
Chapter 19

After setting up the autopilot, Cain went to go check on Shmi to see if she was ok. He soon found her asleep in one of the extra sleeping quarters he added after modifying the ship. Seeing how tired Shmi was, Cain grabbed an extra blanket and draped it over her.

With Shmi comfortable and warm, Cain moved towards his own chamber and sat down. He took a moment to relax then pulled something from his inventory.

From his inventory, Cain grabbed Darth Maul's lightsaber and placed it in front of himself. Studying the lengthy saber in his hand Cain quickly pressed the activation switch. From the saber two red laser shot out as they made a light buzzing sound.

While twirling the lightsaber through the air, Cain could suddenly hear soft whispers in his head.

"~Use it.....Destroy...Kill~"

Quickly deactivating the lightsaber, Cain had to shake his head to get rid of the voices. He took a quick breath and completely focused on calming his mind.

When all of the voices were gone, Cain realized that he definitely couldn't use that lightsaber if it tried to tempt him whenever he uses it. Thinking of what he should do, Cain suddenly remembered something he read about Sith crystals.

A Kyber crystal is turned red when a Sith dominates the crystal with the Force. This process is called called "bleeding," as if the crystal was a living organism.

But Cain remembered that it's possible to change the crystal back by healing it. Ahsoka Tano did it and she had white blades from when she changing them back.

With this idea in mind, Cain decided to give it a try and see if it would work. Telekinetically raising the lightsaber in the air Cain focused on feeling the entire blade, then began to disassemble it. Even with his eyes closed, Cain could picture the lightsaber coming apart until two red crystal were left in the air.

Opening his eyes, Cain saw the pulsing red crystals and was shocked that he could actually feel emotions coming from them. The crystals constantly radiated anger, jealousy, and agony.

Plucking both crystals out of the air, Cain decided to try and actually heal them, as if it were a living being. Cain activated his Healing skill while grabbing the red crystals.

Immediately after grabbing them, Cain could feel the anger in the crystals intensify. As he attacked these emotions with the healing energy, he could feel the crystals begin to vibrate. Closing his fist more tightly around them, Cain continued to try and heal the crystals.

Suddenly feeling his fist begin to grow too hot. He opened up his palm and made the Crystals float. He watched the red coloring slowly melted away from the crystals, leaving only a clear white in its wake.

[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Heal(A)]

[Force Power: Bond(D)Learned]

Gingerly grabbing the clear crystals, Cain could felt a small connection to them. With the new crystals in hand Cain suddenly had an idea.

Grabbing his other lightsaber from behind his back, Cain quickly deconstructed the lightsaber with the Force and grabbed the black crystal from it.

Discarding one crystal into his inventory, for now, Cain made his black Kyber crystal and the white one float in the air.

Making the crystals slowly revolve around each other, Cain focused on the metal pieces on the floor and made a mental image of what he wanted to create. He closed his eyes and let the Force naturally help guide his actions to create the lightsaber he wanted.

After focusing for an unknown amount of time, Cain suddenly opened his eyes to see a fully constructed lightsaber in front of him.

[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Sense(B)]

[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Bond(C)]

Amazed by the weapon he had just created, Cain immediately grabbed the long double-sided lightsaber and activated it.

From the metal hilt, a black and white laser-blade shot off from either side of the cylinder. Grabbing the lightsaber, Cain twisted the cylinder and separated it into two weapons.

While imagining the weapon he wanted, Cain decided to make them detachable because of one Star War character, in particular Galen Marek. Or better know as Starkiller, Darth Vader's apprentice/personal assassin. This Force-User was one of the most badass characters in Star Wars, mostly because of the video games that let you fight as him.

Cain played the Force Unleashed games growing up and it was the main reason he was so into Star Wars, besides the TV shows and Movies.

But a signature feature of Starkiller was the twin blades that let him attack and launch a myriad of different Force attacks. From Force blasts to waves of Force Lightning, Starkiller could do it all.

Even though it would be hard to use two blades, Cain was determined to be just as badass as Starkiller was with them. Standing up from the floor Cain stretched his legs and went to go check on how long until they made it to Coruscant.

By the ship's calculations, it said that they wouldn't be there for another few hours. So without anything better to do Cain reached into his inventory and grabbed the Holocron he received for saving Qui-Gon's life. Taking a seat in the pilot's chair Cain held the Jedi Holocron in front of himself, trying to figure out how to open it.

[Would you like to play(Jedi Holocron)pre-recorded message?]


Clicking yes, Cain watched as the Holocron began to slowly open itself up until a holovideo was projected.

"I am Guardian Odan-Urr of The Jedi Order. I'll be archiving my experience with one of the most powerful abilities a Jedi may posses..." A male Draethos Jedi said as he was projected by the Holocron.

Already mystified when he heard the Jedi, Cain was practically on the edge of his seat to learn what information the Holocron had to give.

"....Force Sever is using your Jedi abilities to take power away from an opponent, rather than to inflict harm. This technique blinds your enemy to the Force with a wall of light, a permanent blockage if you so choose, rendering him unable to use Jedi powers. It is difficult. And it is the most devastating attack possible using the powers of the light side. To block a Jedi from the Force—even a Dark Jedi—is a terrible thing."

[Would you like to learn ability? (Force Sever)]


Immediately pressing yes, Cain was almost salivating at the thought of learning such a powerful ability.


[Force Level Restriction]

[Ability can't be learned until(Grandmaster) Level]

Seeing this notification, Cain immediately grumbled in frustration and threw the Holocron back into his inventory. With nothing else to do Cain began to think about what he wanted to do once he made it to Coruscant.

Once he helps set up a shop with Shmi, Cain wanted to hone his skills with Yoda for awhile. The Jedi Grandmaster was a well of knowledge just waiting for Cain to benefit from.

Although the Clone Wars shouldn't begin for another 10 years, Cain needed to be more than just prepared for the battles to come. Another way to get a lot of experience and hone his skills was to become a Bounty Hunter.

And if he wanted to be a Bounty Hunter, Cain would need a specialized outfit for every occasion. With this in mind, he then went towards the Craft function and choose to modify his beskar armor and helmet.

[(Beskar Amor Outfit)-Capabilities: Near Indestructible, Blaster Resilience]

Seeing that the armor he had was completely bare of any advancements or features, Cain quickly got to work.

[Advance Helmet(100), Wrist Flamethrower(50), Wrist Rocket(50), Multi-Function Gauntlets(100), Environmental Regulator(100)]

Finding these advancements the coolest, Cain quickly purchased them and modified the basic structure of the armor. He changed the color of the armor to a light grey and molded it into a basic copy of Boba Fett's armor.

Although Cain liked Jango Fett, his armor seemed a bit too bulky for Cain's preference. With Boba Fett's armor, it was more lightweight and had more mobility to it. So to be more lightweight, Cain also changed his jet-pack into a more compact and lighter version but was just as powerful.

After changing everything about his armor and jet-pack , Cain spent a grand total of 450 System Points. With his new armor created, Cain was about to try it on but the ship's auto-pilot began to beep.

Suddenly coming to a stop, the ship finally came out of hyperspace to reveal a large planet. It seemed like Cain had finally arrived at the capital planet of the Republic.