
Chapter 1 : Meeting God

I am Aaron, I was a successful businessman and had a very busy life with very little time to play around with friends and whatever little time I had I used it to watch my favorite show naruto.

It was the best anime ever created on which I won't have any debate.

I was wondering whether to watch boruto or not as it had very disappointing reviews. While I was thinking this in my mind I forgot to stop on red-light and someone suddenly attacked me with knife from which I died.

"I am very sorry boy."

when I opened my eyes I saw a old man looking at me with a very apologetic gaze.

"I do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I am sorry to say that you are dead."

"I see."

"you seem very calm"

"Well what can I do"

Then the old man introduced himself as a god and then started describing how he did a mistake , which caused my untimely death.

"So, what happens next? Heaven or Hell, which way are you sending me?"

"Oh, no. Perish the thought! This was all my fault, and I will gladly take responsibility for that. You'll be resurrected in a moment, don't you worry about that. But..." God stumbled over hiswords for a moment.

I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong

"I can certainly restore your life but not in the world you came from. But on the positive side you can choose the world you wish to reborn in what do you say"

"Okay but what kind of worlds are their"

"All types you can think of then he grinned qnd said you can even go in your fantasy world if that's what you want"

"I understood what he was trying to say and became excited but I wanted to confirm it"

"Does naruto world exist." I asked and he replied with a nod.

"Okay please ressurect me in naruto world oh and please reincarnate me in Canon time line and in konoha please"I begged

"Okay but I can't reincarnate you as naruto or any other main character but since you died due to my mistake I will use my power to interfere and ressurect you in hyuga clan as hinata's big brother" what do you say.

"I became very happy and nodded my head"

"Okay fine I will reincarnate you in jun hyuga at the age of 6. I will also give you one wish you can ask anything."

"I considered many thing and I finally asked what I wanted." I asked for a golden finger that many protagonists had.

"Okay then you can have it, though it will be a random golden finger but u promise it will not disappoint you. Now bye bye"

"I said my good bye to God and then braced myself. I was very excited about being reincarnated in naruto world"