
Reincarnated To Get A Girlfriend

The Protagonist of this story is named Marco Higurashi. He is a normal highschool student with normal life and skills from his previous life. But an unfortunate event came to his normal life. and it ended his story with a car accident. " But dying is not the end of his last chapter ". Marco Higurashi ascend to the heaven and met the creator of life and death, Who called God. The Almighty was generous enough to make him choose a different path. Reincarnation to a different world or stay to heaven?. Who knows what he chooses?. Be the one to know his answer. Asmodeus. Belphegor. Mammon. Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. Leviathan. - Yamisen •••

Yamisen · Fantasie
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1201 Chs

Chatter Below The Cold Floors

" Lorcel did? well that's quite the relief ".

Haru stated and she then managed to push Allison away from her.

Haru then grabbed her lunch and sat down on the wooden floor besides Ains on her left and Elise on her right.

" Hey, that kinda reminds me of Union, she was with Lorcel right? what happened to her? ". Haru asked Lulu.

" Union is currently fine, she's still with Lady Lorcel on the high table to report the attack from earlier ". Ains response with a stern look.


* They then enjoyed their lovely lunch and exchange information while they're at it.

The demon king who lead the demon army is currently being held by the church. They used holy magic to seal him before he wakes up from his slumber.

" If I'm not mistaken Marco was the one who fought against the demon king right? ".

Lulu asked towards Haru.

" Hmm yeah, Marco defeated the demon king, it's was quite fast to be honest I was expecting more ". Haru stated while she eats her lunch.

{ isn't it more dangerous if Marco didn't finished him off? } Lulu and Ains thought.

" But Toriwake's appearance really shocked all of us. the academy, the high table and even the dukes and lords of the kingdom ". Lulu stated.

" If it wasn't for Lorcel, Marco and Union we would've died from those attacks ". Haru response with a melancholy expression.

" And not to mention I didn't have the chance to show what I've learned for the past 3 months ".