
Reincarnated with an Omni system

This is a story of a guy Lucas who died and get reincarnated with an omni system as a source which makes him immortal. this system allows him to grow his source and collect source point from the surrounding. using this source point the Lucas can do anything he wants. This is the story of the journey of Lucas from one universe to another visiting different planets and Metting new people and races living in the vast Omniverse.

kunal_yadav_6229 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Trials of the Three Sects

The cave was silent, with the rhythmic pulse of Qi energy flowing through the air. The feeling of steady progress had become almost meditative. My body was growing stronger with each passing moment, the pain of cultivation gradually transforming into a soothing warmth as the Qi strengthened my skin. I had already achieved Source Level 2, and now, with the Enhanced Energy Absorption skill, my progress was accelerating.

As the countdown for the next source level up, I realized I had just over a day and fifteen hours remaining to reach level 3. The thought of the upcoming sect entrance exam added a sense of urgency to my cultivation. I knew I had to prepare myself for this significant event as it was very important for my cultivation journey to start.

Early in the morning, I decided to leave the cave and make my way to Brackenwood Town. The journey would allow me to familiarize myself with the surroundings and be ready for the exam. I bid farewell to the cave and set off.

The road to Brackenwood Town was filled with the vibrant hues of dawn. As I went toward the town the sun was already up. As I approached the town, I could see it bustling with activity. People from various regions had gathered, their voices could even be heard from outside of the town.

Upon entering the town, I was struck by the sheer number of people who had come for the sect entrance exam. The streets were filled with candidates for the entrance exam and their families, all discussing the upcoming event with excitement and anxiety. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

As I wandered through the town, I overheard some conversations about the three prominent sects participating in the entrance exam. there are three sects in the Thaloria kingdom. Each sect had its unique reputation and focus:

1. Azure Lotus Sect: Known for its focus on refining and perfecting elemental Qi, the Azure Lotus Sect was renowned for producing powerful elemental cultivators. Their disciples were well-regarded for their mastery of elemental techniques and their ability to harness and manipulate the elements. The sect's emblem was a delicate lotus flower encased in a vibrant azure aura. They were known for their rigorous training in elemental arts and their pursuit of harmony with nature.

2. Crimson Blade Sect: The Crimson Blade Sect was famous for its emphasis on martial prowess and combat skills. Their training was centered around mastering various martial techniques and weapons. Disciples of the Crimson Blade Sect were often formidable fighters, excelling in both offence and defense. Their emblem featured a fierce, red blade, symbolizing strength and courage. They were particularly known for their strict combat training and competitive spirit.

3. Ethereal Veil Sect: The Ethereal Veil Sect was renowned for its expertise in mystical and spiritual cultivation. Their practices focused on enhancing spiritual awareness, mental discipline, and mystical abilities. Disciples of the Ethereal Veil Sect were often skilled in divination, illusion, and spiritual arts. The sect's emblem was a veil of mist, representing their connection to the ethereal and the unknown. They valued inner harmony and spiritual growth above all else.

As I reached the town center, where the sect entrance exam was to be held, I noticed a large crowd gathered around the area. A stage had been set up, and various representatives from the three sects were present, observing the candidates. The air was filled with the hum of excitement as candidates prepared themselves for the trials ahead.

To my surprise, I spotted familiar faces among the crowd. Aldric, Baldwin, and Daphne, who I had met at the inn, were also present. Aldric appeared confident, his demeanour exuding a sense of confidence. Baldwin seemed more reserved but focused, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a hint of determination. Daphne, as always, was calm and composed, her presence radiating an air of quiet confidence.

The sect entrance exam was no small affair. It was designed to test the candidates' abilities in various aspects of cultivation, including their comprehension of Qi energy, their martial skills, and their overall potential. The exam consisted of several stages:

The sect entrance exam was designed to assess candidates' cultivation potential through two main aspects:

Qi Absorption Test: This test evaluated how effectively candidates could absorb Qi energy. It measured their ability to harness and utilize Qi, reflecting their natural cultivation aptitude.

Mental Aptitude and Cultivation Talent: This evaluation assessed candidates' mental aptitude for Qi compression and their overall cultivation talent. It was categorized into different levels:

Root Levels:

Basic Root (Novice): Individuals with a Basic Root have a minimal inherent connection to spiritual energy. Their initial cultivation efforts might be challenging, but they can make progress with practice.

Elemental Root (Beginner): Those with an Elemental Root have a basic affinity with elemental energies. They can harness fundamental elemental forces but may struggle with more complex aspects.

Harmonious Root (Intermediate): Cultivators with a Harmonious Root naturally align their energy with their surroundings. They show a moderate level of balance and integration, indicating steady potential.

Comprehension Levels:

Instinctive Comprehension (Novice): Individuals with Instinctive Comprehension have a rudimentary grasp of spiritual concepts, often relying on intuition rather than deep knowledge.

Fundamental Comprehension (Beginner): Those with Fundamental Comprehension understand basic spiritual principles and can perform elementary techniques with some effort.

Refined Comprehension (Intermediate): Cultivators with Refined Comprehension have a more nuanced understanding of spiritual principles. They can analyze and apply concepts with greater accuracy and start to see the connections between different aspects of cultivation.

The examiners would assess candidates based on these root and comprehension talent levels, grading them accordingly. Given the high level of talent required, even the lower levels of talent represented in this area were considered quite advanced.

As I took in the scene at the exam venue, I felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. After asking around about the process, I learned that the exam would start in approximately four hours. I needed to get a token to participate, and I could only choose one sect to apply to. If I wished to apply to another sect, I would have to wait six months for the next chance.