
Reincarnated To Capture Your Heart, Jungkook: Love And Revenge.

Seastar_222 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Harsh Truth

Zhou's gaze lingered on his phone, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and unanswered questions when Yueying abruptly ended the call. 

The sudden disconnect brought back memories of a month ago when he had mustered up the courage to ask her to sign the divorce papers, only to be met with immediate rejection. 

The memory of her adamant refusal echoed in his mind, leaving him puzzled and wondering about the sudden change of heart. 

What could have prompted her to reconsider now, after firmly standing her ground before? 

The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him lost in a sea of conflicting emotions and unanswered doubts.

He turned to Mei who handed him the little baby boy, he gave her a kiss and then gently kissed the baby's forehead. 

He quickly made his way to the waiting car, where his driver whisked him off to a secluded villa that appeared dark and deserted.

Upon entering, his gaze fell upon a wilted flower in a vase. It struck him as odd, as he knew Yue would never leave a flower in such a state on the table.

The only logical conclusion he could draw was that she must have been preoccupied with caring for her father at the hospital.

Just then, he heard a noise as the room knob turned and Yue emerged. She appeared noticeably thinner than before.

As she gazed at the attractive man before her, she could sense his animosity.

Yes, he despised her, and all she could manage was a polite smile in return.

However, his expression remained unchanged as his cold eyes bore into her when he spoke, "Where were you?"

He asked.

"No need for that," she scoffed as she settled into the chair, a hint of defiance in her voice.

"Hmm," was the only response she received from him, but she hadn't expected anything more.

"Here, I've already signed the divorce papers, Zhou," she stated, holding out the document for him to take.

Zhou wasted no time in snatching the papers from her hand, his expression unreadable.

"Not only that, but there's a condition. You'll have to give me 20 million dollars," 

Yue added, her tone firm and unwavering.

"I was curious about why you're divorcing me now; it seems like it's all about the money. Well, I'll take care of it," he said mockingly, grinning at her.

"Whatever," Yue replied.

Zhou became very angry and slapped her in the face, leaving a bruise.

Yue held her cheeks in shock. "Why did you slap me, you monster?" she thundered.

Just at that moment, a sudden phone call disrupted their conversation, causing Zhou to quickly answer the phone. 

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry to bother you, but Zhen is not doing well. He has a high fever of 103 degrees, and I didn't want to worry you, but I think we need to take him to the doctor," Mei explained urgently.

Upon hearing this news, Yue's expression darkened with anger.

"Please go to the hospital first, I will join you later. Please don't worry," Zhou reassured before ending the call.

Yue, overcome with emotion, remarked, "You named him after our own child," tears streaming down her face.

"I can't believe, you would name your illegitimate child after our precious one. Ahhhh!!" she screamed in anguish.

"Listen, Yue, you have always been utterly useless to me, so just stay out of my business," Zhou said with a piercing glare directed at Yue.

"Hahaha, I used to believe that I was the one at fault, that I was the mistake that led you to cheat on me. 

"But now, seeing you so content with my sister, it's clear that both of you betrayed me. 

And not only that, but you also took the life of our child," Yue said, her voice breaking as she struggled to contain her emotions.

Zhou was fed up with Yue's constant complaints and drama, so he just hissed in response. 

Yue quickly blocked his path, snatched the divorce papers, and ripped them in half before piecing them back together.

"Let's see how you'll marry her now," Yue said, her eyes filled with anger.

"You!! What have you done, you bastard?" Zhou asked, furious.

I did what I believe is right," she replied as she distanced herself from him.

However, Zhou slapped her and forcefully pushed her to the ground in a fit of anger. Yue landed on a glass vase, injuring her hands.

Without a second glance, Zhou departed.

The maids swiftly and efficiently tended to her injuries, showing care and concern for her well-being. In a matter of moments, her phone began to ring, and one of the maids promptly retrieved it for her.

Upon glancing at the caller ID, she immediately recognized the number as belonging to Jungkook, the individual she deeply admired and respected. 

He had previously cautioned her against marrying Zhou, a warning she had initially disregarded.

Despite her admiration, she harbored a strong aversion towards him, feeling a deep-seated animosity towards him.

However, at this moment, she no longer felt the same way. 

She finally comprehended the reason behind his request for her to make a choice between him and her Zhou. 

Regrettably, she had blindly heeded her sister's counsel and opted for Zhou. 

Consequently, all her possessions were now under Zhou's control. 

Despite her apprehension, she found herself answering the phone call almost instinctively.

"Hey Yue, it's been quite a while since we last connected. Would you be open to catching up and having a chat, my dear?" he inquired with a sense of nostalgia in his voice.

Yue let out a deep sigh as memories flooded back to her about how her father had arranged her marriage with this man. 

She couldn't help but reflect on the choices she had made that led her down this path.

She had willingly plunged herself into a world of turmoil and regret, a decision that now weighed heavily on her heart. 

It was a bitter realization that she had been naive and easily swayed by the words of her sister.

In the end, she had no one to blame but herself for the predicament she found herself in.

It was a harsh truth that she had to come to terms with as she contemplated the consequences of her actions.

They were not twins, but rather Mei was two years older than Yue. 

Despite their parents treating them equally, Mei harbored jealousy towards Yue and always wanted whatever Yue had.

"Yue, can you hear me? Is everything okay? Did that bastard harm you, dear? Please talk to me."