
Reincarnated Into A Nature Beast...or wolf?

The day was going perfect. Gem was finally going to confess his love to his childhood friend Lina. Until *crash* he was crushed by a tree. Now this was no ordinary tree. No this tree was actually none other than the Nature Goddess Sabrina. Now Sabrina was just testing her powers and she didn't sense Gem so she felt pity for him and gave him another chance at life. And what was this life you may ask. Well lets just say its going to be a wild ride for Gem with his life turned completely out of wack he now must face new challenges with his new form. Will he overcome them and reach the top. Well lets just say its going to be a crazy.

BlackenRose · Fantasie
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9 Chs





Here we go.

I'm letting you know ahead of time that this is one of my first novels novels about systems so try to bear with me.

I'm planning for this novel to go to 50-100 chapters per volume with around 4 volumes and if you want more let me know.

Each chapter should range from 700 to 2000 words.

I should be updating it once or twice a week depending on how much coffee i'm running on.

This world is based on a leveling system and as the MC kills things or does anything productive he will gain experience points, and the higher he levels the more exp will be needed. (Keep in mind this information is for new readers I know most of you already know this stuff and it's hard to believe that new readers exist but they do).

The first batch of chapters should be completed soon so I hope you enjoy.
