
Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]

Guy dies and gets reincarnated into the world of SAO. He’s died once already so he decides to brave the death game and befriend the characters that he used to watch. Scimitar user, prioritizes speed and agility over strength. Travels with Kirito. Also I know there is a series called Progressive that has Asuna with Kirito, but I never thought that was supposed to happen. So no Asuna traveling with us, but we will see her pretty much every chapter because of boss fights. Not sure if I plan on making up my own floor bosses, or just do like every 10th one or something. I guess it would be nice to have 70 some chapters guaranteed, but I don’t know enough about the game itself to really do that I don’t think. I guess we’ll see.

ThatDogHachiko · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Orange Guild

Me and Asuna awoke the next morning with the sun, as frontliners we had gotten used to this. Farm mobs late into the night and then wake up early the next morning to do it again. Hopping up I began depositing things back into my storage, while bringing out a breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, pancakes, orange juice and milk.

Asuna was awake, but she just snuggled tighter into the blankets and pillows until she started to smell the breakfast I set out. This had her shooting straight up and approaching the food, a fork and plate appeared out of nowhere. I sweat dropped a little at this glutton behavior, starting question if my stored money in this game will be enough to feed this glutton for much longer.

"Breakfast is served. Take your time, but we are going to take a stroll through the floor later. You'd be amazed what you don't notice when you're just powering your way to the boss." Me

"That sounds nice. And this all looks amazing." Asuna

We both started to dig into our meal, just reading casual conversation.

"How far have they mapped out the dungeon?" I usually get all my information from Asuna. Ever since that first floor, me and Kirito are seen as necessary evils due to our levels and abilities.

"From what I've been told, we should find it in the next couple days." Asuna

"Ah, one floor closer to the end." I hum out.

"Ya, only 45 more floors." She says sarcastically. I reach out and grab her hand.

"Or. You can look at it as 45 more floors to get to know each other." I grin stupidly

"That was so cheesy! I can't believe you just said that." Asuna chuckles

"You can't believe I'd say that? I'm hurt I thought you knew me better." I chuckle as well.

"You're right. I should have expected it." Asuna

After another hour of conversation and finishing our food, I finally stored everything away and we got ready to leave. As she stood up and dusted grass off her clothes, I snuck up and pecked her once on the cheek. Her whole body went stiff and pink grew on her cheeks.

"My my, after all the kisses from last night you still react this way. I'm truly blessed." I grin at her. She turns and smacks my chest.

"Ohh, you just surprised me is all." Asuna huffed

"Oh really? So if I warned you, would it change?" Me

"I- I u-uh we-." Before she could continue I quickly kissed her again, this time on the lips. She completely froze again and the blush grew brighter. I chuckled a little before she finally said something.

"You said you would warn me!" She said in disbelief and with a slight pout.

"I don't believe that exactly what happened. I think I asked if it would change if I warned you. Not that I would warn you." I winked with a knowing smile.

"Ugh you're impossible." Asuna grumbles

"I'll make sure to warn you next time, wouldn't want to keep catching you off guard would we?" I tease.

"I-I well I mean, it's not like I didn't like it." She squeaked out.

My grin widens and I let out a soft laugh.

"Don't you laugh at me, I will hurt you." Asuna

I slip my hand into hers and start to pull her along with me.

"Oh don't worry little sword mistress, I'd never get on your bad side." I joke.

She just huffed, but she gripped my had a little tighter, and moved closer to me. We began our walk around the floor, and I decided to take her to where Kirito takes Silica in the show, as it was quite a beautiful place in the show. Not too mention I doubt she's seen it before.

About 20 minutes later we were about to reach a stone bridge when we could see Kirito talking to someone on the bridge.

"Is that Kirito?" Asuna asked

"Ya, but who's that with him?" I asked obliviously, I honestly didn't know when this happened in the show, but as soon as I saw him here I knew it was Silica.

"I'm not sure, I've never seen her before. She must not be a frontliner." Asuna

"Lets go tease him, walking around with a girl on this floor." Me

"You're terrible." Asuna

"Yes." Me

"Hey Kirito! Who's the cute girl you're with? You make a cute couple!" I holler across the bridge to him. And I can hear a quiet "damn it" before we approached. Silica was full on blushing and fanning her face while Kirito, even with a small blush, was just shaking his head.

"I knew it was too good to be true, that we had managed to miss you in the courtyard. But this is Silica, she's a dragon tamer and lost her pet dragon. We were on our way to the pneuma flower to get the revival item for it." Kirito

"That's very sweet of you Kirito." Asuna

"Indeed, no ulterior motive at all." I wink at Kirito

"Gah. I-." Kirito stutters but Asuna saves him.

"Hachi quit teasing, you should be happy for him." At least Kirito thought she saved him before unknowingly fanning the flames, and these flames went straight to Silica's head which was currently as red as a tomato.

"Haha Asuna you're worse than me and you don't even realize." I chuckles and Asuna looks confuse until she see Silica and understanding dawns on her that Silica actually likes Kirito.

"Well why don't we accompany you, I actually wanted to show Asuna the Pneuma flower as well." Me

"Sure, why not." Kirito finally regained his composure it seems.

"Ya lets go!" Asuna agreed

With everyone in agreement except Silica who was having to be led by Asuna due to her current condition. Me and Kirito led the way while Asuna and Silica trailed slightly behind. I could pick up bits and pieces of their conversation, but only enough to know Asuna asked how she met Kirito.

"So Kirito, what's this really about?" I asked feigning ignorance. "I know you probably would do this without a reason as well, but she doesn't look like she's high enough level to be in this floor."

"Well when we split off yesterday a guy was in the square begging people to get revenge for his guild that was wiped out by an orange guild called Titans hand." Kirito

"I see. To kill them or what?" Me

"Nah just imprison them. Either way I traced it back to the leader Rosalia eventually who joins small parties and gets all their money. After she found out about Silica losing her dragon, she had someone eavesdrop on us in our inn room." Kirito

"Our inn room?" I smirk

"Guh. We had separate rooms, but I came to hers to discuss our plan." Kirito stumbled slightly.

"Phew. Kirito so forward, I'd have never expected this." Me

"Oh shut up. Anyways I'm helping her get the Pneuma flower because it's nice, but also to lure out Rosalia and Titans Hand." Kirito

I clap him on the shoulder, and speak.

"The edgy looking black swordsman is really a good caring person with a heart of gold on the inside. Truly inspirational." Me

"Then I wonder what you're like if I'm the opposite of how I look." Kirito off handedly remarks. However little did he know my smile slightly faltered.

"Indeed Kirito, indeed." I said while looking forward. I could see Kirito side eye me a little before shaking it off as we had made it to the Pneuma flower alter.

"We're here!" I called out behind me, leading to Asuna and Silica rushing forward. Asuna stopped about halfway while Kirito and Silica went all the way to the alter. I step up beside Asuna.

"You can go up there you know." Me

"Oh, it's fine. This is more for her than me, she's reviving a friend." Asuna

"You're right. Also I should warn you we're probably going to to come across an orange guild, but just let Kirito handle it." Me

"What an orange guild? We have to help him." Asuna now turned to me and whispered furiously.

"Ah, have more faith in Kirito, Asuna. He's almost the same level as me after all. They'd have to have a frontliner just to actually damaged him, me and you will just stand by Silica while he shows off in front of her." Me

"You're mind is too devious." Asuna shakes her head, but relents. I just grin widely while taking her hand back into my own, as we wait for Kirito and Silica.

We were finally back at that same bridge when we finally sensed Titans Hand. Me and Asuna stepped to protect Silica while we gave Kirito a nod while he walked forward. Queue bad guy vs good guy speech, and the orange players attempting to damaged Kirito, but he just auto heals.

It's funny I always remembered this scene because one of the guys in the group is dual wielding axes and using skills with them when you're not supposed to be able to. However right now the guy only has a single axe, too bad really. Would have been interesting to see.

After only a few seconds it was over and we sent them to the prison in the Town of Beginnings. We split up from Silica and Kirito after that to be able to spend the little bit of time we had left before Asuna had to go back. However she was called back earlier as the frontline had already found the boss room, and she needed to do a pre plan with her guild.

4 Months Later June 24th Floor 48

Me and Kirito walked into the blacksmith shop, the one Asuna had recommended because Kirito was looking for a second sword. He said it was just to have back up, but I knew he'd had the Dual wield skill for a while.

"This is the place?" Kirito muttered.

"Yup, it comes highly recommended from Asuna. Besides it's not like you really need a new sword that bad, you just got Elucidator a few floors back." Me

"Hahaha, you're right, but you can always carry an extra sword." He chuckled nervously, and I just eyed him suspiciously before shrugging.

About that time Lisbeth came out of the back room and introduced herself.

"Welcome to Lisbeth's Blacksmith shop." Lisbeth

"Hey Lisbeth, I'm Hachi. Asuna recommended this place for Kirito here, he's looking to get a custom order." Me

"Wait you're Hachi? The Hachi?! Like Asuna's Hachi?" She rapid fires before I hear her mumble so unfair.

"Haha, yes that would be correct." Me

"Did you die you're hair that color? I haven't seen any does that color yet." Lisbeth

"Well actually this is my real hair color." Me

"What?! You're the envy of a lot of women with that perfectly darker purple hair, especially it being natural. And your eyes, they contrast it by being a lighter and brighter shade. What's your deal, there's gotta be something wrong with you?" Lisbeth once again goes on a rambling tirade.

"Haha, why don't we just focus on a weapon for Kirito." I say as I push him in front of me.

"Fine, but what about you? You don't need a weapon too?" Lisbeth

"Well if you would have been open one floor before I might have taken you up on that, but after scoring the last attack on the last boss I got the perfect sword for me." I unsheathed my new scimitar, it was called Sultan's Reign

Sultan's Reign

Curved sword "Scimitar"/one handed

Range: short

Type: slash

Attack: 650-670

Durability: 1500

Weight: 95

Requires: lvl 62

Equip: +38

Agility: +63

Speed: +37

"Ah yes, I'm not sure I could make something to match that at the moment." Lisbeth deflates.

"That's why you're making him a sword. Anyways you 2 have fun, I've got other stuff I need to do." I say as I make my way to the door.

"Does this "stuff" have anything to do with Asuna?" Lisbeth grins trying to get a reaction from.

"You're quite right Lizzy, I'm going to meet my girlfriend, while you 2 slave away in a sweaty smith shop." I grin widely seeing her flinch when I emphasized "girlfriend" and sweaty smith shop. I didn't give her time to retaliate as I slipped out the door.

Truthfully I wasn't meeting up with Asuna today as we had hung out yesterday, and she didn't get 2 days off. With these higher floors the guilds are increasing their level quotas floor clearing quotas, and leader position are expected to well lead.

Another perk of being solo I must say, or should I call it a duo? It doesn't have as cool a ring, but oh well. While they go to the cold ass floor to fight that dragon, I will be nice and warm farming on the frontline.

I'm already half way to 88, Kirito just reached 87 after the last boss fight. The next closest is Asuna at 82, Heathcliff at 81, everyone else is 80 or below. I'm not expected anywhere until sometime late tomorrow, I think I'll grind until morning and then just sleep til midday. I want to get as close to 88 as I can before we battle the 63rd floor boss, ideally I want to actually hit 88.

However that's not likely. All the xp of level 88 is equivalent to the first 40 levels, 89 will probably be around the first 50 levels. I don't even want to know how long 89 to 90 take. Sigh.

"Well, back to the old grind." I say out loud to myself.

June 25th floor 48 Lisbeth's Smith Shop

I saw Asuna approaching the door of Lisbeth's shop, so I called out to her.

"Hey Asuna. What are you doing here?" Me

"Hachi! I had to come see Lisbeth because she disappeared off my locator yesterday." Asuna

"Ah that's probably because she was with Kirito. Here look, peek through the window." I pointed to a window and activated my eavesdrop skill. Asuna saw me and copied while peeking through.

"Kirito I want to be your exclusive blacksmith from now on." Lisbeth

"Exclusive?" Kirito

"I mean everyday now you stop by here so I can do maintenance in your gear. From now until the end." Lisbeth clarified, and once she does Kirito gains a slight blush to compare with Lisbeth's own.

"Oh man this is so great. I'm so glad I'm getting to witness this." Me

"Shush, we shouldn't be doing this. We should let them know we're here." Asuna

"You want to break this up? They are about to confess or something. Kirito that dog, first Silica and now Lisbeth, both after one night." I chuckle to myself but listen back in.

"Ahhh, you're right we shouldn't stop their moment, but this still isn't right." Asuna mumbles as she starts looking and listening again.

"Liz, I..." Kirito

"Kirito, I... I just- I" Lisbeth stumbles on her words as she reaches her hand out. Eventually grabbing Kirito's and holding it in both of hers.

"Oh my god it's so cute!" Asuna practically squeals, but then she lets her klutzy side show through as falls against the door we were peeking through. Causing it to open and sending her splayed out on the floor while I'm just standing there locked in the peeking position.

I look down to Asuna and sigh, before looking back up to Lisbeth and Kirito who both look like they could die right now. Asuna gets up and runs to Lisbeth.

"Oh Liz, I was so worried!" Asuna tries to save the situation.

"A-asuna?" Lisbeth.

While she's hugging Liz and letting the waterworks flow I approach Kirito.

"Dang Kirito, two girls and both of them after only one night. You move fast Mr. Harem." I joke teasingly.

"But I didn't do anything." He complains

"Haha, I'm sure Kirito. Tell me how did you save her?" Me

"Uh well, a dragon had blown her of the ground over a hole, so I caught her. Then we slept at the bottom of the hole before briefly riding the drago-... oh. I see." Kirito mumbles at the end. I clap him on the shoulder.

"Ya you literally saved a damsel in distress from as real of a dragon as you can get, and slept alone with her. Haha." I can only grin broadly as Kirito shakes his head.

"Awww man." Kirito

"Don't be too down, Lizzy over there isn't a bad girl. Plus you'll get free armor and weapon repairs."


"But I don't need a girlfriend, especially not in this world." He complains again.

"Suck it up, here they come." Me

I look over to Asuna and give her a wink, and she returns it with a knowing smile. Her story probably helped with it actually having some truth to it. Another day another girl for Kirito, and oh did I mention I hit 88. Today was a good day, can't wait to rub that in Kirito's face later.


Chapter end

1 chapter and 2 new girls for Kirito. Who's the protagonist here?

Also yes I skipped the murder in the city arc. I always thought that was dumb set of filler episodes, so sorry if you wanted me to write that part.

Lisbeth and Kirito are not set in stone, but based off what the show, shows you it looked like they definitely would have gotten together if he wasn't already seeing Asuna. And since he's not, it is possible, but I gotta admit I'm biased to Kirito getting Sinon. But that's for later

Also I was trying to think of a unique skill for Hachi, like Heathcliff and Kirito have, but I don't really know what I could give him. He kind of already has an ability, and is op. But I just feel like if he's the highest level player, he would realistically have a unique skill.

Currently his ability works like a form of "aimbot" I guess you could call it, where he will hit exactly where he wants to no matter what position he's in as long as it's in reach. But it can still be blocked, and possible for someone like Kirito to dodge because of his reaction speed.

I mean I could just give him a unique skill called blade dancer, but what would that even mean, or do for him. Because honestly dual wielding is the only skill that would benefit him, but I don't want him to do that.

Also kind of spoilers, but I've been debating whether to have Hachi, when he duels Heathcliff to free Asuna from the guild, expose him and have the aincrad arc end there. This doesn't mess up anything else from the story except Kuradeel wouldn't be dead

I'm only considering this because there is no other way for people to find out that Heathcliff is Kayaba with Hachi instead of Kirito dueling him. So I'm stuck with just forcing it at the canon spot, or having them continue past the 75th floor.

I also kind of want to let Kirito have Yui because I really don't want a 5 year old looking AI calling Hachi "daddy". So I'm personally just leaning towards letting the Aincrad arc end early, I doubt people read this far, but if you do thanks lol. And sorry

I've also realized now that I haven't described what Hachi looks like at all, sorry terrible author here. Really all you know is Purple hair and Purple eyes. I personally envisioned him as slightly taller than Asuna, lean build from his free running hobby but not muscular. Slightly angular facial features, sort of sharp. Think like the stereotypical elf I guess. And his purple hair is shoulder length and usually hangs free, but he will sometimes pull it back.

His outfit I honestly don't know what I want it to look like. I was kind of think like dark purple base, with a the trims being light purple, and then gold swirls and different designs featured across it. Okay so I was looking for people to compare him to and I just realized I accidentally made him like Sinbad from Magi lol. So just picture him in his younger style, but more form fitting and the pants cover his whole leg rather than billowing at the shin.

Alright that's enough for now, maybe I'll see about getting him drawn for the front cover to make it easier to picture for present and future readers.

On to the next chapter. -Mr Eight