

The evidence was enough to close the case; Dr. Ziegler had commited suicide because of the rather large and disturbingly shaped tumor that had been eating away at his brain. The fact that Wojciechowski was going to die and unable to continue his research had taken all of Dr. Zieglers hope away; and when he'd been able to employ Wojciechowski to try, he'd quickly lost hope after nobody found a solution. In addition, his past sorrows of his wife's death and the current situation he was in; Auchschwitz, added to his misery. 

The Lagerführer didn't question why Werner sat in a chair in the corner of the room, slightly stooped over. He barely even noticed him. There was no apology to Wojciechowski, but the two were cleared of all charges and Werner was awarded a curt nodd from the Lagerführer, one he didn't see of course. When the Nazis had paraded out again Wojciechowski almost collapsed due to the exhaustion and stress. Nikolai came back inside, he'd been waiting a little ways away, and once he saw the Lagerführer march past he slipped inside.

"How does it look with Werner, is he alright?"

"He's alive, yes. But I can't tell how much harm the surgery did him. I think it would be best if we could get him to Warsaw."

"By when?"

"As soon as possible." 

"Is a week to long?" Nikolai asked. He was sure that a week would be too long, but he asked anyway.

"Yes. It should be later today, maybe tomorrow. Otherwise risk of infection spreading through his brain is very severe." 

"If it could wait a week I could take him to Konstanz. My family is currently there and I have permission to take a leave, I could drag him with me, say that he wanted to meet my family..."

"Can't you move up the holiday?"

"Leave today? If I find a reason..."

"How about this; your daughter is very sick, you'd be happy if Werner could come with; for emotional support, security and because he's an apprentice here."

"That might work." Nikolai's eyes lit up. "I'll just have to go to the Lagerführer himself. In fact I'll go right now."

"I don't think you want to, it's three in the morning, Joseph won't be happy, he values his rest very much." Wojciechowski warned. 

"And I value my friends life." With that said Nikolai paraded out of the room, not unlike the fashion that the Lagerführer had. He had found a way to make it alright, to help Killy! 

The Lagerführer did in fact, value his sleep very much. He got terribly angry when people woke him up for anything that wasn't of complete importance. The knock on the door of his house annoyed him. But he hadn't been able to sleep anyway. He threw a coat over his pjamas and headed to the door. He opened it cautiously, unsure of who it was. 

To his surprise it was Nikolai. "What do you want here?" He asked bitterly. But deep inside he was glad that Nikolai had come, it had been a stressfull couple of days and he could use a lover. 

"I want to ask something of you."

"Come inside." So the Lagerführer invited his friend and enemy inside, shutting the door behind him. "It's gotten even colder." He muttered. "You can keep your shoes on, the floor is very cold."

"Thank you."

"Would you like some tea, or something else to drink?"

"No. Actually I am in a hurry. See, my daughter is sick." He started. He didn't have to pretend; to him Werner was like a son, and Werner was sick. He needed a proper hospital. "I scheduled a trip to see my family in a week from now, could I move it upwards and go now?"

"I don't see why that would be a problem." The Lagerführer said with a smile. But his heart sank; he didn't want Nikolai to go. Not then. Not when he yearned for his embrace the most. 

"And I want to take Werner with me. He's a doctor, or at least an assistant, and in case there aren't any medical resources there, I want to have my own aid."

"Is your daughter so sick?"


"Well, you shouldn't come in contact with her then."

"Listen, Joseph, you have a son too! You know that you'd do anything to keep them safe! I will be carefull, you can test me for smallpox after, I don't care. But I need to be by my daughter." 

"Fine." The Lagerführer said after a second of silence. Nikolai had played his part well, the Lagerführer was convinced of his daughters illness. "But I expect you to be back before long." 

"Thank you, Joseph. I'll need a paper, to show the guards..."

So the Lagerführer wrote a note and handed it to Nikolai who pocketed it. As Nikolai was about to turn to go the Lagerführer reached out and touched his arm. "I hope your daughter is alright." He said sincerely. And in that moment Nikolai realized that the twisted man really did care about him, he smiled weakly and nodded his head.

"Thank you, Joseph."