocent children"

???: "This will be noted, if this are all the questions you want answered can you release the other Shadow?"

Gosaku: "Sure, I am able to let go of her and you shall decide to deem us whatever you deem fit. We are but a Mercenary band of 500 hunting down the enemy"

???: "Then your future actions shall be held accounted for and if what you say is true. You will have a meeting with his Royal Highness, King Azemar IV"

I was surprised but I nodded and all my aloofness I held before had vanished in thin air as I bowed before walking out to the front of the castle.

Seeing my change, it surprised the woman clad in black before she simply backed into the shadows of the dimly lit tunnel and sinked inside the shadows disappearing completely.

I looked around and saw there were a few stragglers and would you look at that. Amon was clashing against an Injured Hob-Goblin at high speeds!

I walked closer and saw Amons hands shift with every three swings and slowly he started getting used to it's timing with every swing.

Amon had side step and kicked the Hob-Goblin's chest and with his Wakizashi slashed at it's right arm, the Hob-Goblin blocked but got punched with a left jab by Amon. As they kept fighting, Amon was exhausted more than the Hob-Goblin but Amon made the goblin enraged with his tricks and punches.

I simply smiled as I saw Amon in a sort of trance as he kept dodging or somewhat off-putting the sword strikes from the Hob-Goblin. It wasn't long before Amon snapped out of his trance and looked seriously at the Hob-Goblin.

Amon POV

Amon: 'Master's watching! I can't let him down! He said that a swordsman will always be weak to Close quarters so I can try to unarm him just like he did yesterday!'

I took a deep breath and focused, I rushed forwards and performed an upper cut and seeing the Hob-Goblin try to block my strike I had stopped before I kicked him in the gut knocking him off.

I had swiftly used whatever strength I had left to knock his sword to the side and move forwards in his space and raised my right elbow as I elbowed his solar plexus and stabbed my Wakizashi into it's throat as my clothes were dyed red and the Hob-Goblin gasped as it dropped it's weapon on the ground and I forcefully sliced my weapon through it's neck and out as it's neck sprayed blood.

I felt nauseous all of a sudden falling downward on the ground but before I could fall, Master caught me on his arms and I closed my eyes and only heard him say "Good Job...Amon" which I smiled and fell unconscious shortly after.

Gosaku POV

Gosaku: "Good Job...Amon"

Vehrit: "Dear goddess, it seems all my life that I've trained can't compare with a 10 year old boy.."

Who would have thought I'd recruit a young genius as my disciple, especially one with quick adaptability...

And thinking back, I still need to duel with Yoshinobu but with our situation it seems it needs to be delayed.

Katsuyori: "Gosaku, you truly have chosen well for a disciple to already fight monster that vastly outnumber him"

Gosaku: "Indeed, I can only imagine if he is capable of wielding a Jumonji Yari how strong he will be"

Katsuyori: "But if he focuses more on the sword? What will you decide by then?"

Gosaku: "Although I wish him to learn The Yari, he is able to focus on whatever skills he desires. And I would still train him either way"

Oda: "Oh? The kids alright with his weapons. But if you want him to learn more on the way of the sword, then Musashi Yamamoto would be a great option"

Gosaku: "Who may that be that you personally recommend teaching him?"

Oda: "A man with the nickname of Sword Saint that is said to be the greatest with more than 60 duels that are death matches"

Oda: "The man had even created his own Techniques using two weapons to kill all his opponents!"

Gosaku: "I would love to meet him but I believe he must be a man in the future with great ideas it seems"

Oda: "Indeed he is, a Shimazu Brat had told me about him as we talked every here and then much to my surprise"

I nodded and remembered what we came here for and asked Vehrit if we could scrap the Siege Equipment and take it with us much to his dismay but he said we could as a favor.

After getting help from the nearby troops we managed to salvage 2x Trebuchets, 1x Iron Headed Battering Ram, and 3x Ballistas.

With Vehrit helping us salvage the Siege Equipment we had helped him give a proper burial to the fallen soldiers who defended the villages further behind the Castle walls.

Vehrit: "Thank you all for helping us bury the dead and give them a warriors burke. We will forever be in your debt for saving their families and give my thanks to your leader for aiding us in our time of need!"

Gosaku: "Gladly Vehrit, I will make sure it reacher their ears and we shall head off to our destination"

Vehrit: "Goodbye my good friends! Save others who are not as fortunate as ourselves!"

I nodded and walked back with the rest before getting on Kenjiro's back with the sleeping Amon Infront of me his head laying on Kenjiro's soft fur.

2 Hours Later

For those were Impaled with the heavy Ballista Bolts we promised we would do the same to the enemy if the chance arises and soon we left the Castle and rejoined the main army who kept on marching before stopping to recover and rest from the tiredness of marching.

It seems like we used 5x Large Supplies to feed the entire Army but it was worth it enough for us to continue marching another few days.

As we moved towards Amera Town, our main objective and place were we are to fight the 3rd Infantry Goblin Army's full power. It will be up to us to protect our own and save the entire city from it's destruction.







To be continued