
reincarnated version of me

Edward_Thawe · sci-fi
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2 Chs

Death and The Beginning


A mother holding the hand of her dying  son trembling at the site of her son breathing his last breath. The husband holds firm on the shoulders of his wife whispering words into her ear, "Its okay Amanda, we knew it would happen sometime soon." The woman stays silent tears dropping across her face with her lips trembling. "JOHN I CANT HOLD IT IN ANYMORE" the woman bursts into sorrow Crying as if her life is on the line. The child looks at his parents as he tries to speak "... .. ....." the man notices " Amanda I think the child wants to speak. The woman tries her best nodding subsidizing her cry to listen to the last words of her dying son.

The child tries to smile as he released his last few words "..I.. L-l...love y-you... M-m..mum and D- dad" just then the life support computer system stops showing the heart beat of the child and starts ringing as doctors rush in into the room  to try to help the child.

Few hours later they announce the death if the child.




A priest standing in front of the people starts preaching and the ceremony closes Mark's the end of Tigon a boy who just turned 12 last week who was born with a rare disease coming from a rich family.  They tried searching for a cure, they did everything money could buy but the child only managed to survive for 12 years. May his afterlife be fruitful.



The child's wakes up into a dark unknown space with white clothes and in front of him is a tall figure who starts speaking

"So finally you are released from the 12 years of suffer Tigon"

The child trembles as he notices that he has no flesh he only leaks of spirit essence.

"You mean I'm dead?"

The being smiles and continues talking.

"I loved the way you have lived you never complained even once of the disease you had, nor did you blame anyone including your parents.. with that being said I have to admit that yes you are dead boy"

The boy smiles back at the figure. The figure notices the boy smiling " Hahahaha.  You still amaze me child" the boy looks in awe at the figure and gets lost in thought..... Then suddenly his name is called out once again.


The boy gets back to his senses looking at the figure, the figure begins to talk in serious tone.

"Look child, the truth is; there is a child you should meet his name is Eddie, come in Eddie!"

Another figure gets in a boy named Eddie who walks in and greets Tigon

"Tigon, you and Eddie died at the exact same time exact same age which is a rare case. And in this to say you will have to become one with the aura of Eddie, after that is done come find me over the big chair across the space."

The being vanishes and Tigon looks at Eddie whom is completely different from Eddie in which he is full of sadness and no smile present. Tigon let's out his hand

"Hi, my name is Tigon I will be your friend"

The boy looks at Tigon with admiration and begins crying as he accepts tigon's hand. Something else happens the moment the boy touches the hand of tigon, Tigon begins to fade as he feels himself binding together with Eddie forming one being. The boy walks over to the chair as requested earlier and the being begins to speak.

"Tigon not only have you impressed me you have done more than that now. The boy has given you his spiritual essence which is valuable for you In this case or can i say the reincarnated Eddie version."

Tigon speaks,

"I dont understand a single word"

The being smiles

"Dont worry you will understand in due time but to summarize it into your accord I can just say you have been granted a second chance of life but in a different world which is supernatural everything that seemed science fiction to you now will be the new normal to you. You see as you accepted to be his friend your souls intertwined and he has given you right to his body.  And to add up onto that many people who have tried this before all failed and just exploded out of existence but you have been given the right to life again. "

Tigon looks at the being as it continues speaking while looking calm

"Now Tigon I hope in this new world you will now live life and change people near you for the world you are going to it seems people are using the powers given to them wrongfully which means evil is winning. So what's your side good or bad."

Tigon smiles

"When I connected with Eddie I have seen his life how he lived. He has a sister and parents whom are also in trouble and are still crying for me as we speak I will do all I can to save them and become an ultimate being and save the world from being totally corrupted with the power gained."

The being begins to shine as it speaks for the last time

"Let's hope you dont die soon Tigon, live life to the fullest and dont regret and get corrupted child I wish. Bye child your fate it's in your hands ".

Everywhere in the space brings to lighten up including tigon himself




Tigon is surrounded by a mother who still cries and a father and a girl whom seem to have stayed days without eating. Tigon lightens up as he begins to cough and leaving everyone staring in awe. After a few days Tigon opens his eyes and on his side is his sister warming up his body and as she noticed tigon waking up she screams and hugs Tigon Tight


It seems as he was reincarnated the name has been changed aswell instead of Eddie they are calling him Tigon.

The parents later arrive at the scene with tears of joy as they all hug their back to life Tigon.