
Reincarnated into Modern Family

A man who had a hard first life gets reincarnated into the ‘Modern Family’ world, where he gets a second chance at life. He will try to live this life much differently than his last, but some habits are harder to lose than others. The way he chooses to live his new life will certainly be a new journey for him and one where he learns what he missed out on the first time. Welcome back to all those who have read some of my other Fanfics. I hope this one entertains you as well and I am glad to have you back. For the newcomers, welcome and I hope you enjoy the story. As for how the story will go, it will be a slice of life very much and I feel slower, as I will try to build the relationships naturally. It will follow canon for the most part, with a few changes here and there, you will see as you read. This will be written mostly from the MC’s viewpoint, only switching POVs when necessary. Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family or the book cover.

Anomander_Adaar · TV
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61 Chs


The first year of high school has been going by fairly quickly, especially since I was not really focused on my personal studies. Instead, I was more focused on helping Alex and my skills in playing the piano. As the only way to practice for cross-country is just running and volunteering is like work, especially since it is in a hospital.

As I was making my rounds in the hospital helping with the volunteer work, with Alex alongside me. I noticed a patient that my Dad was helping, there seemed to be an issue as he was discussing something with another doctor while gesturing to the patient. Curious I walked over to overhear them, with Alex giving me a confused look but following me.

"Dr. Hunter, we ran every test we could, though we still have no idea what is wrong with them," the other doctor says while showing the patient's chart on the iPad.

"I know… but there is obviously something wrong…" my Dad says while sighing as I look over at the patient who appears to be in short breath and tired. The other doctor then walks away as my Dad sits down and is reading over the chart again.

"Dad… Can I look at the chart?" I ask my Dad who gives me a surprised look seeing me here, in the ER.

"Gabe? Alex?... Oh, right today you guys are volunteering," Dad says having forgotten due to the issue he is facing right now it seems.

"Gabe, I know you want to be a Doctor too one day. But as you know I can't show you a patient's medical info," Dad says to me as I sigh nodding my head.

"Then can you at least tell me what is wrong… maybe I can help?" I say not wanting to show that I know more than most people when it comes to cardiology and neurology.

"Gabe… I… Mr. Sanchez is having shortness of breath and bouts of tiredness. We ran every test we could, but are still not sure what the issue is. As the head of Cardiology here, I was asked for a consult after EKG was done, but still, nothing showed up," Dad says as I nod my head, then seem to realize something.

"Can I listen to his heart?" I ask my Dad who seems even more hesitant since giving me brief and none intrusive information on the patient was already crossing some gray lines. The whole time Alex was just listening to us, while also thinking about the possible issues.

"Gabe… I can't do that," Dad says to me and I nod my head.

"Then if I ask Mr.Sanchez and he agrees, then can I listen to it?" I say to my Dad who gives me a hard look, before sighing and then nodding his head. Since having a patient's consent is extremely important when performing anything, from intrusive surgeries to even the most minimal tests.

"Hello, Mr.Sanchez, I am Gabe Hunter. I want to be a Doctor like my Dad one day too. Would it be ok if I listened to your heart?" I say to the patient who gives me a confused look as we all enter the room, but sees my volunteer vest relaxing him thinking I'm just some kid.

"Sure, go ahead. Wouldn't hurt, maybe you might just be the thing that helps me," Mr. Sanchez says with a light laugh being very fatigued and short of breath.

I nod my head and put my hand out for my Dad to give me his stethoscope, which he gives me after looking impressed at my 'bedside manners'. I then place the stethoscope in the correct places to listen to his breaths and heartbeat. Doing this is second nature to me at this point and as soon as I hear his heart I know the issue.

Someone without decades of experience and very fine hearing, which I luckily have in this life too. I notice a very small and extremely had to miss irregularity in his heartbeat, which can be missed by an EKG. It is known as a 'Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia or PSVT' in the medical field, which can usually only be determined after wearing an EKG for a few days. So it can test your heartbeat and see the irregularity that happens at times.

"Thank you, Mr.Sanchez. That was very enlightening, I hope you get well soon," I say to him and he nods his head smiling at me as we all leave the room.

"As you can see Gabe–" Dad starts to say as we leave.

"I believe I know what is wrong with him," I say to my Dad who gives me a surprised and disbelieving look, as Alex looks surprised too.

"His heart has a very small irregular heartbeat, that I heard from the sounds of it. It appears to be PSVT," I say to Dad who just stares at me for a bit taken back by my statement, as Alex looks at me like I have two heads.

"Gabe… I know you want to be a doctor but to know something like that… well, I think you are just…" Dad says trying to think of a way to turn me down without crushing my dream.

"I get it, though you can have Mr.Sanchez wear an EKG for a day while doing other tests. It doesn't hurt to see if I am right, because if I am the treatment is very simple," I say with a shrug as I don't want to push the subject as I am still a freshman in high school.

"We should go, we still have a few hours here to help," I say to my Dad while grabbing Alex's hand and walking away, so my Dad doesn't have to come up with a reason to not listen to my advice.

"Gabe, what was that?" Alex says to me as we walk away.

"Just something I learned watching medical TV shows and uh, youtube," I say trying to come up with a good reason, which Alex seems to have bought.

The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly, as we are then picked up by my Mom and taken home. Later that day after Alex and I practice her violin skills, my Dad comes home just after my Mom made dinner. It seems he was working later today than usual, probably still trying to help Mr.Sanchez.

"Hola cariño, bienvenido a casa," (Hey honey, welcome home) Mom says as I hear her greet my Dad who came home. As my Mom and sister were listening to me play the piano.

"Gabe!" Dad says after quickly greeting my Mom and Olivia, while he looks over at me with a face of surprise and pride. I just look at him confused.

"Gabe! You were right! I ran another test with that in mind and you were right!" Dad says forgetting Mom's rule of Spanish only at home while excitedly running over to me and hugging me.

"You are going to be the best doctor this world has ever seen!" Dad says with his pride and happiness at my capabilities still showing. Though it is all thanks to my decades of experience in my past life.

"What happened?" Mom says even forgetting her own rule and seeing my Dad's excitement at today's events.

Dad then explained what happened, making even my Mom extremely proud of me. As we all then went out to celebrate it with ice cream, as my request. I did it mostly to see my baby sister eat the ice cream which she loves. They asked me how I knew these things and I told them the same thing I told Alex and they both believed it. Though it did make my Dad take me wanting to be a doctor much more seriously.

Life proceeded to continue with my Dad now talking with me more about his days at the hospital. While he told me many things he did or things he believed I should know before going to medical school. Though I already knew these things, I didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

Like that, my first year at high school came to an end. Though as it was coming to an end, Alex was telling me about how Haley was freaking out about her future. Since Haley was extremely unprepared for college or even knowing what she wants to do with her life. As most people are in that position, since most kids are not like Alex or me who have a path we are taking and have been forging since we knew what we wanted to achieve in life.

One Saturday, Phil asked my Dad and me for help building a tree house. My Dad agreed and I did too, as I had no reason to say no. Arriving we see Phil has what looks like very little prepared for building the treehouse. Seeing us he smiles and waves at us while handing us rootbeers. The two Dads are talking and laughing as they are good friends, while I just look at this project that appears to be a last-minute decision.

"Uhm, Mr.Dunphy, is this all that you have prepared?" I ask him looking at the lack of prep, which even has me stunned.

"Well, to be honest… I didn't think I would be building a treehouse. As Claire would never agree to it, though somehow I was able to convince her… So I grabbed the things I could before she could change her mind," Phil says as my Dad laughs hearing this, with me just nodding my head while sighing internally.

"Ok, well before we begin. We should grab some more things as this is not enough," my Dad says and Phil nods his head.

"I'll stay here and wait for you guys," I say not wanting to go shopping with the two grown men who would make the experience longer than necessary.

"Ok, sure tell Alex that she can help us too if she isn't busy," Phil says seeing through my intentions immediately as I just nod my head. With my Dad smirking at me, as the two leave to grab more things we will need for the tree house.

"Hey," I say to Alex who was very immersed in her book to notice me, making her jump in surprise.

"Gabe!" Alex says surprised and almost dropping her book, making her glare at me.

"What are you doing here? Not that I mind," Alex says and adds the last part quickly making me laugh.

"Your Dad asked my Dad and me to help him build the treehouse he is making," I say while pointing outside her window to the backyard.

"Oh, that was what all the noise was from earlier," Alex says nodding her head.

"So then why aren't you helping them?" Alex says giving me a confused look.

"Oh, ok, next time I won't say hello," I say to her pretending to be hurt. Making her panic and blush.

"That's not what I meant!" Alex says with a reddened face.

"I know, I'm just messing with you. They are grabbing a few more things we need, then when they get back I will help," I say to her as she gives me an annoyed look.

"How's the practice going?" I ask her referring to her violin practice.

"A lot better, thanks to those youtube videos you sent me," Alex says smiling at her success with the instrument.

"Great, then let me see," I say as she blushes again, but nods her head and takes out the violin.

I then sit there listening to her play until our Dads come back. Like she said she has gotten a lot better since she first began. Though she still has a long way before someone could say she is a 'natural'. However, she can play a few songs all of which are nice to listen to.