
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Anime und Comics
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307 Chs

Demon Spirit Great White Shark!

*blink* *blink* The woman's eyelids fluttered open and she abruptly stood up sitting on the bed "Evil Spirit Orca King, you-" huh? but she was startled by the cozy bed and the lavish surroundings.

"W-Where am I?" With a bewildered expression, she glanced around, trying to make sense of her surroundings, and saw many beds near her in the big space. There are even couches and tables at the end of the hall.

Hai Nu was so confused and quickly got down from the bed. Her fishtail quickly changed to legs and she wandered around the area.

She was sure she was on a boat by sensing the small constant moving of the room and the sound of the waves filling her ears. 'Did someone helped me?'

*creek* At this time, a woman opened the door and came inside. Long Yeyue was startled to see Hai Nu walking around the room.

Hai Nu swiftly turned to look at Long Yeyue and raised her eyebrow. Long Yeyue smiled "Oh, you are awake?"

Feeling the strong aura from Long Yeyue, Hai Nu was surprised "Are you the one who saved me?" Fighting the Evil Spirit Orca king and rescuing her is not an easy task, especially in the sea.

Long Yeyue waved her hand "Not me, my Husband helped you." Hai Nu raised her eyebrow "Your... Husband?"

Long Yeyue nodded "En. Are you hungry? We have grilled fish there so you can eat them. Don't worry it is not poisoned."

Hai Nu glimpsed at the table and shook her head "No, um... can I meet your Husband?"

"Hm. He is out there... come with me." Long Yeyue said and walked out of the room. Hai Nu followed her coming out of the cabin room.

Feeling the sea breeze hitting her face, Hai Nu combed her hair and she looked around the boat in bewilderment. There are so many women here and each one exudes their own unique beauty and charm.

Her eyes glanced around in amazement and her gaze briefly fell on the bow of the boat. There she saw a handsome young man and by his side, a woman clung to his arm affectionately as they looked at the seas.

"Husband..." Long Yeyue faintly called him. Xuan Yan and Bibi Dong turned around to look at the Sea woman Douluo.

*gasp* Hai Nhu's eyes widened in surprise as she saw his golden eyes and handsome face. "A-Aren't you... the Emperor of Spirit Empire and... the Empress. I have seen you in the pillars."

Xuan Yan's declaration of war and the war were broadcasted around the whole mainland and Sea God Island. Hai Nu had seen his face a year ago in the pillars and she couldn't forget the handsome man she saw that day.

Xuan Yan gave a faint nod "Yeah, I am..." Hai Nu's eyes trembled in fear "T-Then you are all... from the Spirit Hall?" As she glanced nervously around at the women surrounding her, Hai Nu couldn't help but feel a wave of dread wash over her.

Spirit Hall and Sea God Island are deadly enemies and now she is right in the enemies camp.

Xuan Yan shrugged casually leaning on the railing as he spoke "Well, they are all my women. So I guess you can say that." The others smiled while Zhu Zhuyun and Shui Bing Er were a little flustered as they were also mentioned with the group by Xuan Yan.

 At this time, Hai Nu suddenly realized something. Xuan Yan is here and Spirit Hall people are here close to Sea God Island... then "Did you come here for war?" she asked coming out of her initial shock.

Xuan Yan showed an evil grin "Yeah, I came here to destroy the Sea God Island and submerge it within the Seas where it belongs."

Hai Nu took a step back in fear her lips quivering in anxiety "As I thought..."

Pfft... Bibi Dong couldn't help but chuckle seeing her Husband's teasing and the others were also amused seeing Xuan Yan's antics and Hai Nu's hilarious reactions. "Heh..."

Bibi Dong played along with him as she spoke coldly "Yeah, Only Spirit Empire rules everywhere... even this Sea God Island will be under us."

Long Yeyue smirked "Yeahhh, we will burn it to ashes...hehehe"

The others giggled seeing the drama that was happening right in front of them. Hai Nu frowned looking at Xuan Yan. She knows how powerful Xuan Yan is as she has seen him fight in the war.

She knows clearly that she is not his opponent. Even the High Priestess herself admitted that confronting Xuan Yan is a daunting task.

Looking at the trembling and scared Hai Nu, everyone laughed in their hearts. "Pfft.. haha." Xiao Wu laughed first and seeing her the others also couldn't control it anymore and burst into laughter. 

Hai Nu was perplexed by the chaotic laughter. 'Are they making fun of me?' she was left clueless.

Xuan Yan smiled "Well enough of the teasings, you are one of the seven worships in the Sea God Island, Sea woman Douluo, right?"

H-Huh? Hai Nu stood there, completely taken aback by Xuan Yan's unexpected words but she narrowed her eyes "I have no intention of talking with the enemy." How does he know about me?

"HAHA!" The women burst into fits of laughter, their amusement only growing hearing Hai Nu and her still thinking that they were enemies here came for war.

Bibi Dong sighed softly "Do you think we really came here for war?"

"Huh? Is there any other reason for you to come here?" Hai Nu asked still keeping her guard up.

"We came here for vacation..."


"HOoo...." The women yelled.

(ʘᗩʘ') Eh? V-Vacation? They came here for vacation? Hai Nu squinted her eyes and looked around the women giggling. Are they for real? For vacation? she was confused.

Liu Erlong grinned "If Yan really came here for war, do you think Yan would help you from the Evil Spirit Orca King even though he knows you are from the Sea God Island?"

Hu Liena nodded her head "He even treated you and detoxified the whole sea which should be the Sea God Island's problem."

D-Detoxified the seas? Hai Nu was shocked and again glimpsed at Xuan Yan smiling at her. "You even removed the poison?"

Zhu Zhuqing had a wry smile on her face "In the first place, Do you really think he would bring all his women for war?"

"Yeah, he would have come alone a year ago if he wanted." Bibi Dong added with a giggle.

All the reasons made sense, but Hai Nu still had doubts within her as she couldn't blindly believe someone who openly declared war and ruthlessly killed his enemies and even broadcasted to the whole mainland.

Xuan Yan again turned back looking at the seas, a smile came upon his face "We are nearing the Sea God Island..."

"Oh, we are finally here!"


Hai Nu turned her gaze in the same direction and quickly realized that they were getting closer to the Sea God Island. She saw that every woman was carefree and enjoying. Are they really not here for war?

"Don't be so tensed up. We won't harm you..." Long Yeyue said with a smile. "Um..." Hai Nu was still uncertain but then a sigh left her lips. "yeah.."

A mischievous grin appeared on Long Yeyue's face "Now that I think about it, why don't we just destroy Sea God Island, Husband?"

H-Huh? Hai Nu's jaw dropped in visible shock. "What?"

Xuan Yan agreed with a smile "Yeah, I think that's a great idea. Yue'er."

Hai Nu was taken aback "What? Didn't you just say that you were here for vacation? W-What's this?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and confusion.

Long Yeyue laughed patting Hai Nu's shoulder "I was just kidding, like I said don't be nervous."

Woman, your joke would give me heart attacks! Hai Nu's eyebrow twitched seeing them teasing her and playing with her feelings. She was scared for a second there.

She again looked at Xuan Yan "But Sea God Island is not for outsiders, it is not a spot for vacation or something. So it's better you just leave."

Xuan Yan nodded "I know that only trial takers can stay on the Island right?"

"Huh? H-How come you even know that?" Hai Nu was taken aback hearing his words. Xuan Yan just smiled "I have my source of information. Don't fret it."


After a while, the Sea God Island gradually emerged on the distant horizon and everyone could see the well-developed large cities in the distance scattered across as small Islands.

"Wow, it looks beautiful..." Xiao Wu exclaimed and the others agreed with a nod, it was indeed beautiful.

Hai Nu's lips curled up into a slight smile as she caught sight of her hometown and again took a glimpse at Xuan Yan suspiciously.

*thrishh* The boat moved faster and they were reaching closer and closer the Sea God Island. *RAARGHHH* However, just as they approached, a cacophony of deafening roars reverberated through the air, startling them all.

The women were taken aback by the abrupt and thunderous roars that echoed through the air and saw some shadows of large fishes in the seas near their boat. "There are spirit beasts blocking us!"

Standing before them are countless enormous white sharks blocking them from reaching the Sea God Island. They are the Demon Spirit Great White Shark!

The one in the front is bigger than the others and is commanding them. *swoosh* The spirit beast transformed into a woman and She gracefully mounted atop another Demon Spirit Great White Shark.

"Stop here human, Sea God Island is prohibited for outsiders and you can't enter." the king of the Demon Spirit Great White Shark spoke as she looked at the boat.

Hai Nu hurriedly made her way towards the boat's edge, calling out to Xiao Bai "Xiao Bai, it's me. wait... I am coming!" she said as she tried to jump from the boat.

Xiao Bai shook her head "No, you can't Sea woman Douluo. No one can enter the Seagod Island without the High priestess's will."

Eh? Hai Nu was dumbfounded "When did such rules found?" The other women giggled and Hai Nu was angry seeing Xiao Bai embarrassing her in front of others.

Xiao Bai spoke "You know the sea is attacked by some people and now it is even poisoned. So we have to be on guard."

Hai Nu yelled, "But I belong to this Island, I am not an outsider, let me in and I will talk with hIgh Priestess myself."

Xiao Bai still reluctant and shook her head "No means no, Sea Woman Douluo."

Xuan Yan chuckled and walked near her "How fortunate seeing all three overlords of the sea one after another, Demon Spirit Great White Shark king."

Xiao Bai looked at Xuan Yan and frowned "Who are you, human? You can go back... you are not allowed here."

Xuan Yan just showed a smile "We are here for vacation." Xiao Bai's frown deepened "Vacation or whatever, you can't enter past this sea, human!"

"Hoh?" Xuan Yan stood up on the bow of the airport and leaped onto the sea effortlessly walking on the water. 

"You dare?" Xiao Bai asked angrily. A sigh left Xuan Yan's lips "Since you won't allow me through the seas, I will go there by land!"

"By Land?" Xiao Bai narrowed her eyes in confusion, and the women around her were equally perplexed. With a smile, Xuan Yan tapped his leg on the water *SWOOOSHHHHH* *THRRASSSSHHHH*

The sea split open forming huge waves, "AhhhhhHhhh!" the Demon Spirit Great White Sharks were swept away by the huge waves, and the sea was split into two revealing the land paving a path for Xuan Yan.

"GAH!" Hai Nu's jaw dropped seeing Xuan Yan effortlessly splitting the seas, with the water miraculously remaining suspended on either side and he is casually walking on the land. What the fuck?!

The women were also dumbfounded seeing the scene and mused.

*swish* Xuan Yan quickly appeared on the shore of the Sea God Island. *THRASH* the split seas rejoined making huge waves again engulfing the Demon Spirit Great White Sharks.

"YOU HUMAN!!!" Xiao Bai jumped from the sea dashing at Xuan Yan. Xuan Yan just waved his hand and she was blasted into the seas. *boom* causing a resounding explosion upon impact.

He then glanced toward the Island and a smile appeared on his face as he released his cultivation pressure revealing his presence. "Come here, Bo Saixi..." he whispered.


Bo Saixi who was kneeling in front of a trident, her eyes suddenly jolted open feeling a powerful presence in her Island.

"Who is that?" In a surge of curiosity, she abruptly rose to her feet and sprinted out of the Sea God temple, heading swiftly towards the glistening shores.

On the shore, Xuan Yan blinked his eyes and in the next instant, a breathtakingly beautiful woman stood in front of him. *swoosh* "As expected of a Limit Douluo, you are fast!"

Hearing the familiar enchanting voice, Bo Saixi turned her gaze towards the figure before her.

It was a young man, his hair as pure as the snow, cascading down. His eyes, shimmering like precious gold, radiated a captivating brilliance that never failed to captivate her. And, as always, a faint yet charming smile played upon his lips, adding an extra touch to his already handsome look.

*gasp* Bo Saixi's eyes grew wider in shock seeing Xuan Yan, and an incredible feeling swelled her heart seeing the man after some years. Her heart suddenly began to race quickly, an indescribable feeling filling her soul that was impossible to put into words.

"L-Lit..." With a slight stammer and trembling she opened her quivering cherry lips gazing at his soft golden eyes, her eyes softening.

Overwhelmed with joy, she couldn't resist the urge to draw him closer, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. At that moment, her eyes spoke volumes, brimming with pure happiness and contentment.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!