

Samurai guy actually had a map for to the Scythers territory, and with a word of warning he saw me off. Of course I left a bit of a request myself.

"Hey, there should be another trainer from Pallet town coming named Ash and he should be traveling with a girl named Misty. When you battle him make sure to beat him, he needs to get stronger." He nodded at my words before looking at me strangely.

"What do you mean another trainer from Pallet?" With a grin I pull out my Pokédex.

"I'm from Pallet town as well. Ash should be the last one if you've already fought Eve and Gary." His eyes widened as he nodded and then bowed.

"I'm return for this bug Pokémon I will do my best to defeat this Ash of Pallet town for you!" His Pokémon that were standing beside him also bowed and I had to hold back a chuckle.

"Good, then I'll be off."

We waved our goodbyes as I began following the map to where Scyther lives.

[Congratulations Jaron!

Your Charmeleon is now level 36!

Your Charmeleon is evolving!

Your Charmeleon has turned into a Charizard!]

Wow… For some reason seeing that felt more real than when my other Pokémon leveled up and evolved through the system. Maybe because it was my starter Pokémon? I'm not sure but that along with me hunting for a Scyther in the Viridian forest really brought home how broken this is and how easy I have it.

Why am I even following the normal path? I could go exploring wherever I want with the Pokémon I have. Of course I'd need to level them all up to be strong enough to hand whatever we come across, but I could have a literal army of Pokémon thanks to this system.

A call from Staraptor brought me back from day dreams with her corralling the Scyther I was looking for. I slid down from Mamoswine's back and gave him a pat before walking forward. Man this would be so much easier if I could speak to Pokemon.

[Would host like to unlock "Pokémon Comprehension"?

10,000 Poké coins


Fuck! 10,000 Poké coins? Truly that's not that much but would really hurt to have to build up all that to use it on talking to Pokémon. I mean I only have 400 right now… I guess I need to double down on my catching and selling.

Currently I have the makings of a really solid team with alternates already. From now I'll only keep Pokémon that I like or that will become strong in the future, the rest will be put up for auction.

[p!c Tyrunt

Congratulations Jaron! You caught a level 31 Tyrunt! Added to Pokédex. You received 35 Pokécoins!]

I already have Rampardos, but Tyrunt has a partial dragon typing… I guess I'll keep it. Focusing back in on the fight between Staraptor and Scyther I see that she has the bug Pokémon on the defensive with its scythes crossed in front of its body breathing heavily.

"Finish it with Aerial Ace, Staraptor." Staraptor blurred with the command and sent Scyther flying back until hit a tree and slumped to the ground.

"Good job." I praised her and she puffed out her chest in pride. Throwing a Pokéball it rocked 3 times before clicking, signifying that I caught the Scyther.

[Congratulations Jaron! You caught a level 20 Scyther! Added to Pokédex. You received 35 Pokécoins!]

P!select latest

Scyther has been selected

P!buy metal coat

You purchased a metal coat for your Scyther!

Congratulations Jaron!

Your Scyther is evolving!

Your Scyther has turned into a Scizor!]

Nice. With a smirk I turn back around to Mamoswine who drops a tusk low and boosts me back up onto his back.

"Alright guys lets get going. We have a gym to defeat and I think we'll take down Pewter, Cerulean and Vermilion. After that we'll hop the ferry and go on a little vacation, maybe catch some Squirtle if I haven't already."

Mamoswine and Staraptor just looked at me before nodding and went back to the normal formation. Staraptor would scout around for anything interesting while Mamoswine followed my directions to Pewter. I meanwhile was laying back and spamming away, leveling up my next Pokémon which was Marshtomp. I imagine he would be mighty jealous if I let Charizard get so far ahead and left him at 16.

It's really amazing though at how good Ash is at getting lost though. I mean I have pretty cheat Pokémon to do scouting, but even then there are paths clearly beaten down by previous travelers. I can only imagine he somehow managed to take a zig zag pattern through the forest by taking small offshoots from the main path over and over again.

Oh well, it's not my problem. I probably won't see him for a while at this pace, maybe during my vacation he'll catch up. Though vacation is being used loosely here, I'm just going to be relaxing while I still grind away levels and catching Pokémon through the system.

So a vacation for my Pokémon i suppose but the same old grind for me. Maybe in a beach chair on a beach or a cruise ship, but still the same old grind.

Looking around I started to notice the fading light and called for a stop. Sliding down Mamoswine I return him to the Pokéball and pull out my "tent" from the bag and get ready for night. I'm not tired but I really should try and sleep early so that I can adopt a normal sleep schedule.

Everybody seems to be bright bushy tailed little squirrels in this world, always up with the sun. And while I doubt I'll be getting up that early everyday, I will strive to have my wake up time be before midday. We'll see how that goes I suppose.

For now however it's time for food and more grinding!


Author's Note

Shorter chap today, apologies.

Current team:

Marshtomp 18

Charizard 38

Beedrill 38

Staraptor 38

Sandshrew 8

Mamoswine 38

Tsareena 38

Lickitung 15

Rampardos 38

Deino 38

Tyrunt 31

Scizor 20

We probably won't see Ash until badge 4 or 5 maybe. Also got something planned, not sure how it will work and I may end up not liking it and having to rewrite a couple chapters. Not any of these that you've already read but some future chapters. We'll see though.

Hope you enjoyed.