
Reincarnated To Capture Your Heart, Jungkook: Love And Revenge.

Seastar_222 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Getting a divorce 1.

"Yueying Chen, the results are in. If the surgery is successful, the five-year survival rate for a 3A malignant tumor is 13 to 15 percent." 

I took a deep breath and clutched the straps of my bag tightly, feeling my face drain of color at the news.

Clearing my throat, I looked at Jianwei and asked, "What is the prognosis if I choose not to undergo the surgery?"

"Six months to a year. It varies for each individual, but in your situation, it would be advisable to undergo two rounds of chemotherapy before considering surgery. This approach will help reduce the risk of tumor progression or metastasis." 

I nodded in agreement, scratching my neck before biting my lips to speak. 

"Thank you."

"Yue, there is absolutely no need for you to express gratitude towards me. I have the capability to promptly facilitate your admission to the hospital if necessary." He assured. 

"Thank you for your offer, but I have made the decision not to seek medical treatment at this time. I do not believe I have the strength to endure the process." I responded.

Jianwei was on the verge of speaking when I cut him off.

"Please, do me a favor and keep this to yourself. I don't want my family to start worrying," I requested, aware that it would only add to the stress. 

With the Chen dynasty facing bankruptcy and me already shouldering my father's medical expenses, this news would only make things more difficult. It's best to keep it under wraps for now.

Jianwei sighed and shook his head.

"I promise not to tell anyone, Yueying. But what about your husband? I heard..."

I raised my hands to stop him from saying anything more.

"Jianwei, please look after my father. I have to leave."

I muttered as I quickly exited the hospital.

I had become ill and my husband was not by my side; I assumed he was preoccupied enjoying himself with his business or perhaps with his new wife.

I imagined that gossip about me leaving university and getting married was spreading rapidly. A former top medical student like myself had plummeted from success to utter despair.

I sighed.

 ∆ ∆

I found myself in a bewildering situation, seemingly pushed into the pool by an unseen force, only to discover that my sister Mei was unexpectedly pregnant. The identity of the father remained a mystery at that moment. As Mei accidentally fell into the pool, I was taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

In a moment of panic, I called out for Zhou to come to my rescue, but fate played a cruel twist. Instead of coming to my aid, he rushed to save my sister. The irony of the situation was not lost on me, although I harbored no ill will towards him for choosing to help Mei.

I am his wife, pregnant with his child for goodness' sake. Yet, there he was, Savin Mei, leaving me in the pool to fend for myself.

Yes, that's right, but luckily the guards rescued me and quickly took me to the hospital.

Mei and I went into premature labor, but by the time we sought help, it was too late and I had missed the best opportunity for treatment.

The devastating loss of my baby in my womb left me shattered. 

Despite the grief, I found myself facing another heartbreak when, just seven days after the tragedy, Zhou unexpectedly asked for a divorce. In my vulnerable state, I initially dismissed his request, hoping it was a passing whim.

However, Zhou persisted in his pursuit of a divorce, causing me great distress. 

My emotions and attachment to him clouded my judgment, leading me to resist his pleas for separation, as I was not prepared to let go of our relationship.

You can label me as a coward, but that's not my concern.

 ∆ ∆

Clutching my phone tightly in my hand, I mustered the courage to dial his number. 

The call abruptly disconnected, but I didn't give up. 

I dialed his number again, and this time he answered. 

His voice, once sweet and husky, now sounded cold and distant as he spoke to me.

"Yueying, if this isn't about the divorce, please refrain from calling me. I have no intention of seeing you," he said icily, his words cutting through me like a knife.

I fought back tears, swallowing the pain of his rejection and the weight of my illness that I couldn't bring myself to share with him.

Just then, I heard my sister's voice on the phone, saying, "Zhou, it's time for the pediatric check-up."

Tears that I had been holding back for so long streamed down my face. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. My baby was gone, and my family was falling apart and ruined.

But here he was, with a family and a child. 

Perhaps it was time to put an end to this suffering, to let go of the past and embrace whatever the future held. 

After all, what was left to fight for when my own life was hanging by a thread?

Yes, the end seemed inevitable, a release from the torment that had plagued me for so long. 

I would soon meet my fate, and in that final moment, perhaps I would find peace.

Or maybe not.

"Zhou, I think it's time for us to consider getting a divorce," I stated firmly, trying to mask any hint of vulnerability in my voice.

There was a brief silence before Zhou burst into laughter. "What kind of game are you playing, Yueying? Don't try to manipulate me," he retorted.

As his words stung, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. 

'So now I'm the one playing games,' I thought to myself, mustering a weak smile.

With a cold tone, I finally responded, "

I'll be waiting for you at home." I hung up the phone and leaned against the wall, feeling a mix of emotions wash over me.

Why is this happening to me?

Why me?

I didn't do anything wrong.

Was loving him the worst mistake?

I sobbed, "Ahhhh 😭," then quickly dried my tears.

Upon arriving home at noon, I promptly took a shower and put on my nicest outfit. Zhou had taken all my jewelry and some of my expensive clothes.

I knew exactly who he was giving them to.