
Reincarnated in my own Novel as Final Boss.

My grammar is not too good since my first language is not English. synopsis:- A man died on earth and reincarnated as the final boss of his novel. But the problem is the final boss once was a kind man but fell into darkness due to some incidents in his life. To know how?? , why ??. Why you should read this novel? 1.Cause we have a milf elf, fox girl, dwarf girl, cold iceberg type girl, tsundere, yandere girl waiting for you, so you can save them from this cruel world. 2. No mindless smut, a pure romance novel and obviously some R18 stuff, an action novel, and a fast paced novel. tags:- harem, weaktostrong, netori, Villain. no ntr keep up with the story, I will try to improve my grammar.

Akshu_5678_tans · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Visiting Malina

The sky in dark night was illuminated by three moons in the sky, The light from these moons was falling onto a Small mansion, and brightening it.

In the Balcony/Gallery of one of the room of mansion, you could see a very young girl, she was holding a letter with trembling hand, her mood seemed unstable.

From her expressions you could tell that, she was happy, nervous, and shocked all at the same time.

She looked towards the person, who gave her this letter, and said with her trembling lips

"I-is he r-really c-comimg?" She asked that person.

That person was a middle aged women she looked exactly like that girl.

"Y-yes Malina young lord, Grevevemit is really coming Piranga, for his buisness, we are informed by Duke himself, this letter contains seal of Duke house" Salina said with cheerful voice.

Afterall this would not only benefit her daughter, but it would also help them to improve their condition, if the buisness, become successful.


Back to Zevar region

After I informed my father about my new business plan, he helped me in holding a meeting with Baron of Piranga village.

"Master, I feel too lonely can I sleep with you~ 😘" Greneta asked seductively.

'sheesh this elven women, is way too bold, she knows that I am still a child(harmonically), but still don't stop her teasing' I thought to myself.

'If her teasing continues like this, I will soon become insane because of excitement'.

"Greneta! , Stay away from my master" Veronica scolded her.

"Muuu~ Veronica he is also my master".

"But as a maid you can't flirt with him".

"Ohh~, but isn't it duty of maid to take care of master needs~💋" after replying to Veronica, she kissed my cheek.

"Greneta!, You can't kiss master, and he is still too young for this" Veronica screamed at her and came between us.

I thanked Veronica in my mind, because I couldn't resist more than this.

After separating us She continued " even if he have need in future, he will ask me first as her first personal maid".




Delvia, Greneta and I were stunned hearing her. After Veronica calmed down, she realised what she just spouted.

She hastily tried to correct herself.

"I-i-i-i m-m-me-ean.....W-what...i-i-i..." She covered her flushed face with her hand and started shaking her head.

"Oho~ so you want master first, then I will satisfy his need after you ok~🥰" Greneta teased her.

Hearing her words Veronica's face turned even more red. Seeing her condition, I stopped them.

"Ok okay, now stop your talks and go back to your own rooms, I am feeling sleepy ".

"Ok master, Good night~*smoooooch*💋" Greneta kissed my cheek again and started leaving.

Seeing her Delvia also came timidly towards me and said "Good night master" *smooch* she also kissed my cheek and left the room immediately.

Seeing both her juniors kissing me, Veronica also wanted to kiss me, but she was younger in age than both of them, so instead I kissed her cheeks and said " Goodnight, Veronica".

Her faced which was regaining her natural colour, again turned crimson red, after that Veronica accumulated her courage and said

" Good night M-master" *smooch* she kissed me for the first time hastily and ran towards the door, but she stopped in her track and turned towards me and said "Be happy, humph" then she turned back and left the room.

'*Sigh* she is still a tsundere '.


Next day Me, Veronica and Greneta traveled towards Piranga village, while Delvia reluctantly went to the main office of our Jwellery Shops.


At some other place, Two beings were talking to each other, their whole body and face was covered in a cloak.

One of them said in very deep voice.

"Today 'that' thing is going to start, many are already 'there', we have to hurry and find 'that' person soon".

The other being nodded his head in understanding.


"Finally we reached the village, hmmm, the view of farm here is quite captivating" I said while admiring the village, here population was quite low, so most of the areas were empty.

The carriage ride was quite good, since Delvia modified it, as per my suggestion. I didn't Marketed this idea yet, but soon would.

As our carriage reached the destination, we saw a small mansion, not too luxury. Well it was not far from my expectations, since this village didn't have any Finance sources other than selling crops.

And the Baron here was too incompetent, but in original work our protagonist helped Malina, and developed this village to get her, as he was great in manipulation, it was not a great deal for him to grow this village.

The carriage stopped, and we stepped out of the carriage, outside the carriage the Baron, Baroness and their servants were standing and behind the Baroness, a little girl was hiding in nervousness.

"Welcome young Lord Grevevemit Garamount, we are glad to meet you, I am Falinaok Rimare, Baron of this village Piranga" Falinaok greeted me, I could see that for me he modified the mansion a little bit, I bet that his treasury might be empty now.

"Welcome, young lord I am Salina Rimare, Baroness of this house, it is nice to meet you, I hope you will not feel any inconvenience here" after baron, Salina greeted me.

"It is nice to meet you too, Baron and Baroness, and I am not here to judge anything, so don't feel nervous " I greeted them back and reassured them, then I looked towards the little girl, who came out with courage from behind her mother and smiled gently at her.

"W-welcome, y-young lord, It is n-nice to m-meet y-you a-again, d-do you rem..member m..me" Malina greeted nervously with flushed face, maybe because of my smile, afterall I was her crush in original novel and now in this life.

"Yes yes, Malina how can I forget about a friend" I replied to her query.

"F-f-f-friend.....m....me, r....re.aaly?" She asked with breaking voice.

"Yes, I thought of you as friend but I think you don't want to befriend me" I asked with disappointment, obviously I was teasing her.

"N-n-no, i-i-i-i also want to be your friend" she hastily replied, as if her life depends on it.

"Okay then don't feel nervous,just call me Greve, and meet my maids, she is Veronica and she is Greneta, they are the one who handles my business" I introduced my maids, cause I didn't want to exclude them, since they would handle all my businesses.

Veronica and Greneta bowed their head and greeted them, Baron Baroness and Malina also greeted them back.

After that we went inside the mansion.

"Umm, G-greve I wanted to apologise to you"Malina said to me with dejected tone.

"Hmm? For. What?" I asked confused.

"Because of me, you were insulted at the party" She said keeping her head down.

"Oh just that, haah, you don't have to worry about that, that was inevitable, sooner or later, it had to be revealed" I reassured her and talked for a while, after some time I started buisness meeting with Baron and Baroness.

I told him that I wanted his farming land and farmers for growing some hybrid plants.

After that we decided distribution of profit, cost, and other things. Greneta was going to handle this buisness and now I only had to open a restaurant and teaching the recipe to the future chefs.

(A/N:- thanks for reading and from next chapter new arc of story will start.)