
Reincarnated in Star Wars The System

After appearing before an omnipotent being, Cain was sent to another universe with a gift from this god. Waking up in the middle of a forest, Cain found himself completely alone, but for some reason he was a little kid again. Freaking out in the forest, Cain began seeing floating words everywhere he looked, and A weird Gungan kept chasing him. [Note: I do not own Star Wars. This story was in no way written for personal gains. The Characters and Star Wars belong solely to Walt Disney Company, and I have made no money from this.]

Gray_stone3 · Andere
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25 Chs

Chapter 14

"Wesa goen home!" Jar-Jar yelled with excitement for the hundredth time.

Rubbing his forehead while trying to relieve his headache, Cain had the insatiable urge to shoot the Gungan at least 15 times until shuts up. Jar-Jar had been yelling the same thing continuously for the past hour, and everyone either ignored him or went to the opposite end of the ship.

'No one would even notice...' Cain said to himself, as he slowly raised his pistol towards the oblivious Gungan.

Suddenly coming through a sliding door, Anakin and Shmi appeared.

Sadly holstering his pistol, Cain vowed that he would one day silence the loud alien, once and for all.

"Hey! Isn't this ship so cool? The pilot has been telling me all about how it works." Anakin spoke animatedly to Cain, as he grinned from excitement.

"You'll probably fly one yourself, one day," Cain replied, while Anakin practically began to vibrate at the thought of having his own spaceship.

"Not until your older," Shmi said to Anakin, faking a stern look.


Looking at the Skywalkers, Cain could just feel how much happier and lively they were. Even, Shmi seemed to relax and joke around with Anakin more.

As Cain continued to talk with Anakin about all the ship functions that he learned about, Captain Panaka suddenly exited the Queen's Chamber.

"Cain, come in we need to start planning," Panaka called out as he then reentered the private chambers.

"Duty calls." Cain joked to Anakin as he walked into the Queen's Chamber to begin planning their assault to retake Naboo.

As Cain walked into the room Jar-Jar quickly followed behind him. Ignoring the Gungan, Cain saw that Padmé seemed to finally switch back with Sabe, as Sabe was now dressed as a handmaiden again and Padmé the Queen.

Padmé sat on her throne while wearing a fancy red dress and white makeup.

As Cain stopped next to Captain Panaka, he glanced at Sabe and smiled, as she was finally out of disguise.

Returning a smirk, Sabe winked at Cain then went back to standing silently behind Padmé.

"The moment we land the Federation will arrest you, and force you to sign the treaty," Qui-Gon said straightaway.

"I agree...I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this," Obi-Wan said while questioning Padmé.

"I'm going to take back what's ours," Padmé said stubbornly.

"There are only twelve of us, Your Highness....we have no army," Panaka said while trying to reason with Padmé.

As everyone was silent thinking of the overwhelming odds that they were up against, Cain suddenly broke the silence.

"What if we had more people to fight for us?" Cain asked everyone in the room.

"We couldn't possibly get anyone to fight with us. There isn't enough time to organize it on such short notice." Qui-Gon answered.

"Aren't you forgetting the only other intelligent life on Naboo." Cain hinted while swerving his head towards Jar-Jar.

"The Gungans!" Padmé suddenly exclaimed.

"Mesa?" Jar-Jar asked while pointing at himself.

"Jar-Jar if we're going to save Naboo, we're going to need the Gungan's help," Padmé stated.

With their plan of action in place, Cain moved to his own separate cabin to equipped himself for the inevitable battle. Cain quickly stripped out of his normal clothing and equipped the beskar body armor under his guard uniform.

Grabbing both of his custom pistols, Cain strapped them onto his body while attaching a few thermal detonators to his belt. He continued to load up on a few extra weapons and then reached in his inventory to grab his lightsaber.

Just in case the situation called for it Cain wanted to be as prepared as possible for anything that might happen.

While he was placing the hilt behind his back, Cain was surprised when someone knocked at his door.

Walking towards the metal door Cain opened it and was taken by surprise to see that it was Sabé.

"Hey! Felt like I haven't seen you in forever." Cain exclaimed while letting her into the room.

"We've certainly been busy, with planning to fight an entire droid army and all." Sabé joked, even though the situation seemed hopeless.

"When we get the Gungans help, the metalheads won't even know what hit them. We'll be back on Naboo before you know it." Cain said, trying to give Sabé hope that everything was going to work out fine.

"With how driven Padmé is right now, I doubt even a droid army could stop whatever she's planning," Sabé said as she sat down on Cain's bed.

Following her example, Cain sat down next to her as they continued to joke and laugh with one another, trying to make the best out of their morbid situation.

Until suddenly the bracelet that Sabé was wearing beeped and flashed red.

"It seems I'm needed by our Queen," Sabé said with a smile, as she hopped to her feet.

"Well best not to keep her waiting," Cain said while standing up and walking her out the door.

But just as Sabé was about to leave, she suddenly stopped and twirled around to face Cain. Moving forward before he could react, Sabé wrapped her arms around Cain as she leaned herself against his body.

Although completely taken by surprise, Cain still returned the warm hug, as he wrapped himself around Sabé.

"Don't you dare do anything stupid. I swear, I'll kick your ass if you run off and get yourself shot." Sabé said seriously, as she buried her face into Cain's collarbone.

"I promise," Cain replied, even though he knew he would be breaking that promise.

Leaning back slightly, Sabé stared Cain straight in his gray eyes before nodding her head.

"Good," Sabé said curtly while letting go of Cain and exiting the room, but not before kissing him on the cheek then quickly walking out.

Shocked by what just happened, Cain stood in a daze. He could still feel the warmth where Sabé gave him the short, but memorable peck on the cheek.

Smiling to himself as he made his way out of the room, Cain went to go find Qui-Gon while attempting to refocus on the matters at hand.

Walking through the ship Cain finally found Qui-Gon by himself, seemingly meditating.

"We need to talk," Cain announced immediately.

"What would you like to discuss?" Qui-Gon with his eyes still close.

"I saw you die."

Finally opening his eyes, Qui-Gon simply raised his eyebrow and gave Cain a look of curiosity.

"How do you see me dying?" Qui-Gon asked, almost as if he was humoring Cain for the heck of it.

"The Sith Lord will be on Naboo. I saw you and Obi-Wan fighting him, but you were separated. The Sith will overpower you, then stab you with his lightsaber." Cain said, while technically not lying as he saw this happen in the movie.

Qui-Gon didn't say anything for a while as he contemplated this information. Stroking his beard, Qui-Gon began to slowly nod his head.

"Hmm..knowledge of the future can be useful, but extremely dangerous. The future is always changing. There is no clear path and only our own choices may change destiny." Qui-Gon wisely quoted to Cain.

"...So does that mean you believe me?" Cain asked clearly confused.

"Of course I do." Qui-Gon suddenly said with a smile.

"And you're ok with just dying?" Cain asked in disbelief.

"Once you've been a Jedi for as long as I have, you learn that destiny is a fickle thing. Trying to change the future, will only make you forget to live in the present. But with The Force, all will be revealed in time." Qui-Gon claimed as he stood up from his mediation.

Cain could only sigh as he watched the eccentric Jedi Master walk away. He knew that Qui-Gon would say some mystical crap like 'Belief in the Force' or 'The Force is with me'.

Cain was happy that at least he told Qui-Gon about his fate, so now it was time to execute Plan B.

Completely improvise everything, and hope for the best outcome.


As the lush green planet of Naboo came into view, the silver cruiser began to scan for enemies. Once scanned, it showed that there was a single Federation battle cruiser orbiting the planet.

"The blockade's gone," Panaka commented as he inspected the ship's scanner.

"The war's over. No need for it now." Obi-Wan said grimly.

"I have one battleship on my scope." The pilot announced while steering the ship towards Naboo's surface.

"A droid control ship and they've probably already spotted us. We haven't much time." Obi-Wan muttered as he prepared to disembark.

Cain stood on the bridge of the ship next to Sabé, now dressed as the Queen, Captain Panaka, the other guards, and Padmé.

They were almost about to land near the lake where the Gungans resided, and hopefully, get them to join their cause.

Already knowing with Padmé's amazing negotiation skills, the Gungans would soon be very motivated to help fight the droids. So Cain's only real concern was killing Maul and making sure Qui-Gon doesn't die.

As the group prepared themselves, the elevator door slid open to reveal Anakin and Shmi.

"Hi! Where have you been?" Anakin exclaimed as he ran towards Padmé.

"Annie! Shmi! What are you doing here?" Padmé said in surprise, as she didn't know either of them were on the ship.

"I'm with Qui-Gon...but they're not going to let me be a Jedi. I'm too old." Anakin grumbled sadly.

"This is going to be dangerous" Padmé warned Anakin and Shmi.

"Where are we going?" Shmi asked.

"To war, I'm afraid. The Queen has had to make the most difficult decision of her life. We are a peaceful people." Padmé sadly announced while secretly talking about herself.

" I want to help." "We want to help" Anakin and Shmi said together.

"Well you better get ready, we're here," Cain said suddenly as the ship's doors opened up to reveal the beautiful planet of Naboo.