
Reincarnated Into A Nature Beast...or wolf?

The day was going perfect. Gem was finally going to confess his love to his childhood friend Lina. Until *crash* he was crushed by a tree. Now this was no ordinary tree. No this tree was actually none other than the Nature Goddess Sabrina. Now Sabrina was just testing her powers and she didn't sense Gem so she felt pity for him and gave him another chance at life. And what was this life you may ask. Well lets just say its going to be a wild ride for Gem with his life turned completely out of wack he now must face new challenges with his new form. Will he overcome them and reach the top. Well lets just say its going to be a crazy.

BlackenRose · Fantasie
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9 Chs

I have very bad luck (Author Comment)

Some jackass ran into a power line and my electric is down at the moment and it's very difficult writing on my phone hoping to be able to get on my laptop soon and finish the next few chapters. Hope to see you guys soon.
