
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime und Comics
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79 Chs


I walked to Professor Magnolia's house from the town of Wedgehurst which was on the outskirts of town, roughly a twenty-minute walk. Arriving there I see a decently sized two-story house overlooking a lake to its left, a garden in the front, and a forest in the back of it. It reminded me of a US southern house painted white as its esthetics were old Western style. 

Running around the garden were several Skwovet and Rookidee that made it a home. They all looked up at Leo and me, with no nervousness, and continued about their day ignoring us. We walked up to the front door and I knocked, after a minute the door opened revealing a young woman around my age. 

The young woman was beautiful, with strawberry-blonde hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin that looked like porcelain from the perfect complexion of it. She was wearing a brown fancy coat, a dark blue blouse underneath the jacket, light blue skin-tight jeans, and stylish dark teal boots. 

"Can I help you?" the young woman says looking between Leo and me as her Yamper looks at Leo with wide nervous eyes. 

"I'm here to see Professor Magnolia, she should be expecting me. I'm Trainer Lucas," I say to her and she nods her head confused for a second. 

"Grandma, are you expecting someone?!" the young woman says shouting into the house. 

"No!... Wait, yes… Hold on!" I hear Professor Magnolia shout back before she eventually walks to the front door. 

Professor Magnolia was a woman around Professor Oak's age, with greying light brown hair, light green eyes, and the same pale skin as the young woman. Professor Magnolia was using a cane to help her walk, as her back was slightly hunched from age, wearing a light yellow summer dress and a white lab coat over it. Professor Magnolia also had thin wire glasses and a necklace that had a gem in it radiating power from it. 

'That gem in her necklace… it's a piece from Eternatus,' Giratina says to me sensing the power coming from the necklace. 

"You're Professor Oak's student, right? Lucas Brinton?" Professor Magnolia says to me while giving me a scrutinizing look. 

"Yes, I just had a few questions for you about your research in Dynamax," I say to her nodding my head and offering my hand in greeting which she ignores. 

"Fine come in," Professor Magnolia turned around and motioned for me to enter her home. 

"By the way, this is my Grandaughter Sonia, Sonia this is Trainer Lucas, Professor Oak's student," Professor Magnolia says walking into her kitchen. 

"Nice to meet you," I say shaking the hand of Sonia who I now remember from my past life. 

"Nice to meet you too… Do you really work with Professor Oak? That's awesome!" Sonia says as her grandmother grunts in annoyance hearing her.

"Sonia, be a dear and get us some tea while we talk," Professor Magnolia says dismissing her grandaughter who nods her head happily before walking off. 

"Just to be clear, I'm not giving you specific details of my research. It took me most of my life to discover what I did and I'm sure as hell not about to give it up to anyone. Not even Professor Oak," Professor Magnolia says to me with narrowed eyes as I nod my head to this grouchy old woman. 

"That's fine, I was more curious about how you came to discover this anyway. And please don't give me the false story you gave to the public. I'm well aware that this involves an ancient Pokémon," I say to her before she can tell me what I looked into before coming here. 

"Fine… I can tell you that atleast. A lifetime ago, our region was one of the poorest barely scrapping by and really only an outpost of the League to tame new land. Though I'm sure you are aware of that being a part of the Exploration Unit… Anyway, I was with a team who were exploring the ancient forest of Slumbering Weald, which for some reason to this day still has a permanent fog," Professor Magnolia says as Sonia comes back placing several tea cups and a teapot on the table. Sonia then takes a seat too interested in what we are talking about. 

"As we were wandering the forest, we came across an ancient temple deep inside of the forest. There we found two symbols above the entrance, one a Sword and one a shield. Inside the temple we found what is now used to this day to Dynamax Pokémon, an ancient gem not of this earth," Professor Magnolia says while taking off her necklace and handing it to me. 

"Then as we took the gem, two huge Pokémon attacked us. I barely escaped with my life, however, my team wasn't so lucky. I was the only survivor, we sent more teams out to find thier bodies and the temple we found. However, we could find neither the bodies nor the temple, even to this day we have not found the temple or anyone's remains if they venture too far into the forest," Professor Magnolia says to me with sadness in her eyes and I can see she is telling me the truth. 

"This gem… This gem led to my research into Dynamaxing Pokémon. I won't give you the details, but there is an energy that radiates from the gem and the others we have found through the years that allows Pokémon to Dynamax. With my tool, I made we were able to harness the energy to help our Pokémon become even stronger," Professor Magnolia says to me as Sonia shows the wristband she is wearing which allows her to Dynamax her Pokémon. 

"I see… I'm sorry you had to lose your team like that," I say to her as she gives me a dismissing head shake. 

"That was years ago, I've come to terms with past mistakes years ago," Professor Magnolia says to me as I nod my head. 

"My next question is this… Do you think it is possible to use these… gems as an alternative energy resource?" I say to her with a curious look as both she and Sonia give thoughtful looks. 

"During my time alive, I learned that many things are possible… Though it would take most of the gems we discovered just to power Wyndon by itself, let alone the whole region or more," Professor Magnolia says to me, confirming my belief that the governor has found Eternatus already. 

"Thank you for answering my questions," I say standing up and finishing my tea before taking my leave. 

"That's all the questions you have?!" Professor Magnolia says surprised at my lack of prying into her research. 

"Yes, why did you have more to tell me?" I say to her confused. 

"I'm sure surprised you didn't try to find out more about my research into Dynamax or how I utilize the energy from the gems to enhance our Pokémon," Professor Magnolia says to me with a surprised look. 

"Not to be rude, but I'm not that interested in that information. Plus I respect a researcher's need to not give up certain information. However, I will say this, those gems are not gems but pieces of an ancient and very powerful Pokémon. One that could spell disaster not only to the region but the whole world. I fear that someone might be researching a way to use this Pokémon and in the process release it," I say to them as Professor Magnolia's face darkens taking note of my information, while Sonia looks very nervous. 

"Seems you know more about the gems than I originally figured. I already knew they came from an ancient Pokémon, but no one knows which Pokémon that is. And if they somehow found it, only a fool would consider taming it or using it," Professor Magnolia says to me with a serious face. 

"Some people can't look at the bigger picture, especially if it means they can achieve what they originally set out to achieve," I say to her as she nods her head while thinking about my words. 

"Before I leave, can I ask you to reach out to me should you hear of any word about someone using this ancient Pokémon," I say to her handing her my business card which has Expedition Rank, my phone number on it, and my Trainer Rank. 

"Will do," Professor Magnolia says to me as I take my leave. 

'Now, we might have to break into the governor's residence or his company's headquarters. As he might be housing Eternatus in the basement there,' I say to Giratina who remains quiet for a few minutes as we talk back to town. 

'Hold off for now… It might be best to let Eternatus wake up. Then we can swoop in and relock them into their prison. That way we can get more fame and the world on our side,' Giratina says to me as I sigh. 

'Why are we trying to expose Arceus again, what good would that do? It's not like everyone knows they really exist, let alone care,' I say back confused at Giratina's long-term goal. 

'Because once the world sees Arceus for the uncaring creator they are, it will finally let the world begin to heal. The other ancient Pokémon or legendaries as they called them in your other life, will finally be able to do their jobs without fear of retaliation from Arceus. Once they can do their jobs, the world can finally reach harmony and both Pokémon and mankind can live side by side without fear, hatred, and abuse,' Giratina says explaining to me thier plan. 

'This world is desperate for the balance it was originally meant to have, but Arceus is content with letting the world slowly destroy itself. While holding back from letting the legendaries do their jobs of balancing the world and making sure remains in balance. I know that sounds like they would control everything, but that is not the case. They simply would ensure natural resources go properly used and coexistence is ensured,' Giratina says to me as I go quiet thinking about it. 

'We are almost at the halfway point of this journey. The moment you step away from the journey is the moment this world spirals into a one of death and destruction much like the one you once lived in,' Giratina says to me. 

'I'm not backing out now, I'm already this far in and I trust you. From what we discovered and seen, I can understand your point of view. However, I'm worried that once we complete it, it will make people feel like they are being controlled and forced to live a life they did not choose. I don't want to be a dictator,' I say with worry that this path might lead to a worse scenario than Giratina expects. 

'People are already controlled are they not? By the League, the companies who lobby the League, and others who control them from the shadows of power like Team Rocket and other criminal organizations. Existence runs on control and the ignorance or choice to believe one is free. The control we are offering is to ensure balance and that the world can continue without the destruction and suffering of its inhabitants due to greed,' Giratina says to me and I steel my resolve. 

'A part of me feels this is wrong, but I can see the logic in your argument. As I said, I've already started this path, I will finish it regardless of the outcome,' I say and at that moment I feel the connection between Giratina and I finally become complete. 

'I'm glad, as you can feel. You can now call me into this world, however, the moment you do Arceus will be alerted, so we must wait until the perfect moment,' Giratina says to me and then I teleport myself back home.