
Chapter 1 | The Beginning After The End



My name is Phoenix I am 16 years old I only like 2 things One Piece and games.

I know I'm pretty lame but it's the simple stuff in life that you enjoy the most.

Anyway I'm getting sidetracked the guy I was calling a bastard well that would be many people you see I always go home to see my dad abusing my mum after a couple of weeks of my alcoholic father abusing us I decided to cal the police.

When the police arrived they didn't do a thing simply told us that there was no strong evidence and simply told us to live with other relatives for the moment

A day later

I was walking around looking for a shop to buy a new game when my dad attacked me he knocked me unconscious and left me on the street I'm guessing he just wanted to vent his anger.

When I woke up I was surrounded by people. Obviously everyone continued with there day just leaving me there

I stood up still dizzy when a couple of punks came and started messing with me not my best day you could tell, I told them to piss off which In result made them push me and I lost my balance and fell on the road where a bus went and ran me over.

And that's where I am now cursing the police, the punks, and my dad.

I look around and see nothing but a endless white void then out of nowhere a… thing?

Came out it looked fluffy and cute but also sinister with horns

it said to me "you have died in a E-Rank world you can request 3 wishes that be artefacts, skills, or companions after these request you can choose to be sent to any world you can think of only if that world isn't the same or lower rank as the world you had died in you will retain all memories, now what are your wishes"

Wishes what is this thing had I really died, E-Rank world?

Wait I see a timer above him what'll happen if that runs out?

Should I do as he says?

If this is all real then that would benefit me.

Well first of all I'll need to go to a world which I know lots about, hmm oh I got the perfect one.

"I'll like to go to the world called one piece with that of pirates and devil fruits"

"One Piece is an A rank world do you wish to proceed" said The Sinister being


"Now what are your 3 wishes" The Sinister asked with curiosity

"I'll have the ability that of a game system that of the Solo Leveling franchise without 'The Preparation to become powerful' quest and with added features of video games mechanics"

"Game system ability acquired" explained The Sinister being

"My 2nd wish would be to add a feature to the game system where I can see the status of another person"

"Wish granted"

"And my final wish will be to have the potential to learn conquers haki"

"Wishes have been granted being transported now, my name is dekon you will see me after you have died again or completed your mission good luck"

Suddenly a blue hologram looking screen appears in front of me it says 'please make ideal character before entering' well it looks like my journey is about to begin

'Character settings completed'