
Chapter 184 Finishing Old Quests

"Should we give one of them a try? Worst case scenario, can you exit the dungeon, Oath Breaker?" Cain asks. 

The one from the Dwarven quest dungeon exits successfully and unharmed. "Yes, it starts you well away from the group, and leaving is no problem. I don't know why the dungeons were blocked off. Perhaps they were still unstable then? Or there might be something strange about them. None of the other portals were visible inside the dungeon. Not even the one into the city."

"Here goes nothing then. Everyone, follow me into the dungeon. We'll go rescue the Elves, since that dungeon and quest is still active."

Cain heads into the Green Portal, hoping nothing disastrous happens, but finds himself near the entry to the city, the Elves off in the distance, digging into the sand to build defensive fortifications.

[Quest Accepted: 80/80 Elves surviving.]