
Reincarnated Into Fantasy World by RedEagle

In the modern world, Prateek was a corporate worker, tired of the mundane life and longing for excitement. But everything changed when he was suddenly transported to a sword and magic universe. As he navigated this new world, Prateek quickly realized that he had been reincarnated as a powerful warrior with immense strength and magical abilities. But instead of using these gifts for power and wealth, Prateek decided to pursue a different path: love and lust. He began traveling the land, seeking out beautiful women and engaging in steamy romances. But his carefree lifestyle was not without its challenges. He had to constantly fight off jealous suitors and protect the women he loved from danger. Despite these obstacles, Prateek continued to live his life to the fullest, indulging in passion and pleasure whenever possible. But as he grew more powerful and his reputation spread, he realized that he would eventually have to face his greatest challenge yet: his own inner demons and the temptation of power. Will Prateek be able to resist the lure of power and continue his pursuit of love and lust, or will he succumb to his dark desires and destroy everything he holds dear?

red_eagle_original · Fantasie
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22 Chs

4 – Father

It was night time in the sky, and Prateek & Shila were making their way back to their home, on way to meet their father.

"You did well, brother. You killed one E-rank jackal, and F-rank tiger." Shila praised him as she truly felt happy when her brother's performance was so good.

"Don't over-praise sister." Prateek slightly shook his head, "I knew that you were there to protect me, so I could go out and express myself. Its all thanks to you."

While talking among themselves, they soon reached a tall building, the Osborne-family mansion.

Prateek, walked nervously into the grand hall where his father was holding the banquet. There's a tradition to hold a banquet on success of first act of ritual. It has been the same for 99 children, and same for Prateek, Daniel's 100th child.

Prateek had not seen his father in many years, not since he was a young boy. As he entered, he saw his father seated on the family throne at the far end of the room, surrounded by a group of women who Prateek knew to be his father's concubines.

Name - Daniel Osborne

Relationship - Father

Bond - 25%

Description - Second in command of Breakburn village, 1 wife, 15 concubines, 101 children

His mother and maid, who were both slaves, followed closely behind him. They kept their heads down, not daring to make eye contact with anyone in the room.

His father stood up as he approached, a look of surprise and pleasure on his face. "Prateek, my son!" he exclaimed, opening his arms wide to embrace him.

Prateek hesitated, unsure of how to react. He had always been taught to respect and obey his father, but he could not shake the feeling of disgust and shame at seeing his mother and maid treated as slaves.

"Father," Prateek said, bowing his head slightly in greeting. "It is good to see you again."

"And you, my son," his father replied, patting him on the back. "Come, let me introduce you to my concubines. These are the women who have brought me great joy and comfort over the years."

Prateek forced a smile as his father introduced him to each of the concubines, who all smiled and curtsied in turn. His mother and maid remained silent and still, standing off to the side like servants.

As the introductions concluded, his father beckoned for everyone to sit. "Let us enjoy a feast together, to celebrate your return home," he said, gesturing to the long table that was laid out with food and drink.

Prateek took a seat next to his father, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. He could not bring himself to enjoy the feast, knowing that his mother and maid were being treated like property. He vowed to himself that he would find a way to free them, and to end the cruel practice of slavery in the Breakburn village.

As the feast went on, Prateek found himself growing increasingly restless. He could not bring himself to engage in conversation with his father or the concubines, and instead found his mind wandering to thoughts of how he could change the oppressive system of slavery that existed in his father's kingdom.

He knew that it would not be easy, and that it would likely take a great deal of time and effort, but he was determined to do whatever it took to bring about real change.

As the feast came to an end, he stood up and excused himself. "I am sorry, father, but I am feeling quite tired. I would like to retire to my chambers for the night, if that is alright."

His father, Daniel nodded, understanding. "Of course, my son. You must be exhausted after your long journey. Sleep well, and we will speak more tomorrow."

He bid his father and the concubines goodnight, and made his way to his chambers. As he walked, he noticed his mother and maid lingering behind, waiting for permission to retire for the night as well.

"Mother?", he asked curious as to what were they doing?

"You are an adult now, we are also under your command, son", her mother answered in a shallow voice.

He first entered his chambers, and then he turned to them and said, "You do not have to wait for permission, mother. You are not slaves, you are my family. You may retire for the night as well."

His mother and maid looked at him in surprise, but then gratitude filled their eyes. They have seen many cases of fellow concubines son being swept up with lust, and indulge in their desires. But her son was not!

They thanked him and retired to their own chambers, and Prateek spent the night thinking about how he would begin the long and difficult process of bringing about change in his father's kingdom.

Mission Triggered 🎯

Task - NTR your father, Daniel

Time - 6 months

Rewards - Bloodline awakening

Failure - Death


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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