
Reincarnated With A Slime

Ace the MC of this novel gets Reincarnated with the MC of That time I got reincarnated as a slime, See the adventures with Rimuru and Ace as they fight there way to power And Ace takes ALL of Rimuru's Spotlight! (Don't judge the book by its cover, like litteraly because it doesn't have one, I'll add it later so please wait) I added it, does it look good, if the owner of cover wants me to take it off I will just message me at {REDACTED} Sike! I think Im gonna keep this on because I highly doubt the owner of this cover will personally tell me to take it off And if your the supposed author then show me PAPER

Razoryr · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Dream On!

{Previously On Reincarnated with a slime}


Ace used the healthy method called "A healthy fist to the face" To go to sleep.

In the morning...

"GET U-"


" GET UP! " Rimuru screamed in aces ear.

"What?" Ace muttered and opened his eyes, He saw Rimuru and Ranga in the room. He thought for a few moments until he remembered.

"is it the kids?" He asked, Rimuru nodded and practically dragged Ace out of the room, He had to turn into a wolf so nobody would see him naked!

"Yawn, Can I get just 10 more minutes?" Ace said as he slowly walked to a drinking fountain. As he drank from it he noticed it was extremely hot.

"Rimuru, why is this so h-" Before he could finish his sentence, Rimuru threw him into a wolf and they set sail.

"Rimuru! Please I wanna sleep, I've done so much work I don't won't to do more! "

"It's your responsibility too! Your just lazy! "

" Lazy!? I battled demon lord's for you! "

" And? It's your responsibility! And because I'm also thinking of adopting them! "

" ADOPTING THEM?! WHY! There just little kids! "


" Good point..... "

That was one of 3 conversations Ace had with Rimuru. After a few hours, they finally made it to freeTHEM- I mean Freedom academy, yeah yeah.

As they walked to the classroom, Rimuru noticed a maniacal smile on Yuuki's face, he didn't say anything as he thought he was enjoying the novels he made for him.

"Oh yeah just saying Yuuki is a maniac that is taking advantage of us" Ace casually whispered to Rimuru.

" HUH?!" Rimuru immediately shouted, making Yuuki look over. Ace glared at him which made him walk away.

"YES now calm down, we still need to teach these dumb kids" Ace said as they were about to open the door. He also used {Body augmentation} To become invisible.

{Rimuru's POV}

As he walked in he heard alot of murmuring about something. He went to the front and asked them.

"What is all this mumbling about?" The children looked at Rimuru and one of them said.

"We heard that Ace was being killed!" Rimuru immediately laughed, as He knew Ace was ok.

"He's fine, Why did you think that?" Rimuru asked them, as he thought maybe they had a dream or something similar to that.

"Well we heard from Veldora, the king and Ramiris that he was being brutally attacked by a man" A kid said, Rimuru pondered for a moment until smoke came out of his head.

"That never happened? Did we all have the same dream last night?" Rimuru could only ask the students.

" Well yeah I did wake up from it but the king and Ramiris told us about how Ace would smash into there room, then a man would jump in and punch him out" Another children said.

Rimuru did remember having a dream about that, he was fighting a man when Ace came.

'Was that not a dream? ' Rimuru thought as he looked around for ace.

{Ace's POV}


Ace was checking for injuries and found numerus blood wounds or scars on his human body.

'system, Was that dream actually a dream? '

{It seems like it isn't, give me a few hours to find out}

' Alright '

Ace was having a conversation with system, When he heard a sound. He looked around to find nobody, Immediately he remembered this person.

'Jaxier, Dang I guess this is the right time'

Ace thought, he changed into a wolf and became visible. The children Immediately shouted out.

"Ace!" The kids pounced on him making him unable to move.

"Why do you guys Like me so much, your like leeches" Ace mumbled, making the kids laugh. He was forced to create a new skill called {Escape Prison} To get out.

He hid behind Rimuru, Afraid of the kids. "I told you there dumb!" He shouted as he hovered to the door.

" Oh yeah and that dream you had last night, It was real!" Ace shouted before he flew off. Rimuru and the kids were shocked, they immediately chased after Ace but only Rimuru could fly so the kids were left there.


Rimuru made a metal boat that the kids got on, it flew at a very fast pace, catching up with Ace. Ace was immediately startled as he never made this in the anime.

He turned into a huge dragon and flew faster. Rimuru had to pour Extreme amounts of magicules to catch with him. Ace was once again startled as he never thought Rimuru could go 2 thousand miles a minute.

Ace became a ten times bigger dragon and flew away, Rimuru was unable to catch up. Ace arrived at the village and used "Healthy fist to the face " to sleep.

Eventually, after seeing Ace was asleep Rimuru went to sleep, wanting to test if the dream was actually real


Another explosion was heard, Ace immediately jumped up, startled but Regained his calm. He put some clothes on and walked out.

He saw Rimuru dodging attacks from the man, he Punched him into the wall.

"I told you it wasn't a dream" Ace said to Rimuru, the kids were also a few meters away, cowarding in fear.

"So, I'm gonna be killed again if you would like to watch then go ahead, The man right here has a power to become a god in someones dreams" Ace explained the situation to Rimuru.

(hold on guys I'm eating a ice cream, munch munch lick munch....)

5 minutes later

(Alright I'm done)

(Where were we? Oh yeah Ace was about to get his butt kicked.)

Right as Ace finished his sentence, he was sent flying into another multi-verse. He crashed into a huge room, There were aLot of people sitting down. They were startled to see me.

I saw a character I knew, Natsu Dragneel, Before I could say hi the man opened the half broken door. He battles with the man for a few minutes.

The man broke my arm and punched me into another multi-verse, but I managed to grab Natsu and bring him with me.

Me and Natsu crashed into a house, A boy with a full orange costume was eating ramen noodles. The boy immediately jumped up. Ace knew it was naruto, The man jumped into the house and they battled again.

He got sent into another multi-verse but grabbed naruto. He crashed into a academy, A green haired boy was in the middle of throwing a ball.

"Oh, hello Midoryia" Ace said, only to be kicked into another multi-verse, but he grabbed Him too. Finally he crashed into tempest.

"Welcome to tempest! We have everything prepared for you guys" Ace introduced the city with the little time he had left.

Naruto, Natsu and Midoryia immediately jumped back and got ready to fight. Ace sighed as they fired there ultimate moves, incinerating him.


Ace jumped from his bed and looked around,there was naruto Natsu and Midoryia on the ground.

'I did it! Finally some other main characters are here!"

" Huhuhuhuhuh"

Ace jumped from his bed and looked around, nobody was there. He sighed and opened the door.

"It was all a dream huh?"


Well, High fives all-round WAPUSHH WAPUSSH