
Reincarnated In My Favorite Novel as The Useless Prince

The story follows a beautiful teenage boy with white hair, who hides behind the facade of mediocrity. He lost his parents at a young age before being adopted by his best friend's family. He fell in love with his now new step-sister, who was two years older than him and had a severe illness that made her weak and fragile. She was the scapegoat of her family, while he became the golden child. He took care of her at the age of 7 when he was 5 and they fell in love and became a couple at the age of 11 and 9. Tragedy struck when their family killed her when she was sixteen. He was consumed by madness before controlling that madness and taking down the very same family that adopted him, who happened to be an empire of a company dominating every industry, and destroyed everything two years after her death when she was supposed to be 18. After killing everyone besides his best friend before, he was reincarnated into his favorite novel as a side character better known as the useless prince who wasnt actually a prince but was just beautiful as one. The story follows his journey as he uses his future knowledge and the help of his system to traverse the obstacles in his path while fighting against the dangers of the world, which is both similar and dissimilar to what he once knew. He must find out the mystery behind his reincarnation and overcome all the crises that are about to happen in the future. Will the future event follow the same route as described in the novel? Does the world have other plans for him? Is his reincarnation just a coincidence, or does someone or some other forces have a role in it? Follow him as he discovers the answers to these questions and more. ============= Reader Disclaimer : There are two MCs in this story. 1. The original MC of the novel/book 2. The author that transmigrates in the novel/book =============

Heavenscreation · Fantasie
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14 Chs

The Night Sky

The air was slightly cold, but the warmth was subtly hidden within. The night was peaceful and breathtaking, with stars scattered around almost as if a giant hand had tossed diamond dust into the sky. In the middle of this tranquil scene was a gorgeous, beautiful boy with white hair, as if the heavens had sculpted him. He was wearing an elegant yet alluring black suit and looking peacefully as his beautiful purple-amethyst eyes that looked like a galaxy had been contained within them. He looked at the astonishing sight of a beautiful white moon with a halo surrounding it, a Lunar Halo.

The boy seemed utterly enchanted by the lunar halo and the stars dancing around it, ignoring the numerous dead bodies around him. He was mesmerized by the night sky's beauty and the moment's tranquility. The blood flowed through the grass like a river, but he paid it no mind.

The stars twinkled in the sky, the moon shone brightly, and the halo shone brighter. A peaceful silence surrounded the boy, and he felt a sense of calm and serenity as he looked at the sky.

The boy stood there for what seemed like an eternity, taking in the magnificence of the night sky. He felt a deep sense of freedom and contentment, filled with a sense of wonder and awe. He was in awe of the beauty of the night sky, and he felt a deep connection to the universe.

Eventually, the boy turned away from the night sky, leaving the peaceful scene behind. He was filled with a sense of peace and contentment, and he was grateful for the beauty of the night sky. He had experienced a moment of pure bliss and was thankful for the opportunity to witness such a beautiful sight.

- Click!

Suddenly the sound of a handgun clocking back could be heard, ruining the once-peaceful atmosphere.

The boy's special moment was ruined as his serene expression turned into a cold, expressionless face.

He looked behind him to see a teenager around his age.

This handsome male was also a sight to behold. He stood tall and proud, with a somewhat athletic body that was toned and muscular. His raven hair is thick and glossy, framing his face perfectly. His eyes are a striking shade of grey, and they seem to sparkle with intelligence and wit. His skin is a warm, golden hue that glows with health and vitality. He has a strong jawline and a straight nose, and his lips are full and inviting. He has a confident air about himself and carries himself with grace and poise.

At least, that's what he usually looked like, but his current appearance was anything like night and day.

His grey eyes are piercing and intense.

His athletic build is evident, but his appearance and aura are disheveled and filled with grief, anger, and despair. His clothes were wrinkled, and his hair was unkempt as if he hadn't taken care of himself in days. His face was drawn, and his eyes were sunken in as if he hadn't been sleeping. His posture was now slumped, and his movements were slow and sluggish.

It's clear that this young man has been through a lot.

His grief is palpable, and his anger and despair are almost tangible.

He looked like he'd been through a great deal of pain and suffering, and it was clear that he was struggling to cope, as it was taking its toll on him.


The boy with white hair spoke, his tone cold and distant even though the man in front of him was his sworn brother, emphasize was.

"W-w-wh-why-why-why did you- why did you do it." Angel's voice quivered, but one could hear the anger and pain in his voice.

A look of disgust appeared on the face of the kid with white hair.

"Seriously? Are you that fucking dumb? I mean, seriously…

Fine, whatever... in order to stroke that magnificent ego of yours, I will tell you why I did what I did, even though you know the answer; you refuse to accept it… it was because of her… your sister… because of Emilia." He answered calmly, but one could hear the wrath hidden deep within his voice.

Angel felt a pang within his chest as his anger flared intensely, coating his eyes with a murderous glint as he placed his trigger finger on the gun pointed at the teen in front of him.

"You're kidding, right… YOUR FUCKING KIDDING, RIGHT!? SHE WAS USELESS! EVERYTHING ABOUT HER WAS USELESS! I KNOW YOU GUYS LOVED EACH OTHER, BUT IT'S BEEN TWO YEARS SINCE SHE DIED, NICO!!" Angel yelled at the top of his lungs, letting out all his pent-up rage, anger, and despair as tears fell down his cheeks.

The beautiful white hair teen known as Nico remained indifferent to his outburst, as it was nothing to him as it was coming from a lost child.

"Yes, it's been two long years… I've missed her dearly; I think about her every day. I also think about how you and your family took her from me… she had time and a lot of time before her illness took her; it may not have been forever, but we still would have been together. She was the only reason on earth to tolerate human life for me, for me to also tolerate your pathetic family life." Nico said as he looked back up to the sky, ignoring the gun pointed at him as he enjoyed the moon once more before looking back at Angel.

"You know it's today, right… her death… I had to wait two fucking years to complete my plans, but when I did, I made sure everything was ready for this exact date! For your family's reputation to fall, to slowly make their company stock decrease little by little until it finally became useless, and your company was ruined; it's why I killed the executives and shareholders one by one over the year. It's why I helped the competitors, your rivals, those who hated your family as they slowly but surely took your place in the world. All the industries your family flourished in… but hey, I took down a fucking empire in two years… a fucking empire and none of you knew it was me." Nico's voice was somewhat chuckling at the end, his face contorted in a manic grin as if he was laughing at some private joke that only he could understand like a good joke, but his voice was filled with madness and despair.

A chuckle sent chills down the spines of Angel, making his entire body shake in fear; he had never seen this side of Nico. He had known Nico since they were born; they grew up together laughing, enjoying life, and having each other backs; even when Nico's parents died, they adopted him and loved him.

Angel knew in terms of looks he lost to Nico, hands down, but in everything else, Angel was better; he was stronger, faster, smarter, and had more talent than him, and although that was more than enough, there were a few other things he lacked compared to Nico.

His parents loved and cared for Nico, more than their own son. Nico was their golden child, but the only fault Nico honestly had, was his love for… his sister, Emilia Evergarden.

Emilia Evergarden. and Angel Evergarden. Came from the Evergarden family, an empire in their city, and all around the globe; they dominated different parts of the market, including healthcare.

If Nico was their golden child, Emilia Evergarden was their Scapegoat Child. They blamed her for everything that went wrong with their life, no matter how small it was; if something broke in the house, it was always her fault; if the house was dirty, it was her fault even though they had maids around the house who didn't treat her any better, but since she was still a child of the Evergarden Family, it was limited to insults.

Emilia Evergarden was a creature of the heavens, a beautiful and mysterious girl with beautiful raven hair and grey eyes.

Her beauty was captivating.

Her presence was mesmerizing. She was a force of nature, a being of pure grace and elegance. Her eyes were like two pools of liquid silver, her hair like a dark, star-filled night. She moved with a grace and poise that was almost otherworldly, and her voice was like a gentle whisper of the wind. She was a creature of beauty, mystery, and pure perfection. She was a gift from the heavens, a beautiful and gorgeous girl created by the heavens.

Even though she was a creature from the heavens created by the heavens, even the heavens didn't favor her, as when she was 6, she was plagued by an illness that made her weak and fragile, and her once beautiful appearance became a fairytale.

She still had remnants of her beauty like a fallen angel, her bone structure was still magnificent, and her hair still shined, as did her eyes.

That's when she fell from grace, as her parents and brother started mistreating her, calling her a curse on their family. Still, no matter their words, she kept her head held high, but that didn't last long before her personality became cold and distant, further increasing her family's anger.

Emilia Evergarden was two years older than Nico and Angel, making her 18 if she were still alive.

At the tender age of 4, her little brother treated her like a curse.

Though not everything was terrible as there was still one person who stood by her side… Nico.

No matter what she went through, whether it was her family or her illness, Nico was always there, constantly taking care of her even when his parents died, and as the years passed, they gained feelings for each other and started dating when she was 11, and he was 9. Under the duress of Emilia Evergarden, they kept their relationship from their family.

Everyone in the family knew they loved each other, and they were all damn sure to make sure they didn't end up together.

At the age of 18, she still had three years left to live, but the Evergarden Family thought it was too long. There was too much time for their relationship to blossom even more, eventually making Nico resent them. Still, they had underestimated Nico as being somewhat average in intelligence and talent.

He was far more intelligent and more talented than they ever imagined, but he was still a child in the end, and he would have never thought that the Evergarden Family would kill their own daughter under the guise of an overdose of her medication.

Of course, Nico was heartbroken at her death and became depressed for a year… apparently.

The Evergarden Family thought he was heartbroken, and they were correct, but they still underestimated him. Nico wasn't just heartbroken, his entire world was shattered, and he was engulfed in madness.

His once bright world filled with stars became dark.

He became insane on a daily bases.

Day after day, he was engulfed by insanity.

Until a month later… he became sane once more, and his once-cloudy vision cleared, allowing him to see the world for what it truly was.

A nightmare.

A living hell…