
Reincarnated into Tokyo Ghoul with my Sister

Some times I had always wondered what would it be like in the world of Tokyo ghoul. Well, I guess I got to experience it.

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5 Chs

Mask, and First Fight

Its been about a month since Rize and my sister decided to proclaim their love to me. Well, it was more like my sister did it then Rize, but a mans gotta dream,even if it can label me as a pedo.

"Ren, get the door would you?" Matasaka said to me while we ate at the dinner table. Although it was unsettling at first to eat a human, I got use to it. The flexible mind was a good choice.

And for anyone complaining about why I would choose that, cause its more useful, and also, it can still allow me to get the RC cells that I need as a ghoul.

I get up from the floor and went down the hall to the door. This house is freaking huge when you think about. Like, god damn, the Japanese were hardcore back then.

Anyways, I open the door, to see Uta there. This is a shocker. I thought he would have just shipped it.

"Oh, hello there. I decided to give you those personal, seeing as you and your sister are a little bit of a special case." Uta says, before passing me a box that he was holding.

I look at the box at first, and then take it from him. "Thanks, do you want to see me wear it?"

"No need, and plus, I have to much work to do. Anyways, if you need any help on anything with the mask, you know where my shop is." He says, before turning and walking away, waving.

I look at the box again. It would be an understatement if I didn't think getting a mask is cool, I just hella hoped it was cool looking.

I take the box back to the dinning room, and decided to open it after dinner, but I didn't forgot to tell matasaka that it was the masks, and not a bomb. You would think a badass like matasaka wouldn't ask that kind of question, but you learn everyday I guess.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" My sister groaned, feeling the wind go through her hair as we sit on the top of one of the many buildings in Tokyo.

I have to say, it's quite colorful sitting on a building dead in the night of Tokyo. Although, with me and my sisters hearing, you can just hear the faint screams of someone getting eaten alive. Really brightens the mood doesn't it.

"So, what do you want to do now that were outside? I doubt you wanted to live the life right now?" My sister asked as she turns toward me.

"I want to test my strength. Although fighting a ghoul would be the best, I wouldn't mind fighting a Dove."

The masks we have on are the ones Solace had in the game. It was just longer, reaching down to our chins, but it was still cool in my opinion.

"Wouldn't fighting a Dove be dangerous? That could indirectly make the Nest come after us."

I paused for bit, taking in the scenery. "It could very well lead to that, but getting some attention could also prove to have benefits. I wonder what ghoul name I would gain from it."

My sister giggles, "I'm guessing the most important thing to you is the name? Though, I do wonder what kind of name we would gain from it."

As we just talked on the building, I pick up something..... Running? I shouldn't be able to hear running from this high up. I wonde-


SHIT! What the hell was that?!

I look for my sister to see if she's hurt, but she's ok, for now that is.

Still, what the hell was tha-


I managed to duck under the attack of a sword like weapon because of my height and my reflexes as a ghoul.

As soon as the weapon was drawn back, I jump back as fast as I can, trying my best to see what just tried to kill me.

"Hm? Oh, that's different."

What the fuck.

As the smoke cleared, I see a man standing in the cracked area on the building that we were standing on. I'm not going to dwell on his appearance, but the only thing you should know is the white trench coat he was wearing, and the sword like weapon in his hand that seemed to be pulsating an orange glow.

Didn't expect that, but a wild Dove has appeared! This feels like Pokémon.

Sis, can you leave? I want to fight this guy to get a good feeling of my power.

'Understood, if you need help, don't forgot to ask!'

She then escapes into the night.

"By your height, I can tell that your a kid. I never imagined to see a ghoul child to be here. I doubt this is going to be hard"

Oh, are you approaching me?

I let out my kagune, and I can tell that the Dove is frightened. It's all over his face, but he gets he cool back.

"Jeasus.... I really need to take you out now don't I? You could easily become a threat with that abomination of a kagune."

I don't say anything, and instead attack with my Ukaku.

He just drills his great sword quinque and used it as a shield.

While he does that, I begin to charge towards him. When I get into range, I use my rinkaku to go around the sword to attack the Dove, while my bikaku to hammer the sword into the building, rendering it useless to him.

I managed to pierce him on his sides, making him incapacitated.

I stop my rush, and jump onto the handle of the great sword, and look at the Dove by controlling my rinkaku to come in front of me.

I successfully pierced his sides, and he has some wounds on his top half from the Ukaku blast in the beginning. All in all, a quick and easy fight.

"So...*Cough* are you analyzing me...? That's... *Cough* Fucked up..."

.... What the hell am I doing?

"Why are you jumping around the rooftops? Don't most of you Doves stay on the ground?"

"Hehe.... We "Doves" as you call us, have different *Cough* ways of doing things..."

Well, it's highly unlikely that I will get an information from him, the best I can do is make his death quick.

As soon as the i thought that, my bikaku launches itself straight into his heart, puncturing it, and giving a quick death.

My first kill. Although not as hard as I would have thought, it proved to be.... interesting I guess.

I remove my rinkaku from his sides, and lie him down on the building. I use my kokaku to create an arm and look through his pockets, and after I do, I reap my rewards.

A wallet.

I take the wallet, and look through it. Some cash, and ID card for the CCG with his rank, which is senior investigator, which was a surprise, and a photo.

The photo is of a man, a woman, and three kids. I can already tell that the man in this photo is the man I just killed.

I need to steel my heart damnit. This is going to happen, I'm going to ruin family's apart. Whether it's by purpose, or in self-defense, but it still doesn't mean it doesn't make my stomach quizzy.

I take the photo out of the wallet, walk to the man, and lay it down his body. Although not the best way to send someone off, it's something that I will do for the guy.


Ya, I'm done.

'What's up? You don't sound all to good.'

Just feeling a bit quizzy from my first kill.

'Alright, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here~'

It's fine, I'm good.

You know, I don't think I would have made it very far without my sister with me her. She's basically become my emotionally support dog.

Though, as my first every kill every, I guess I should keep a momento to remember him.

I took out the wallet, and look around it until I find a name.

Kenji Haruto, you well always be remember as a father, husband, and my first kill.