
Reincarnated Magus

The MC of this story is Atesh. He was born in a world of magic and as a child, he dreamed to be a Magus, a title given to the greatest mage. He lived with this dream until the age when his affinity was tested so that he could pursue his ambition and dream. Fate was a cruel lady. Atesh wasn't destinated to be a Magus. The result during the affinity testing shocked him to no extend. As a result, he blacked out. But, deep inside him, there was a thing that was more powerful than the wicked fate, the desire and revenge in his soul. He being blacked out made this caged soul, come out. This changed the life of the normal boy called Atesh and changed his fate to die. Who or what was that thing? What happened to Atesh? What was the result of affinity test? Read the novel to find out. Follow me, the author, in this wonderful adventure of the new Atesh as he paves a name of his own in the world and the universe, uncovering secrets of the world, getting revenge and much more... ________________________ Author here, Hi, This is my first novel. So, please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. To contact me Discord me at NanotechPikachu#6406 For ideas, queries etc Plz, be patient enough to read this poor soul's book. I am not writing this book for money. I would like if you donate to me. If you didn't also, it's not a problem. Discord link https://discord.gg/keCdeXMpGJ Plz do join and make it s,uccessful! ______________ This book cover is created by me with the help of Mathepid. So, credit to her. Thnx ___________________________

NanotechPikachu · Fantasy
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141 Chs

Chapter 35: Ancients


This chapter is about the world and a secret powerhouse. I hope you don't skip it. It may look like fragments, but it's just different realms and time-space!


Let the academy part be left behind...



The world of Eren wasn't only a magical world, it was also a well-developed technology world.

Due to mana, only some people use cars and other vehicles which are run by storing the user's mana.

Why take the risk when you could fly controlling the mana?

There was also a talisman that can help to contact other people by phone.

One of the things, which was least famous was a VR helmet.

It was used to practice spells in VR to not cause damage to surroundings.

But, who wants the fuck? It was very expensive and also the control was absurd.

It was just a waste of money!


Everyone believes that the Gods are the most powerful people!

Even the existence of God's known by a few on this planet. They are the royal family, some high-level officers, academy heads, and family heads of some powerful families!

But….. There exist a force more powerful than they called…...ANCIENTS!

The existence of the Ancients is only known by a few gods-high gods and goddesses including chaos. Other low gods don't even know about them, and act mighty!

Ancients are a group of people who have achieved perfect control in universal laws like karma, fate, space, time, etc.

No god can defeat them. Even the galaxy consciousness cannot defeat them!

Speaking of galaxy consciousness. It is a person or correctly a consciousness that is in human form. It has the power to control all planets under it. It can easily kill a God!

But they can be defeated by the Ancients. Such powerful they were!

Only the Ancients could talk with them freely and take a decision. Every major change that happens in a galaxy must undergo the permission of the galaxy's consciousness.

Back to Ancients…..

Ancients are secluded beings that do not come into the light until something that changes history or breaks universal laws happens!

The last time they came out was when Chaos was born. His birth was the breaking of universal laws and till now they couldn't do anything about it.

The ancients lived on a special planet. They also controlled some planets whose citizens are like the ones they like on Eren's planet - a normal mage or Magus.

These were the planets where change was going to happen!!!!!

Ancients are the people who had mastered all the elements and comprehended the laws of nature. But each of them would have a perfect comprehension of only one law!

No one can do more than that. The strength of them depends on which law they comprehend!

The most powerful of the Ancients was the Fate Controller. He was named as such due to his perfect comprehension of Fate.

He could control his fate and of others and make them due or suffer as per his will.

But… Everything has a limit. One can use the laws only up to a limit, if they cross it, they will receive a harsh penalty.

The penalty was extremely harsh for the most powerful ones like Fate, Karma, etc.

No one didn't know the harsh penalty cuz they didn't try to do so until 'that' happened.

The Ancients came to know the penalty when they saw the Fate Controller suffer it. He died as a result!

Why did he use fate too much?

There was a war going on between all the other ancients and Fate Controller. He said something all others didn't like and so Rey raged a war against him.

Due to his fate-controlling powers, he was successful in defeating them. But, he overused his powers and ended up suffering the penalty which is his death!

He died due to the penalty and no one knows if his soul is still alive or not. The only thing remaining of him is a sword named [Vajra Black, Maya] - the sword he kept till the end of his life.

Right before he died, he dug his sword into the ground. No one has ever succeeded in pulling out the sword! The sword was just standing as if waiting for its owner to come and take it back.


In the place where the galaxy consciousness resided…..

A man who looked in his mid-40s appeared.

In front of him was a gorgeous lady wearing a red dress that couldn't do anything to her hide her perfect curves!

This was the galaxy consciousness in human form.

"What do you want?" GC asked in a cold voice.

(AN: GC-Galaxy consciousness)

"Do you accept what we talked about yesterday?" The man who was one of the Ancients asked her without a tinge of fear.

The lady who was leaving a fearsome aura of power responded

"Okay. Since Fate Controller is dead, it will not be a problem. If he wasn't, he wouldn't allow it!"

The man nodded and asked

"When do we start our plan? How much will it take?"

"It will take about a week for it to be implemented in the whole galaxy. Even though I have mana, it's still hard to cover the whole galaxy which is the largest of all! As of when will I start, hmmm….. Tomorrow is the start"

The man nodded as he vanished from his place.

The gorgeous lady looked at the place where the man departed and muttered...

"I know you're alive, my dearie. I will make you remember!!!"


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At least tell that -"This is the worst book" . Plz do comment about my book. :sad:

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