
reincarnated in naruto as a dragon

saya is a student in high school who lost her parents in an accident she was an otaku she liked watching anime so much especially naruto. i obviously don't own naruto or any other characters. only the mc and some side characters that'll be creating, i will be adding some new jutsus too, English is not my first language so don't be harsh and this is the first time I'm writing a novel so it's gonna be only for fun ah wait it's a "fan-fic" btw wish u enjoy it (well you know what? I'll just upload it when I feel like it)

TheViciousVillain · Fantasie
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4 Chs

time skip 4 years

danzo:" hiruzen i want to add a new member to the root!"

hiruzen:"who?" questioned hirzen knowing what his friend is going to say

danzo:"a girl called saya she is an orphan"

hiruzen:" no way " said hiruzen with a firm look

Danzo became angry and said:" you don't know if she'll betray the village or not! if she joins the root i will make sure that she is loyal to konoha !"

hiruzen" danzo ENOUGH" said hiruzen with an angry tone

danzo:"hmf! if she betrays the village don't come to me and beg for my help!"said danzo while leaving the hokage's office.

hiruzen:"we were good friends so what happend now *sigh*" said hiruzen sighing at the attitude of his old friend


*class A-1*


i'm so sleepy !!!!! why this classes are so boring damn what the hell did i expect....i regret coming here myself i should've just sent a clone aghhhh

now i know why naruto was skipping classes....while thinking about that i heard the teacher call my name


the students started laughing hearing that and one of them said:"hahah what do you expect from a friend of a loser "

hearing that i became angry and started pulling some killing intent toward the kid

he froze for a second then started Shuddering from fear , he tried to say something but he couldn't

seeing that, i smiled slightly

the others didn't know what happend to him but they didn't give the sh**

like that the class ended, and i was relieved cause finally i'm gonna get back to my lovely home wait i don't have one i live in the orphanage...well whatever.....

*skip time 4 years*

in this 4 years i learned alot...not in the academy but yeah outside the village,

i became a hunter-nin and started hunting rogue ninjas(A/n: for the ones that don't know Rogue Ninjas are ninjas who left their village without the intention of returning) i earned a lot of money because of that and of course i didn't do it because of money.....for sure ...it's just to get experience yeah to get experience....., anyways i became really famous in the black market and i was known as the "red eyed demon"(A/N:WEELL IT'S NOT LIKE I STOLE IT FROM A NOVEL THAT I KNOW.....) i really liked it, it sounds so cool...

in the academy nothing special happend .....it was just boring as ever, i was first in everything like EVERYTHING.... umm i didn't really befriend anyone else beside naruto...i became to know some like shikamaru,choji,kiba, hinata, shino but not to the point to accept them as friends and it didn't go quite well with the emu(referring to sasuke) and the pinket(referring to sakura).... well.....whatever

today is going to be the graduation exam..the day that naruto will steal the forbidden scroll had come...well it's not like i care the jutsus in the scroll are not worth of my time hehehehe.....

i will send a clone to the academy today too it's not like any of these weaklings will be able to do anything to it, my clone can fight a mid chunin and win hahaha it's not like im showing off

well let's go and hunt some rogue nin this time i will hunt S level rogue nin im sure it's not gonna be a problem now...

i wore my black cat mask and a black shirt of mine with a black skirt with red leather belt and black stockings, i put some kunais in the pockets that are over my ankle and yeah i was done! ah right i forgot to use transformation jutsu.... well i just use it to change my height....

before i left my home yes my home,i bought it 2 years ago when i told the hokage that i don't want to stay in the orphanage anymore and i would like to buy a new house...he was somewhat suspicious and asked me from where did i get the money and i said that before my mom and dad died they left me some money and that's true! they actually did in the end he agreed and yeaaaah that's how i got it







chakra:1000000000000000000000(9 tailed beast amount of chakra,no one can sense it only if the host wanted to )

chakra control: 100%

dexterity: 285



combat power:278

afinitty: fire,space,time,wind(she got it by contstant training)

skills: -MAP(show the direction to any place, person the user want to go to)

-TELEPORT (teleport to any place that the user want but have to be within 125 km,can be upgraded) -SHURIKEN MASTERY(perfection(100%),STEALTH(perfection :100%) -INSTANTE MASTERY(gained by doing a special mission), -NECROMANCE(user will be able to summon any dead( human/monster/...) that is weaker than him/her ,can only summon 3 deads right now,can be upgraded, gained by doing some experiments on the corpses of beasts) -SPACE DIMENSION(user can go to other dimension and also can bring anyone he want with him at will, it's like kamui ), -KILLING INTENT -SHADOW CLONE JUTSU -FIRE MANIPULATION(30% can control fire like he/she please) -FIRE RAIN JUTSU -FIRE BALL JUTSU -GRAND FIRE BALL JUTSU - FIRE TORNADO NO JUTSU, - FIRE BARRIER JUTSU -FIRE GOLEM, VOLCANO'S RAGE(boost60% in stats can be upgraded) -THE DEVASTATING TORNADO -WIND BULLET JUTSU -WIND TRANSFORMATION JUTSU(the user can be one with the wind for a short time)

race skills: FLY (S), DRAGON ROAR(D, when leveled up it could make someone that is more weaker then the mc collapse or shiver from fear), DRAGON EYES(,let the user see from long distances,let the user see with slow motion,let the user see some moments of the future,shows the weak spots of the enemy ,can slow time or make it faster -limited )

devil fruit: none

equipments: none

stat points:25|

that's good i progressed alot in these 4 years! with that said i left my home no- i left konoha and went to the black market well i used my space dimension to go there why would i waste my time and energy running?like what someone said TIME IS MONEY


11~20 low genin

21~45 mid genin

46~70 high genin

71~89 low chunin

90~111 mid chunin

112~130 high chunin

131~147 special jonin

148~165 low jonin

166~189 mid jonin

190~220 high jonin

221~280 elite jonin

281~330 low kage

331~360 mid kage

361~430 super kage


A/N: sorry for grammar mistakes