
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

Ctrlaltpgup · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

20 Suzuka Gozen (2)

In the middle of the night, Otto is relieved that he is alone in the room at the shrine.

The room was quite spacious for a single guest to sleep in, but he didn't mind as it had been a while since he could sleep in a clean environment.

Since he didn't get physically tired, so he didn't have to sleep. He now treats sleeping as some sort of meditation to clear his mind, because he would still get mentally tired, and this became his weakness.

"haah—..." The night was quiet, as Suzuka Shrine is located in an elevated area. So few animals made a noise, as only the breeze of the mountain winds against the leaves sounded through, making a serene atmosphere...

As Otto slowly closed his eyes, not to sleep but to concentrate on training his master over his Cursed Energy, to achieve Reverse Cursed Technique.

'Negative emotions are the foundations of cursed energy. I also started to remember that everyone had a cursed energy. *sigh* even though I've been using cursed energy for 2 weeks now, I still haven't seen a single cursed spirit, which I find very strange...'

Otto thought that normally cursed spirits would swarm around places where there are a lot of negative energies, take a cemetery for example. That place had caused a lot of grief, sadness, and regret, whenever they mourn over the dead.

'I've even bogged the question on how do I increase my cursed energy output, since it doesn't seem to increase, no matter how hard I tried. Unlike magic that could be increased just by simply exhausting myself with just releasing or using mana.'

Though he already has a higher Cursed Energy output than ordinary Sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen, he still thinks he needs more to fully utilize the amount of Curse Energy he has, since he is like a huge tank with a tiny hole to release the water.

Other than making a binding vow to himself by restricting 'something' to increase his output, there weren't many options he could choose.

Otto was so deep in his concentration, that he couldn't even sense Suzuka entering the room quietly.

"ooo— he looks so cute while sleeping." She mumbled while looking at Otto's face.

"Heheh— it makes me want to corrupt this innocent little boy~" Suzuka licked her lips like she was watching her prey quietly.

She slowly traced his chest with her finger, before Otto instinctively swatted her hand as he thought it was a fly.

"Ow." Her hand stung from his casual slap.

"I guess the kid is gifted with physical prowess..." Suzuka mutters while pouting as her hand still stings.

"I can't believe this kid is just 10 years old." Just as she watched over him like, watching a newborn baby.

But not until Otto started to surround himself with a small barrier made of cursed energy.

"???" Suzuka looked confused as to why he was releasing, what she perceived as malevolent energy.

She was conflicted on whether or not she should wake him up, as there was a possibility that the energy would go rampant instead of calming down.

At this moment Otto had gained an insight and is now able to perform a simple domain. Which surrounds the user with a cursed energy barrier to protect them from outside forces like attacks.

Meanwhile, Suzuka was panicking as Otto's Simple Domain was getting stronger by the second.

'What should I do!? Even though I'm a shrine Maiden here, I don't know how to exorcize curses or do purification things. The only thing I know is that I can just kill them... But what's happening to the kid is a different matter altogether.' She couldn't just kill the kid, could she?

Having no options for Suzuka, she reaches out to wake him up. But just as the moment she entered his Simple Domain.

Otto immediately jolted up, feeling like something had entered in, as he grabbed the hand and restrained it, ready to kill the unknown individual...

"Auuuhh—!" Suzuka screamed in surprise as she had both hands pinned down by Otto.

"Huh?" Otto woke up from her scream as he immediately backed away, realizing what he had done...

"Ouch." She clutched onto her butt as she was aggressively pushed by him.

"If you want to pounce on me that badly, you should've just asked big sis." She acted like he had attempted to violate her.

"What are you doing in this room?" Otto was still confused at the sudden event.

"Oooh—? Can't big sister look after her little brother to check if he was alright?" She whistled.

"I'm not a kid..." Although he doesn't hate to be called by it since he's currently one, he can't argue about it.

"Well, I can turn you into a man." Suzuka joked.

"That's not funny, I'm only 10." He wondered if she was some kind of a pedophile.

"Oh... Right." She let out a dry cough, as she had forgotten about that.

"Can you go out now?" Otto didn't like to be watched while resting, as it made him insecure.

"Why? Can't I stay?" She grabbed onto the hems of his clothes.

"Ugh of course not. It just feels weird sleeping with someone beside you." It has been so long that he slept with someone else beside him.

"No, it's not. I'm just looking after my little brother." She said innocently.

"Since when did you become my big sister!?" Otto had siblings in his past life, but their relationship isn't on the good side. Since they often fought over trivial things, the two brothers went to separate countries just to avoid each other.

"When the time you gave up." She replied.




The night passed as Suzuka hugged Otto like a koala.

"Let go, creep." He complained as he felt uncomfortable being embraced by her.

"hgnnn~" She yawned before making a fox noises.

"kon kon~"

"Ugh, let go of me already." He said as he felt violated.

"He hehe, alright." Suzuka tried standing up, but not before she accidentally slipped after stepping on his clothes after he pulled them, trying to fix his disheveled clothes. She fell to the spot, where was every man's weakness is located.

Just as she was about to fall on his groin, that might give him trauma. Otto immediately protected his crotch with his Cursed Energy.

"Ah-- huh?" Otto looked at Suzuka's butt sticking out in front of him, as he looks at her exposed mounds.

"You—!" He was about to overreact, as for some reason he just stared intently at her vagina and ass.

"Ah- sorry, about this. I'll prepare something for you to eat." She casually stood back up and left the room, leaving him confused.

"..." Brynhildr who was observing the event, felt slightly jealous that her master was looking at another woman...

"Dafuq-???" He looked at his crotch where it was turned on by it.

"She didn't wear any underwear the whole time?" Otto muttered as he realized that she was clinging to him all night while she slept.

"Mmmm... Yeah, it seems so masterful. And it seemed like she fixed your problem from 2 weeks ago." Brynhildr said as looked at his bulge.

"It's just a morning wood..." He denied it.





"You sure you want to leave big sis already?" She pouted as Otto wanted to leave this early after having an awkward breakfast with him.

"Yeah, I need to go to Hagun Academy to deliver something." He said in a straight face, trying to forget what he had just witnessed a few hours ago.

"Oh... Is that so, then I wish you good luck. Little brother." Suzuka said sadly, as Otto left Suzuka Shrine.

"Another lonely and boring day begins..." She signed.

"Ugh, when will the other shrine maidens come back from their vacation!?" She complained about how to bring her life alone in the shrine with only a few visitors.

The visitors in question aren't people who wanted to pray at the shrine or receive blessings, but to challenge The Heavenly Demon Princess. Which she easily won by, simply overwhelming her opponents with the elemental golden swords.

"I wonder if Lil brother would come back." She certainly had fun spending time with Otto.

Just as she was about to go back in and sleep, one of the shrine maidens of the shrine came back to do her duties with Suzuka.

"Oh, greetings Senior Gozen." The Miko bowed respectfully, as Suzuka's eyebrow twitched turning in her direction.

"Huh-? Oh right hi, Kuki-san." Suzuka looked at her who was holding a letter.

"Ummm— right... This letter is meant for you Senior Gozen." Kuki said, which seemed to irritate Suzuka even more.

"Would you stop calling me Senior!? Could you just call me Priestess, Miko, or Big Sis!? I feel old whenever you call me that, I'm only 16 damn it!" Suzuka yelled at her, who didn't react to her usual behavior.

"But Senior Gozen, it's only normal for me to call my seniors and juniors their respective titles." She smiled softly.

"Hmph! Give me that!" Suzuka snagged the letter that she handed out.

"By the way, did you beat the guy that, recently gone down?" Kuki asked curiously as Otto looked cute.

"Otto? Oh yeah, he became my little brother now." Suzuka stated.

"Like a boyfriend or something?"

"No? just to let you know, the kid is only 10 years old." She said while opening the letter.

"Eh? No way!" Kuki sounded confused.

"..." Suzuka just read the letter as a grin crept up her face.

"What's with your creepy grin?"

"Turns out this letter you've given me, is an invitation letter to enter Bukyoku Academy." She was happy that she wouldn't spend her time in the boring Shrine waiting for guests who just wanted to fight.

"Huh-? You're going to be a first-year there?" Kuki wondered as she's also a student at Bukyoku Academy, but she didn't know the letter was a recommendation when she received it.

"*sigh* I guess... You are also known as the Heavenly Demon Princess, just from defeating challengers that visited the shrine. So I think it's natural that one of the Seven Academies would notice your talent."

"Huhuhu— they should!" Suzuka looked smug and proud, as she was excited to participate in the academy.

"I wonder if Otto, will one day join one of the seven academies..." She muttered since she wanted to fight him again once he'd grown up from his troubles.

"The Otto guy, looked fine after he descended the shrine. Did he perhaps beat you?"

"No, I certainly defeated him, how else did he become my little brother?"

"Well, that's unusual..." Kuki looked at Suzuka suspiciously.

"What is it?"

"Normally you would treat all the challengers cruelly, showing no mercy."

"Cruel? No, I'm not." Suzuka denied.

"Those previous challengers are just too disrespectful when they challenge me. Hmph, not even a request or proper greetings." She snorted as there were times when the challengers would just try to assassinate her when her guard was down.

That's also why she took precautions to place an unnoticeable barrier around the shrine that works to her advantage.

"And this Otto kid?" Kuki thought that Suzuka had a crush on the kid.

"Oh, Let's just say he's an unusual kid. He was strong, but he doesn't seem to fully use his body properly."

"How so?"

"He looked troubled when we fought. My little brother could've won against me if he knew how to properly wield his powers." Suzuka just sighed and hoped Otto could overcome his naive way of fighting.


-Chapter End-