
Reincarnated in The winx saga as bloom’s roommate

Afrer death as a mortal by truck-San, I was givin a chance to reincarnate in the world of winx saga as a dark fea phoenix. Author note: Please read and all comment on how to improve the story are welcomed. And please add to library would help me a lot.

DaoistWgwZTU · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chance at Reincarnation

One rainy night as I was ending for after an exhausting day at work. On my phone and holding an umbrella I found myself as a cross road along side every one else,then the lights Turned green and we all started walking to the other side of the road, me eyes still on my phone and at the end of the crowd.

Then suddenly "bam" out of nowhere , my body flew quite a distance from the force of the impact. As my eye widened in terror staring at the bus that just crashed against me,my body aching on the hard concrete floor.

Over the sound of people screaming and shouting ,"Call 911"

The rain countied pouring beating against my skin and mixing in with my blood as I slowly began to slip into oblivion.

Opening my eyes after an unknown amount of time I found myself standing in an empty white space.

" Hello, is anyone there? Escuse me?"

As I began to shout, a figure materialized in the white space looking neither as a man nor woman, while clad in all white.

"Hello, child." she/he spoke a smoothing tone that seemed to relax all the tension or caution that I was feeling at their moment.

" Where am I? Am I dead? Are you God?Oh my God am I going to heaven or hell?" I started asking a barrage of questions.

"Well to start you are in my space. And yes, you are dead. No,am not god just an angel.And no ,you are not going to heaven or hell." The now identified angel said with a smile while answered all my questions patiently.

"So…where am I going to go." I asked cautiously.

"Well given how many karma points you have accumulated you are going to be reincarnated" The angel said as it waved it hand and 3 wheels and 1 panel appeared.

"The wheel's determined what world you would be reincarnated into, your race, and your power. " the angel continued "in the panel you get to write one wish."

A smile slowly spread across the my face at the realization that all my kindness and unselfish act are now paying off and sadness as I now realized that I truly am dead and can no longer be with my family. I slowly walked towards the 1st wheel that determines world and spun it it as it landed on The winx sage movie.

Smiling I moved on to the next wheel that determines race and the dark phoenix fae race was chosen. My hands exitedly trembled as i moved to the 3rd wheel for powers and spun it as it landed on relity warping.

"Congratulations,now make your wish." The angel commented on the side.

Thinking about my family I said "I wish for my family to live a long healthy and fulfilling live."

The angel smiling and replied " Done, now off to your new world."

"Thank you." I spoke voice soaked with gratitude as I disappear from the white space.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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