
Chapter 285 Revenge All Around

The Obsession Demon army has traveled half an hour looking for more targets and finding nothing when they finally catch a whiff of unwashed bodies carried by the wind. Moving closer, they begin to smell blood and hear the signs of battle on a large scale. Their opponents, the Wrath Demons, must have beat them here. 

This is no fortress. Instead, the Wrath Demons have found an actual metropolitan city. Tens of thousands of people, a standing army that is currently sending a Cavalry charge at the Demons known as Carnage, and a palace in the middle. They've practically won the lottery. Even if most of the civilians flee, they'll be lucky to Cleanse this place tonight. 

The Axes of the gigantic Demons leave a wave of broken bodies in their wake as the Cavalry charge vanishes. But before they can move forward to attack the infantry, the Oath Breakers are already in the defenders officer ranks.