
Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]

Guy dies and gets reincarnated into the world of SAO. He’s died once already so he decides to brave the death game and befriend the characters that he used to watch. Scimitar user, prioritizes speed and agility over strength. Travels with Kirito. Also I know there is a series called Progressive that has Asuna with Kirito, but I never thought that was supposed to happen. So no Asuna traveling with us, but we will see her pretty much every chapter because of boss fights. Not sure if I plan on making up my own floor bosses, or just do like every 10th one or something. I guess it would be nice to have 70 some chapters guaranteed, but I don’t know enough about the game itself to really do that I don’t think. I guess we’ll see.

ThatDogHachiko · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

World of the Death Game

I was 14 years into my new life before I found out I what world I had been reincarnated into. My previous life I was an American and watched a lot of Anime and read my fair share of fanfics, LNs and WNs. And anybody who has watched anime for any amount of time know what world there in when they see SAO on a billboard. Like any anime watcher I immediately did all I could to get the beta, sadly I wasn't able to.

It's kind of embarrassing to talk about, but I did indeed get killed by a truck when I was trying to save a cat. Sadly I didn't get to meet the being who put me, but just finishing the Alicization season must have been influence enough to put me here.

I've also found out that I have perfect balance, which comes in handy with my side hobby of being a parkour runner. I don't feel awkward or weird when I'm in the air, it almost feels better when I'm leaping from building to building or flips. Maybe thats just the adrenaline rush or is just me or am I starting to sound very cat like?

My name in this new world is Noboru Kenshin (Kenshin is first name) Noboru is "to ascend, or climb. Kenshin means modest truth. I knew that I was in an anime world when I was born with purple hair and purple eyes. I'm also 5'9 which fits my parkour hobby perfectly. Enough of that I gotta get home so i can play SAO, I mean it's the day we all get trapped after all.

My parents are still at work at this time of day, so the house is completely empty when I got home. I immediately made my way to my room where my NervGear was waiting with SAO already predownloaded.

Signing in, I go ahead and make my character look like my actual self since it's gonna change anyways. I finish that and get to the Username section, arguably one of the most important parts to any gamers profile. During my years growing up in my previous life I always loved the story of Hachiko, and I've mostly used some form of that in my usernames in this world. Especially since Hachiko isn't a thing here sadly, and I would know since I grew up in Shibuya this life.

Deciding to still go with the same, I input Hachiko

which could translate as Mr. Eight, and that's how I use it. People usually just shorten it to Hachi, which is fine with me. With that out of the way I loaded into SAO to spend my forseeable future.

Thankfully at the start you also get to pick your weapon type, the choices were: Sword, axe, spear and knives. Most longer blades were put under the sword category, with anything shorter being under knives even if they aren't technically knives.

I had considered going the knife route, but while I was looking through the swords one immediately called out to me. The Scimitar, a sword just barely long enough to have been put in the sword category. This one was styled to have a continual curve and a wider blade.

These swords are known for their slashing over piercing, and something stirred in me when I saw it, telling me to pick it. And I did it was called "Beginners Scimitar".

I finally left the first town to see if I could find Kirito and Klein while also testing out my new scimitar. Everything just felt right with it, the weight in my hand the way swung when I activated skills. This was the sword for me. My perfect balance and love for being off the ground crossed over to the game world as well.

It was only 30 minutes in and I was already adding jumps, spins and slides into my combat against the beginner boars. I may not have had the strongest or most damaging blade but I definitely had the one that combined speed and agility the best.

Rapiers if they side step you, you have to pull back and stab again. Longer swords if they get too close they feel awkward and can't go through their forms like they need to. But with the scimitar I can weave in and out of their guard, if they sidestep its light enough to correct the path and still get a swipe. This is not a one hit kill weapon, this is the epitome of death by a thousand cuts.

I finally found Kirito and Klein out on hill that overlooks the Town of Beginnings and decided to approach them.

"Hey there. Any good mobs up here? It's my first day so I'm still learning the game." I say trying to sound friendly.

"Ya they should spawn up here in a few minutes, you're welcome to fight them with us." Kirito answered.

"Thanks man. My names Hachiko, what about you 2?" Me

"Mr. Eight? Nice name, mines Kirito." Kirito

"Yup, Mr.Eight, but most just call me Hachi." Me

"And I'm Klein! I'm a noob myself to this game, nice to meet ya." Klein says while extending his hand out to me. I grip it and shake his hand before replying.

"Nice to meet you too, I hope we can all become friends. I don't know anyone that plays this game." Me

"Same." Was all Kirito responded with before the board spawned back up.

"Well looks like it's time to dance." I said jokingly.

A few minutes later we were once again sitting down at the edge of the hill watching the sunset.

"Man you weren't kidding when you said it's time to dance. What kind of fighting was that anyway?" Klein

"Haha, I honestly don't know myself. I'm not sure how to describe, but it just feels right. Not to mention how fun it is." Me

"It was definitely something. I played the beta and didn't see anyone move like that in the game. What do you do irl if you don't mind me asking?" Kirito

"Wow you got to play the beta? That's awesome. I'm just a normal highschooler who likes to free run and do parkour in my downtime." Me

"Wow you do parkour? Are you insane?!" Klein

"Haha I get that reaction a lot, but truthfully it feels as normal as walking on the ground to me." Me

"What's parkour?" Kirito asks innocently.

Klein facepalms but then answers. "It's where people will run in buildings or do tricks in everyday spots. It's really cool to watch, but it's easy to get hurt." Klein

"Oh wow, that does sound pretty dangerous. Hey Klein, didn't you have a pizza coming?" Kirito

"Oh crap you're right, thanks man. I'm gonna go afk while I eat my pizza, we should keep playing when I get back and I'll introduce you to my friends." Klein

"Sounds good." Me

"We'll be here when you get back." Kirito nods

"Hey wait, I can't log out." Klein

"What do you mean it's right the-.." Kirito cuts off

"Well let's just try an admin the , surely it's just a glitch." I add in hoping my acting is good enough. Thankfully they seemed to be too preoccupied to notice, and that's when we were teleported to the Town of Beginnings. Which led to Kayaba appearing in the sky and informing everyone they've been trapped in SAO.

When Kayaba was finshed, Kirito grabbed both me and Klein and started running to the exit. Sorry Klein, but I'm sticking with Kirito here.

"Wait, I've got friends coming and they just be freaking out. I can't just leave them, and it would be unfair of me to ask you to protect all of us. But you could come with me, we were all part of a guild in another game." Klein said hopefully.

"I'm sorry." Kirito says as he looks to the ground.

"How about this, you go to your friends and be with them. I'll stick with Kirito, so we can watch each other's back." Me

"I couldn't ask y-." Kirito began but I cut him off.

"You didn't, I decided. No matter how short we've still become friends in this short amount of time I'd like to imagine." Kirito and Klein nod at this.

"So I'm going with you to watch your back and you'll watch mine. We can still add each other to check up on Klein from time to time." Me

With all of us in agreement, we added each other and then me and Kirito took off to the next town to grind. I had decided for my first 2 skills to be acrobatics and one handed curved sword.

(I'm gonna be honest I know next to nothing about the skills and such, so I'm not going to make them a focus of this story since this is for fun.)

"So what's the plan?" I say while me and Kirito run side by side.

"We're going to go to the first town where there's a quest for a better sword." He pauses speaking and glances to my scimitar. "Though it's not for a curved sword, sorry but I don't remember anything about any curved swords from the beta."

"That's quite alright, I'll get along just fine with this until we come across one." I reply

With a nod we renewed our dash to the first village, we reached there about an hour later. Kirito had to go talk to a woman to trigger the quest, I went as well because while I wouldn't use the sword I could always give it to Kirito or sell it. Not to mention the XP from completing the quest.

Honestly we should compliment each other nicely, while I'm whittling down the monster hp he can land hard hitting finishing blows.

"I'm focusing speed and agility for my fighting style. What about you?" Me

"I'm going the strength and speed route." Kirito

"Works for me. Lets go complete this quest." Me

We were half way through our quest when another guy comes up asking to join us in completing the quests. I looked warily to Kirito, but he agreed to let the guy fight with us. It wasn't much later when he started getting overwhelmed and tried to lead all his monster over to us. Effectively going for a monster player kill, I was hoping since there was 2 of us he would t go for it but he did.

"Watch Kirito that bastard is trying to get us killed!" I yell out to him as I begin to pick up speed in my fight against the monsters. Kirito quickly adjust as well as the guy took off running back to the village, obviously assuming we'd die. However when he attempted to run he pulled the agro of a several of the monster and a few more that popped out of the woods.

Me and Kirito being too preoccupied with our own fights, could only grimace at every shriek and cry of pain as the guy was killed by the monsters. After 30 more minutes we had finally cleared the monsters in our immediate area and escaped back to town, hearts heavy at witnessing our first death. It's one thing to die instantly, and a whole different thing when you hear somebody who's probably not even 20 begging for their life.

That rocked us for a few days, but I made sure to still go out everyday to keep leveling up as much as possible. This game is very hard to level up in seeing as how after 3 days we're still only level 6. And it's getting slower every time even with the stronger enemies we keep finding. I've had to buy 2 beginners scimitars so far and Kirito has been able to get by with upgrading his blade when he needs too.

A lot of people haven't even left the Town of Beginnings yet, seems like me and Kirito will be the highest levels at the meeting in a month. Until then I'll continue to grind and make sure I'm getting the most XP as efficiently as possible. I'll be ready for the boss fight.


End chapter

That was weird. I doubt I'm gonna do too much progressive stuff honestly. I had thought about going back and reading it, but there's already so much content to cover if I just watched the anime. So I think I'll follow the anime's route on how they showed barely any of the beginning and middle floors, and focus on the floors afterwards. Sorry if anyone was hoping for that.

I just mainly don't want to have to deal with all the technical stuff that comes with this being a game world. I just want to write interactions and terrible fight scenes. haha. Anyways I'm mostly excited to write the Alicization arc anyways.

Fighting scenes will be more in depth later on don't worry, I was mostly trying to end this first chapter how the first day was supposed to go.

On to the next chapter.