
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime und Comics
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307 Chs

To Home and a Gift!

*slurp* Pressing Hu Liena against the wall, Xuan Yan is kissing her aggressively. Their tongues are entangled in a dance battle while Hu Liena's hands are running through his back violently.

*huff* *huff* A little later, they retracted the kiss forming a bridge of saliva and their ragged breaths could be heard in the silent room.

"I am leaving Nana." Xuan Yan said and lightly pecked her lips. Hu Liena nodded with a little saddened face.

"Do you want to come with me to my house for Yin'er's birthday? We can spend some time together there." Xuan Yan asked.

Hu Liena's body lightly flinched to hear Xue Yin's name. She still remembers Xue Yin's cold gaze when she tried to talk to her in the academy. Xue Yin looked at her as if she had stolen something important from her.

"N-No, You can go and enjoy. Don't forget about me, come and visit me whenever you have time." She lightly said, rubbing her face on his shoulder with little teardrops in her eyes.

Xuan Yan smiled and patted her. "I will surely come and meet you. I love you!"

"I love you too..."

Xuan Yan stayed with her for a little longer, comforting and spoiling her.


With a small ripple in space, Xuan Yan appeared in front of a large mansion in Spirit City. Xuan Yan opened the gate and walked in. Some maids working outside turned and looked at Xuan Yan.

They were shocked because it's been a year since they had seen him. "Welcome, Young master." The maids stopped working and said in unison while bowing their heads.

Xuan Yan waved his hand "Haha, it's been a year, huh! I am glad you guys are doing well. Please continue your work."

The maids smiled gently upon hearing this. They know that their Young master is a kind man. Even though he is the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall and the most handsome man they have ever seen *ahem* he talks to them as if he was their friend.

Xuan Yan continued to walk through the pathway reaching the door of the mansion. He smiled and pushed the door open, and entered inside. Entering inside, he saw two mature gorgeous women talking to each other. One of them has short black hair with blue eyes. while the other has long brown hair with brown eyes.

Hearing footsteps, Mo Xing and Xue Ling turned and looked at Xuan Yan (A/n: If you have forgotten, Mo Xing is Mo Xie's mother, the blue spider lily girl, and Xue Ling is his step mommy!!)

Xue Ling's eyes widened, and stars appeared in her eyes "Yan'er!!" She jumped from her seat and rushed to Xuan Yan.

Xuan Yan caught her in a hug "Mom! Haha...." Xue Ling hugged him with her full strength "Yan'er!!!"

A little later, retracting the hug, Xue Ling cupped his cheeks "Yan'er, how are you? It's been a year since I last saw you...hah" He held her shoulders and replied "I am totally fine mom. Haha.."

Then Xuan Yan turned and looked at Mo Xing "Hey, Aunty. It's been a while..."

Mo Xing smiled "Yeah, it is. Yan.." said with a light blush.

Xue Ling grabbed his hand and pulled him "Yan'er, come and sit.." Xuan Yan let her pull him, and she placed him near her on the sofa. Xue Ling looked at a maid and said, "Bring tea for Yan'er."

And the trio began to talk, and then the tea arrived a little later. At this time, Xuan Yan asked "Mom, where is Dad."

"Oh? Him, *sigh* It's been one year since he went on a long business journey. He is always talking about business and saving a lot of money. This time, he took all the money saying that he was going to an 'important' business and he needed that money for it." Xue Ling sighed.

Xuan Yan's brows frowned upon hearing this. A year? Is it that important that he took all the money from the savings and went out? He knows that his 'Dad' is a business maniac and always in the company accumulating money. Even though they are rich, he still wants a lot of money. Just what is he doing with that money?

He didn't explain mostly about his family in the fanfic. Then he sighed, probably he is just overthinking,

"Oh! I see. I will try to search for his whereabouts using Spirit Hall." Xuan Yan said, taking a sip from his tea, and Xue Ling nodded.

"Where is Yin'er and Xie'er?" Xuan Yan asked.

"Oh! They are in the courtyard practising. " Mo Xing replied this time. She felt as if she was not in the conversation, so she tried to talk up, showing her presence 'I am here too.'

Xuan Yan smiled and placed the teacup on the table. "Then I will go and meet them."

He then got up and walked towards the courtyard.


Reaching the courtyard, Xuan Yan smiled when he saw two girls practising in the courtyard. One of them is practising with a sword, she has long wavy black hair and emerald-green eyes. Her body is petite and everyone will be attracted to her beautiful face. But the expression on her face and the aura around her is so cold that tells everyone not to approach her. Xue Yin!

And the other girl is practising a movement technique with a determined look on her face. She has long black hair and ocean-blue eyes. Mo Xie!

Xuan Yan didn't disturb them and saw their training. A little later, both of them stopped while breathing heavily with beads of sweat on their forehead.

*clap* *clap* "I am glad both of you are training so earnestly." Xuan Yan slowly walked to them clapping his hands. The two were startled to hear a voice, turned and looked at Xuan Yan.

"Big Brotherrr!!" Xue Yin was the first to respond with a big smile on her face and the cold look on her face disappeared. In an instant, she appeared in front of Xuan Yan. She jumped and grabbed his neck while coiling her legs around his waist. She then rubbed her face on his chest "Big Brother,..Big brother...I missed you...Big Brother"

Xuan Yan chuckled and patted her back "I missed you too..Yin'er"

"I know Big brother, you should..hehe" Xuan Yan heard her mumbling on his chest. This girl...

He then turned and looked at the baffled Mo Xie "Xie'er!" he smiled and called her.

Mo Xie came out of her daze and soon arrived in front of him "Brother Yan!!"

Xuan Yan patted her head "I saw your training. You are so hardworking. You have already reached level 4 in the Butterfly shadow steps and your Diamond body has reached level 2."

Mo Xie blushed and lowered her head shyly hearing Xuan Yan's compliments. "En. Thank you, Brother Yan." she said timidly.

Xue Yin, in Xuan Yan's embrace lightly turned to glance at Mo Xie and she narrowed her eyes looking at her coldly. She is annoyed because she lost the comfort, the hand that was patting her back was now patting Mo Xie's head.

Noticing her gaze, Xuan Yan patted her back. "Yin'er, I saw your hard work too. Your sword knowledge has increased and your ice elemental mastery has also increased. Good work!"

"Hehe...I really worked hard for you, Big brother, only for you." Xue Yin said with a cute smile. Xuan Yan smiled back, but he knew about her Yanderism and the intelligent mind behind her face,

"Hm. Today is your birthday and you also worked hard. So, I will give you a gift." Xuan Yan said.

"A gift? what is it?" Xue Yin asked confused.

"For that, you have to get down from me first. So, I can give that you properly."

"What? no..then I don't want that gift. I want to hold you tightly always." Hearing her words, Xuan Yan sighed and looked at Mo Xie who was smiling wryly beside him.

Mo Xie will always be shocked whenever she sees Xue Yin;'s character switch during the past years. Xue Yin is always cold and doesn't talk too much. But when she is with Xuan Yan her face is full of smiles. This character difference really bewilders her.

"Xie'er take a step back." Xuan Yan said and extended his hand. "Ohhh!" Mo Xie nodded and took back two steps.

*fwiishhh* In the next instant a white-blue ice crystal with foam around it appeared in Xuan Yan's hands. The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped below zero. Mo Xie's body shivered at feeling the coldness emanating from the sphere.

Even Xue Yin who is in Xuan Yan's embrace is also shivering, she can feel that her ice is not comparable to this. It is even colder than her own ice. Then she remembered her Big Brother's words five years ago. One day I will turn your ice into Ultimate ice. This is the Ultimate Ice?

"B-Big brother, this..the Ultimate Ice you said?" Xue Yin asked in shock.

"Yeah, I told you that I would turn your Ice into Ultimate Ice." Xuan Yan replied with a smile.

"En. Big brother you are the best."

"Haha, I will help you absorb this later. Now shall we go inside?" Xuan Yan asked.

"Yes!"x2 Both Mo Xie and Xue Yin replied.


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