
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime und Comics
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307 Chs

The Holy Son is here!!

"Mr. Yan is here..." Shui Mei's voice echoed through the room as she caught sight of Xuan Yan standing at the doorstep. "Mr.Yannn..." She rushed and hugged him. Xuan Yan, though a little taken aback by the sudden hug, reciprocated it with a gentle smile. "Mei?"

Hearing her noise, Shui Wuchang, Shui Bing Er, and Shui Yue Er also came. Shui Yue Er yelled walking towards them "Mom, why are you hugging Yan."

Mei smiled still hugging him "Why? Can't I hug my dear son-in-law?" Shui Yue Er's lips twitched in response. "Let him go, Mom..."

With a playful glint in her eye, Mei teased, "Hmph... I would even kiss him." Shui Mei said and tried to kiss his cheek. But Xuan Yan gently stopped her and pushed her back with a fond smile. "You're taking the joke too far, Mei. You're already married."

Shui Mei chuckled "Then would you let me kiss if I am single?" Xuan Yan just smiled "That is a different thing..."

"I can kiss him, you move..." Shui Yue Er also pushed her mom and softly pressed her lips against him. Shui Mei looked at them kissing and pouted "Oh, how envious..."

Shui Bing Er and Shui Wuchang exchanged awkward glances and looked away, feeling a tad uncomfortable with the affectionate display. Pulling back the kiss, Shui Yue Er sulked her lips "You came to see me after five days.. where have you gone?"

Xuan Yan softly pinched her lips "Do you remember what I said? I have many women, so I went on dates with them."

Shui Wuchang spoke with a giggle "When we went sightseeing, we heard the gossip that Dio Brando was on a date with his fiancee."

Everyone in the Spirit City saw the match through the Illusionic pillar and when Xuan Yan went on dates with Tang Yueha, Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu they immediately recognized him.

That created gossip and many people came to see Dio Brando. It was one heck of a week... he also went on a date with Bibi Dong hiding their identities.

Shui Yue Er wrapped her arms around his neck, her voice softening "I-I am also your woman. Then take me on a date too..." Xuan Yan patted her head "Yeah, That's why I came."

Shuyi Mei smiled "Then let's all go on a date..." Shui Yue Er frowned "Huh? Why would you guys come... I am going with Yan."

Shui Mei looked at Sui Wuchang and Shui Bing Er "But Chang'er and Bing'er also love Mr.Yan. So we should all go on a date..."

  E-Eh? Shui Bing Er and Shui Wuchang's faces quickly flustered hearing this "M-Mom?" "Sister... it is because of you I have these weird feelings."

Shui Yue Er glanced at her family bickering "*sigh* Let's go then... you guys."

"Yay, it's a date..."

"Why are you getting so excited, Mom..."



In the evening~

*thud* Opening the door, the Shui Family and Xuan Yan entered the room. Shui Yue Er let out a heavy sigh as she slumped onto the couch. "I am tired..."

"Me too..." Shui Bing Er also fell beside her. Xuan Yan chuckled and patted Shui Yue Er's head "I am leaving.. I have some preparations to make for tomorrow's fight."

They all remembered that Xuan Yan had an important fight tomorrow and nodded their heads. Shui Yue Er spoke, "You should win tomorrow Yan..."


Shui Mei glanced at Xuan Yan's back as he left the room. She took a quick glance at her sister and Shui Bing Er as she gripped her palm "I will go and escort out Mr.Yan..."

Shui Yue Er glimpsed at her and sighed closing her eyes.


Xuan Yan closed the door to the room and proceeded down the dimly lit hallway. As he walked, he heard a soft, hesitant *tap* behind him. He turned, raising an eyebrow in curiosity when he saw Shui Mei standing there. "Mei?"

"Mr. Yan!" she called out, catching up to him. Shui Mei stood in front of him, her usually teasing smile replaced by a serious expression. Xuan Yan frowned looking at her serious face, she will always have a teasing smile.

Shui Mei hesitated, her eyes locking onto his. "U-Um... Mr. Yan, I have a request," 

"What is it, Mei?"

Her voice quivered slightly as she continued, "U-Um... Mr.Yan, I want you to accept both Bing'er and Chang'er as your w-women too..."

"Hm?" Xuan Yan's frown deepened. Shui Mei forced a smile, her gaze downcast. "I know it's a somewhat strange request, but I genuinely want you to consider it."

She took a deep breath before continuing, her voice softer "I... really did not have that much of a big life. Yeah, I was a genius and well-respected in my clan... but my love life *sigh* w-well..."

"But I want the best for my daughters and my sister. And I know that you would be the best man I could ever find for them... I spent the last year time with you and I know what kind of person you are..."

"So I am sure they would be happy in your hands. And those girls... Bing'er and Chang'er also love you."

"*chuckle* They are not straightforward like Yue'er, so they don't know how to express their feelings. But I am sure they love you."

A soft sigh escaped Xuan Yan's lips and he nodded "Well, Let's see..." he said with a smile.

A mischievous grin played on Shui Mei's lips as she leaned forward pressing her body against him "Hmmm, I also don't mind if you take me too. Hehe..." she again teased.

Xuan Yan responded by gently encircling her waist with his right hand, drawing her even closer. "Is that so?" he murmured, his voice low and intimate. E-Eh? Shui Mei was startled seeing his sudden approach.

His fingers traced her cheek, brushing her lips lightly, and she could feel his warm breath on her skin, their lips were barely a centimeter apart.

*badump* Shui Mei's heart suddenly began to beat quickly seeing his royal blue eyes. Her lips trembled in sudden nervousness "U-um..." 

"Hear me, Mei," Xuan Yan whispered, his eyes locked onto hers with an intense gaze. "You know? I can be quite possessive." His fingers continued to caress her cheek, touching her lips. "I don't know if you're teasing or not..."

He moved his thumb over her lips softly caressing her red lips, and Shui Mei's light blue eyes trembled in response. "But if you continued provoking my feelings... I don't care about your fucking Husband or your fucking clan."

Xuan Yan's grip tightened, and he leaned in even closer, his breath now mingling with hers. "I'll slaughter them and make you mine."

"Remember that, Mei..." With that, he released her from his grip, leaving Shui Mei stunned. She stumbled backward, her chest heaving, and her breathing erratic.

Xuan Yan smiled and walked away. *haah* *haah* Shui Mei's face was deep red as she touched her chest and she could feel her heart running quickly.

  She was just half joking while teasing him but now... "W-What a devil..."


Finals day~

Today the whole arena is overflowing with people and the whole space is filled with constant screams. They are all super excited to see the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall and the fight of the century. 'The Almighty Genius!'

The crowds erupted in constant screams and cheers, their voices echoing throughout the vast arena. The Empires, Kings, and Sect Masters were also there nervously waiting to see the Holy Prince.

The memory of the rumors that had spread years ago still haunted them, the day when the entire mainland had been subjected to a horrifying force after a dragon roar, coinciding with the Spirit Hall's announcement of their Holy Son. Whispers persisted that the overwhelming pressure had been caused by none other than the Holy Son himself.

The Sect Leader of one of the top three Sects, Yu Yuanxhen - The Sect leader of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon is also here today.

The Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Huo also attended the finals. They all received a direct invitation from the Spirit Hall. How can they reject that?

The only Sect that is not represented here is the Clear Sky Clan Sect but Xuan Yan made sure the Illusionic Pillar reached the hidden place as he received the coordinates from Tang Yueha.

The entire big shots of the whole mainland have gathered in one place not for the Tournament finals, only to see the Holy Son and his fight against the hailed Dio Brando.

All eyes turned toward the top of the arena, where the Pope's throne was placed. Today, however, there were two thrones side by side, confirming the expectation that the Holy Prince would indeed make an appearance. 

*woosh* Bibi Dong appeared and gracefully took her seat on her majestic throne. All eyes were fixated on the balcony-like platform at the top of the Arena, their anticipation growing as they awaited the arrival of the Holy Prince.

"Ahhhhhh, I c-can't waittttttttt to see the Holy Son...."

"Me tooo..."




*swoosh* Then, at that very moment, another figure materialized beside Bibi Dong. Wearing royal white robes with golden linings a a young man appeared standing near the throne.

His hair as white as the freshly fallen snow cascaded around his face. His hair flowed in the air as he blinked his white eyelashes and his golden eyes brimmed brightly.

Xuan Yan glanced down at the audience and the Kings, Emperors and Sect Masters from all across the mainland.

*GASP* As Xuan Yan made his presence, a collective GASP reverberated throughout the entire arena. The spectators, including Kings, Emperors, and Sect Masters from across the mainland, were left breathless, their voices caught in their throats. Before them stood a man of unparalleled handsomeness.

H-He is...

He is beautiful, handsome, pretty, elegant, breathtaking, gorgeous, attractive, charming, heavenly, stunning, exquisite, cute, magnificent, divine, alluring, pleasing, lovely, delightful, appealing, engaging, winsome, ravishing, gorgeous, glamorous, irresistible, bewitching, beguiling, graceful, elegant, exquisite, aesthetic, magnificent, hot, sexy, divine, pulchritudinous, dazzling, fascinating, fine, good looking, graceful, grand, splendid, superb, wonderful, sublime, statuesque, ravishing, radiant, ideal, nice, excellent, enticing, classy, admirable, fancy, angelic, beauteous, luscious, fetching, adoring, adorable, embellishing, flawless, perfect, personable, desirable, seductive, snazzy, striking, showstopping, glossy, eye-catching, fabulous, prime, top-notch, sensational, premium, tempting, magnetic, captivating, prepossessing, bright, curvaceous, tantalizing, enchanting, pleasant, flamboyant, glorious, spectacular, fantastic!

(A/n: Ok, I am done...lol. Just bear with it Hehe)


I hope you guys liked this chapter!