
Reincarnated in the omniverse with the power of Saitama

Damien a high school student gets reincarnation with the power of Saitama from One punch man in the omniverse as the champion of the King of all Gods.

David_555 · Andere
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40 Chs


" Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!" Two beams of cosmic light clashed in the void. Mere shockwaves of their fight evaporating and destroying everything in their path.

With every clash, countless blows were thrown at speeds unseen by the naked eyes, as ripples of destruction echoed through the multiverse.

" Your strength is commendable... however you're inexperienced. You're predictable." Lucifer placed the blood red sword in his right hand on his shoulder, while the one in his left disappeared, as he snickered.

Damien stood in the void, as he squinted his eyes. " Did he say I'm predictable? He's not even been able to land a single punch again." He thought deeply.

" Let me show you what real battle prowess and technique are!!!" Lucifer opened his arms as his silver wings fluttered behind him. He spoke with a gaze full of pride, as his voice echoed throughout the void.

" Whoosh! " Taking a step forward, he immediately teleported behind Damien, who was a bit distracted. In a split second, Lucifer utilized the power of Sloth and froze Damien in time, as he slashed his sword covered in hell flames at him.

Destruction glimmered in Damien's pupils, as the space time prison immediately shattered and he broke free, only to see a blood red sword slashing towards him. Crossing both hands in a defensive position, he tanked the sword, as the hell flames raged across his body and engulfed him a whirlpool of fire.

He flew back several meters as he crashed into a star. " I guess you were all talk Lucifer, you can't hurt me." Damien laughed as he floated out of the star with a smile. " Think again." He heard a chuckle and saw Lucifer behind him standing there with a smirk.

" You couldn't put a scratch..." Damien was about to brag when suddenly, he felt a feeling he had never felt before since he was reborn. A feeling he had completely abandoned and never wanted to associate with. Pain, real pain. He felt a sharp pain on his chest. With a frown he looked down and saw a huge gash from his shoulder to his stomach as blood flowed out unceasingly.

" You actually hurt m-" Damien was about to speak, when a fist covered in blood red energy smashed right into his face, sending him flying. Lucifer smirked and pushed towards him.

" Slash! Slash! Slash!" Sending multiple slashes at speeds faster than light, Damien was unable to react, as they slashed right through him.

Freezing him with the power of sloth once more, Lucifer sent out multiple slashes which completely mutilated Damien's body, as blood burst out of his body. "Bang!" Enforcing himself with the power of wrath, Lucifer smashed his chest with a punch, and grabbed unto his jaw as they disappeared completely into the void....


.....New Multiverse, Skrull Planet.....

The skrulls were going about their daily lives on their home world, eating , reproducing and conquering. They were the ultimate enemy to most civilizations in the universe.

Suddenly, a huge meteor, the size of a moon, appeared in the sky and smashed into their planet without warning.

" Boom!!!!!" Half of the planet was evaporated as its foundations shattered into the void, killing trillions of life forms on the planet.....

Within the exploded meteor lay a bloody silver haired teenager. Behind him, stood another blonde haired man, the epitome of beauty, with a blood red sword.

" You lost. Boy. You are my slave for now." Lucifer laughed hysterically as his wings folded behind him and he walked away with a glass of scotch in hand.

" I-I lost?? He actually hurt me. He beat me??" Damien's thoughts were in a complete mess, as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness. " But- When did I start thinking I was untouchable??When did I think I was unkillable??When did I think I was unbeatable?!!!" He questioned himself as his consciousness drifted away.

However in a split second, a memory flashed in his mind. A memory which reminded him of an oath, a pledge to become the strongest. How could he give up now.

" Fuck! What's wrong with being untouchable? What's wrong with being unkillable? What's wrong with being unbeatable.??!!!" His consciousness stopped drifting away, as his opened as if in realization.

He suddenly remembered a statement Ah Diao made. He had thought of it for a time and yet now, it made sense to him. It was a statement that could only be spoken unless one had unparalleled confidence and faith in his strength.

" Throughout the omniverse, I am the honored one!!" Damien murmured slowly and closed his eyes. "Boooommmmmm!!!!" Silver light suddenly burst out of his body, as cosmic energy began to swirl around him.

" And here I was thinking the fun was over." Lucifer stopped in his tracks, as he threw the glass away and turned around.

" Booom!!" The remaining half of the planet disintegrated, as waves of destruction energy rippled across the void.

" What a pure energy of destruction!!! Hahaha! " Lucifer laughed in amazement, as he took of his shirt, exposing his bare chest., that a had a massive silver tattoo of folded wings." You've earned the right for me to use this form kid. Be proud." He tapped on the tattoo, before the wings began to unfurl.

" Boom!!" A massive shockwave erupted, as holy light burst out of Lucifer's body, showering half of the multiverse in blinding light. Soon, Lucifer's short blonde hair began to grow longer to reach his shoulder, as his golden eyes began to shine. His silver wings multiplied into eight as they turned the purest of white and his pants were replaced by a sliver chiton. His body gleamed like the finest pearl. He was in his truest form, the real form of the light bringer.

He stood proudly as he awaited Damien's transformation. " Boom!!!" The silver light around Damien's body turned purplish silver instantly, as his hair began to change into the same colour as well as his eyes. Suddenly, an infinity symbol (♾ ), covered in purplish silver light appeared on his chest, as a massive shockwave spread. Soon, 50 plus symbols appeared and completely covered his arms and lower abdomen.

" What a brilliant divine form. It's on par if not stronger than my light bringer form!!!!" Lucifer exclaimed as he watched Damien transform.

" Boom!!!" A ripple spread, as the silvery purple light disappeared into Damien's body, as his eyes opened. They were silvery purple just like his hair and we're covered in tiny infinity symbols.

Damien looked at Lucifer with an examining gaze. " Boom!" A ripple spread, as Lucifer took several steps back in shock. " My demiurgic powers might not work on you directly, but they'll work indirectly." Lucifer laughed as he stretched his hand forward.

Massive amounts of cosmic energy gathered as he closed his eyes and muttered. Soon reality itself began to tear apart. A second later, countless swords that were formed directly from the power of reality itself materialized as they pierced towards Damien who stood there unfazed.

Lifting his eyes just a little bit, an aura of destruction spread, before the swords evaporated into nothingness. Lucifer's eyes widened in shock and just he was about to attack once more, he heard a chuckle behind him.

" Do you know what it means to be untouchable, unbeatable and unkillable?" Damien spoke with a slight smile, as dread filled Lucifer's heart.

" Who are you??!" Lucifer spoke as bead of sweat dropped unto the ground from him. ...

Damien smiled before uttering. " The honored one.".....


" Are you not going to intervene in their fight?!!! " They'll tear the multiverse apart.

Two cosmic figures stood in the void as he spectated on the incredible battle happening in front of them. The one who spoke worriedly had a figure like the embodiment of the universe. His body was an amalgamation of billions of stars, galaxies and planets. The other who stood silently was a golden figure with three head that were covered with a sackcloth.

" Eternity, do you really want to interfere in the affairs of the Morningstar? We both know that even if we combine our power we are no match for him. Even Saint Michael doesn't dare interfere in his brothers business unless he has to.." The golden figure looked exasperatedly at the other as one of his heads spoke.

" Still we have to do something." The figure addresses as Eternity frustratedly spoke. " The best we can do is prevent as much damage as possible." The living tribunal, the judge of the marvel multiverse spoke as he disappeared.....

A/N : Sorry for the late updates. Keep the stones coming for more chapters.✌🏿✌🏿