
Reincarnated: One Piece

Jepahitei · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

I lay on my back, feeling the soft grass tickling my skin, as I gazed up at the endless expanse of the sky. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon, and the sky was painted with shades of orange, pink, and purple.

For a while, I simply lay there, lost in the beauty of it all. I watched as the clouds drifted lazily by, their shapes constantly shifting and changing. A flock of birds flew overhead, their calls filling the air.

As the sky darkened, the stars began to appear, one by one, until the entire sky was filled with glittering pinpricks of light. I searched for familiar constellations, tracing their shapes with my finger.

I felt at peace, as if the worries of the world had melted away, and all that was left was the beauty and wonder of the universe. It was a moment of pure serenity.

As I gazed out over the rolling hills, a streak of light caught my attention. At first, I thought it was a shooting star, but as it grew larger, I realized it was something far more ominous.

The meteor hurtled towards the earth at breakneck speed, leaving a trail of smoke and fire in its wake. I scrambled to my feet, my heart pounding in my chest, as I watched the fiery ball slam into the ground with a deafening roar.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, the world exploded.

The blast was so powerful that it knocked me off my feet and sent me tumbling down the hillside. When I finally came to a stop, I was battered, bruised, and covered in dirt and debris.

As I looked up, I saw that everything around me had been destroyed. Trees lay toppled, the ground was scorched and blackened, and the air was thick with smoke and dust.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore was the first thing Nero heard as he opened his eyes. Everything was blurry and he felt disoriented. He tried to move his arms and legs but they wouldn't obey him. He looked down and realized that he was wrapped in a white cloth, like a mummy. He tried to scream but no sound came out. Panic started to rise in him. Where was he? What was happening to him?

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him. He looked up and saw a massive figure standing over him. The man was huge, at least three times Nero's size. He had a muscular body covered in tattoos, long black hair, and piercing eyes that seemed to penetrate Nero's soul. Nero felt a shiver down his spine.

The man picked him up, holding him with one hand, as if he weighed nothing. Nero tried to struggle but it was useless. He was completely powerless in front of this giant. The man looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"Another trouble, Worororo" the man laughed, his voice deep and rough.

Nero tried to say something, but he still couldn't make a sound. He felt frustrated and scared. The man chuckled and squeezed a fruit in his hand. Juice dripped from the fruit and went into Nero's mouth. The taste was strange, like a mixture of sour and sweet. Nero felt a sudden surge of energy running through his body.

"That's a devil fruit," the man said, "It will give you powers beyond your wildest dreams."

Nero looked at him, confused. He didn't understand what the man was talking about. Devil fruit? Powers?

Suddenly, his memories felt resurfacing, as his face became clearer to him. In fact, Now he knew him well, He was Kaido, the strongest creature in the world.

"Worororo," he said, "Don't dissapoint me."

Nero felt a chill down his spine. He scanned though the surroudnng, and could see he felt numb, and his body small. He was now a kid.

'I just died, and why kaido of all people.'

Nero was still in shock from meeting Kaido, the most feared pirate in the world. He had been given a devil fruit and named by this massive man, who claimed to be his father. Nero didn't know what to think, and the world seemed like a scary and unfamiliar place.

But then, someone else entered the room. It was a woman with long white hair, wearing a kimono. She walked towards him and picked him up, holding him close to her chest. She looked at him with kind eyes, and Nero felt a sudden warmth in his heart.

"Hello, little one," she said, "My name is Yamato. I'm Kaido's daughter."

Nero looked at her in surprise. Kaido had a daughter? He had never heard of her before. He felt a little bit more relaxed in her arms, as if she was a familiar presence in this strange world.