
Reincarnated into Naruto Universe: Kage of the Deep

*****Creative Release***** Trevor gets reincarnated, as Yusuke Uzumaki, into the Naruto Universe, in the same year Orochimaru is born. "Huh, what's that? Orochimaru is the same age as me? Hey, let's be friendly rivals!" "Huh, what's that? I can't kill this person because then person 'x' from the canon won't be born? Ummm...what's wrong with you? You're talking about a corpse." "Huh, what's that? Fuinjutsu isn't a combat viable justsu and redditors think that it's overused and not implemented properly? True it isn't implemented properly but, then again, you can't even hear me because my Fuinjutsu just killed you." *does best imitation of a teenager who voices Nikelodeon show intros* "Hey, guys! It's me Trev...ahem...Yusuke Uzumaki! "Come with me, on an fun and exciting adventure, as I pal up with Orochimaru, hunt down loads of interesting specimens and minions, become absurdly OP, and bend the canon over my operating table and fu..." "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement..." Right, so this is just a little bit of a disclaimer. I'm not entirely sure whether I can actually make this story interesting or not but it's the story I want to tell. I know after around chapter ten our MC is going become almost invulnerable to most damage and later on he only become even more absurd. It won't be easy keeping things interesting with such an absurdly overpowered MC but I'll give it my best shot, even if I end up having to pull some Overlord type stuff. *I do not own Naruto or any of its associated Trademarks or Copyrights. Also the image is not mine.*

ChaosSlimeGod · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

I Ain't Mission You At All

     Yusuke and his team were standing just outside the village waiting for Sozen Sensie to arrive. They had already received their mission briefing the day before and had plenty of time to prepare. 

     Thus, Yusuke had spent most of his time yesterday creating Sealed Shadow Clones to monitor his experiments, cleaning up his house, and sealing up his lab. He left a dozen sealed Shadow Clones there for maintenance and monitoring.

     He had already moved on from experimenting with his clones to live subjects. It had only taken a handful of clones and their experiences to understand what effect the injections were having.

     While he hadn't learned everything from just those few clones, he had gathered enough information to understand that live testing would definitely be worth the investment, even if only in the form of the information he would receive from them.

     Today's mission would hopefully provide him with the necessary opportunities to acquire more test subjects. After dedicating most of his remaining subjects to his attempts to create animals with artificial chakra networks, he had very few remaining for his chakra injection experiments.

     He was very close to success, with his artificial chakra network animals, and the subjects that currently showed the most promise had already been moved into his chakra injection experiments. Unless he came across some chakra animals in his travels, he would have to wait, until that success occurred, to continue and expand his injection experiments.

     Sozen Sensie flickered near their position from seemingly nowhere, with a bright smile on his face.

     "Hi there gang! It's good to see you're all on time. Is everyone ready for today's mission?" Sozen asked only half rhetorically.

     All three nodded their assent.

     "Yusuke! What are the mission parameters?"

     "To escort the merchant Miruko and his priority cargo safely to Kanoha. To anticipate and intercept possible threats to the number one priority, the Cargo, and to do the same for the number two priority, the merchant, once the number one priority is secured. Upon successfully arriving at Konohagakure, receive payment from the Hokage and return the payment securely to the Uzushiokage."

     "Right! Naburo, what are our contingencies?"

     "If the merchant dies, retrieve his corpse, if possible, and return it to Uzushiokagure. If the cargo is stolen, then retrieve the cargo at all costs, reassess and continue the mission. If too many enemies or obstacles appear between here and the halfway point, we will retreat with the cargo back to Uzushiokagure and await further instruction."

     "Good, now let's go meet up with Muriko. Follow me." Sozen Sensie ordered, as he immediately dashed away and his team followed after him.


     "Muriko, I know this mission seems really dangerous and, in truth, it is but I can personally assure you that nothing will happen to you during this mission. I've found the perfect team for this and you have nothing to worry about. You'll just take a little trip to Konohagakure and then be back before you know it." Shenron explained.

     "Ha! A couple of runts and their Jonin babysitter! Even the mission description labels me as second priority to this mystery cargo of yours. Why would I put myself in a situation like this just to be tossed aside the moment your cargo is in danger?" Muriko responded.

     "*sigh* Listen, Muriko, we've been over this. It's all  just part of the scam. In order to keep any potential spies from noticing that this cargo is even leaving our nation, we're classifying this as a C-Rank mission and the part you're referring to is for your protection. 

     "If word of this mission's details were to be leaked to someone they would think that you were just a placeholder of little or no importance. All of their attention would be on the cargo and its defenders.

     "Look, how about this? Accept the mission for now and, once you get to the meet up point tomorrow, I'll have our little trump card show you his nifty little ability. It really is impressive and once you see it I'm sure your concerns about this mission will be laid to rest. If not then feel free to say so, at that time, and I'll figure something else out."

     "Really, you'll just let me walk away from a mission the morning of, because I will if this so-called trump card isn't up to par."

     "Yes, I will. Honestly, I wasn't sure how I was going to convince you to go on this mission and kept putting it off. However, just last month a certain little miracle was dropped into my lap and it just so happens to be the perfect fit for this mission. Once you see it, I'm sure you'll agree. 

     "So, for now, just agree to the mission and then decide for yourself tomorrow at the meet up point. I promise you won't be disappointed."

     Muriko glared at Shenron trying to suss out any hidden intentions he might have. After several seconds of analyzing him, he finally responded, "Hmph! Fine then, I'll agree to your mission! But don't think I won't walk away from it tomorrow, if this trump card isn't all it's cracked up to be!" He declared, as he immediately turned and left the Uzushiokage's office.

     'Well, that went about as well as expected. Now, let's just hope Yusuke puts on a convincing performance.' Shenron thought to himself, as he returned his attention to the pile of paperwork on his desk.


     "Muriko, the merchant, I presume?" Sozen asked, as he and his team approached the designated meet up point.

     A horse drawn cart, with a large shed like structure built onto it, was positioned directly behind Muriko. The driver was sitting in his seat looking bored and occasionally sending annoyed glances towards Muriko. This clearly wasn't a patient man he was apparently itching to get the show on the road.

     The cart itself wasn't too much larger than what one might see a traveling merchant riding but that extra size by itself made it a much more attractive target for bandits and the like.

     "Yes, I'm Muriko and you all are to be my escort, correct?"

     "That's the idea! I'm Sozen Uzumaki. This is Emiko Yuki, Naburo Kaguya, and Yusuke Uzumaki. If I'm not mistaken, the Uzushiokage mentioned something about a test or some such. Something about reassuring you of your safety while on the mission."

     "That's right! The Uzushiokage assured me that you all have some type of trump card and, as far as I'm concerned, this whole mission is still very much up in the air. If this ability or trump card or whatever doesn't impress me then I'm not going. I'll walk away right now…" At this point, Sozen had a deadly look in his eyes. Clearly indicating that the merchant should choose his next words very carefully. 

     "...Ummm...I'll walk away and find another better more competent guard that can actually prove themselves. So…if this trump card is so impressive then let's see it." Muriko quickly finished up, before he said something he shouldn't.

     "Well, if it's the trump card you're interested in you'll want to speak with Yusuke. Yusuke? You mind giving our client here a little demonstration?"

     "Sure thing! Muriko was it? Why don't you open up that hatch there and take a look at our cargo?"

     Muriko wasn't sure what the cargo had to do with his safety but it seemed a simple enough task and so he walked over to the back of the cart and raised the hatch door. There he was greeted with a solid black wall. From top to bottom side to side, the entire cart seemed to be just a solid black something.

     Muriko was about to inquire about this strangeness, when Sozen quickly interjected. "Ahhh, yeah, that can happen sometimes. Here let me see if I can clear that out." Sozen then took out his kunai and began assaulting the black something with all his might.

     To Muriko's surprise, the black substance, whatever it was, didn't seem to be affected in the slightest by this violent assault. Although he was somewhat impressed with the strength of whatever the substance was, Muriko was quickly growing annoyed by this display.

     "Yes, I'm sure your…*ahem* my cargo is well protected but what about me! This thing, whatever it is, isn't keeping me any safer! If this is your idea of, 'reassuring me of my safety' I have to say this probably the least convincing display I could imagine!"

     Yusuke piped up, before he could continue. "Just hold still, Muriko, and don't scream."

     Suddenly two thin streams of jet black liquid began erupting from Yusuke's back and rushed towards the merchant. Upon witnessing this, Muriko immediately turned around and began screaming, while attempting to flee.

     The two streams of liquid were, of course, much faster than Muriko and quickly formed a human shaped shell around him and began shrinking. Muriko continued to scream hysterically, despite Yusuke's earlier warning.

     The liquid shell then reached Muriko's clothes and began seeping inside his garments and forming a second skin-like barrier underneath them.

      Yusuke, having grown tired of listening to Muriko's pathetic wailing, also stuffed his mouth full of ink to shut the little shit up.

      Once Yusuke had completed Muriko's under armor and gag, he looked at him with an evil grin and said, "It's been real, Muriko, but I'm afraid this is the end of the line for you...Kill 'em!"

     Immediately upon Yusuke's order, all three shinobi began sending Taijutsu and Ninjutsu attacks at Muriko. Muriko was still standing there completely paralyzed by Yusuke's Nij, with his eyes spread wide in terror.

     Of course, it didn't take long for Muriko to realize that he was being subjected to cruel and unusual pranking and his look of terror gradually grew to one of supreme annoyance. 

     After the crew realized the gag was up, they all ceased their attacks and Yusuke stopped exerting control over that portion of his Nij, while removing the gag from Muriko's mouth but leaving the under armor in place.

     "You fucking crazy bastards! You could have just told me, instead of damn near giving me a heart attack! What the hell is wrong with you assholes?"

     "Well, as you know, we've got a deadline to meet, if we don't want to miss our boat. So we decided to cut through a lot of the talk and just skip right to the demonstration. That being said, we need to get moving. Yusuke, if you would?"

     Yusuke immediately took control of his Nij covering Muriko's body and lifted him, once again screaming, into the air and onto the carriage.

     "Dammit! Would you assholes stop moving me around against my will?! Also, I never said that I would go and, based on your behavior, I'm very much inclined to leave right now!"

     "Are you sure you want to leave? I seem to remember the Uzushiokage mentioning that the profits you could make from this trip would be quite substantial. Or had you forgotten about that?"

     Muriko went silent for a moment. He had actually forgotten about all the zeros that were part of his payment. Whenever the Uzushiokage had shown him the mission details and he thought that he was going to die, he immediately set aside any concern for payment, as his survival instincts had kicked in.

     Now, however, that the threat to his life seemed to be a solved problem, that beautiful zero saturated figure began swimming tantalizingly before his mind's eye.

     "...*Ahem* I suppose I was a bit hasty. Very well, you've proven yourself worthy of serving as my guard but from now on you should treat your employer with more respect!"

     "Sure thing, Muriko! Driver, we've wasted enough time already. Let's get this…"

     The impatient driver who had been fidgeting this entire time, with a highly annoyed look on his face, began urging the horses forward before Sozen could even finish his sentence.

     After reaching the docks and loading everything and everyone onto the ship, the crew set sail and began skillfully navigating the whirlpools that surrounded their island home the way that only sailors from Uzushiokagure could.

     The first few days of their trip went fairly smoothly, as they continued to navigate the treacherous whirlpools.

     Yusuke spent most of his time practicing his chakra threads, while Emiko and Naburo attempted to improve their control of their respective kekkei genkais.

     Of course, Sozen Sensie was there to lend them assistance should they need it and Yusuke even asked him for some hints on how to better control his Body Flicker Jutsu.

     Muriko was mostly quiet and left them to their training but would occasionally request a game of shogi, whenever he got bored. Emiko and Naburo found this to be particularly annoying but occasionally Sozen or Yusuke would play a game with him.

     On the fourth day of their journey, as they were approaching their destination, the Barrelman announced a disturbing discovery.

     "Captain Gersi, what's going on? Your crew seem mighty lively. Did they spot something?" Sozen asked.

     "Yes, I was just looking for you to report. In the distance there's an unnatural mist blocking our passage to the mainland. It was just spotted. Look there, the mainland was plainly visible just an hour ago and now this. The sun is shining, the sky's are clear, the water's are calm. A mist appearing out of nowhere like that...it's definitely not something we could deal with.

     "Unless you can clear it out or we manage to sail around it, I'm afraid we're gonna have a pretty serious delay in our trip. What do you think? Is there anything you can do?"

     Sozen stared at the line of mist obscuring their vision of the mainland. A grim expression slowly appeared on his face.

     'Has our cover been blown so soon? This doesn't seem like something some random bandits could pull off. If they are after the cargo, how on Earth did they find out and who are they? Maybe this is the work of the spy that Uzushiokage warned me about?

     'Well, either way, now that they've interfered with our mission it's not like we can just let them walk away, regardless of who they are.' Sozen thought to someone else. (Lol)

     "You and your men don't need to worry about this mist. Get everyone, including the merchant below decks and let us handle this."

     Sozen went immediately towards his team's cabins to get them ready.

     "Yusuke! Emiko! Naburo! We're up! Get top side on the double!" Sozen instructed them, as he returned hastily to the main deck with his team following close behind.

     "What's that mist, Sensei? It doesn't look natural." Emiko asked.

     "You're right. It isn't natural. It's the reason why we're here. I can't be certain, as of yet, what kind of threat lies inside but, if it's anything other than some bandits, you guys know the drill."

     """Right!""" They responded in unison, all three clearly ready for some action.

     "You guys man the riggings, until we get in range. Then sit back and watch how awesome your Sensei is."

     All three of his Genin pupils rolled their eyes at this proclamation, causing their Sensei to involuntarily activate his Dark Cloud no Jutsu.