
Reincarnated in marvel with anime System

MC reincarnated in Marvel with an anime System that gives him power with luck and time so let's see what will happen. He no good guy he's totally a villain. Like enel he's got God complex from being a Muslim. He's no slouch he like a gamer but life he Trains like a mad man. And he's fictional character so no hate please. I don't owned any character except my OC. English is not my first language sorry for the error's.

Siumhasan · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 Conquering Earth part 1

On a mild day a projection of a person appeared in the sky and he said . . "Hello! People of earth I can give you everything you need to live in comfort. I can give you power to wield power of elements like fire, water, lightning, Ice ext". . "Body of a super soldier that surpasses all limitations on body and evolves with hard work". . "If don't want want fear extinction you can live in my Kingdom where I can fit trillions of people. so I will give 1 months time before I will kill everyone in this planet". . "In this month you can know what's happening in my Kingdom and whether I'm a liar or not. If you wish power and live in a heaven like place where you don't need to work you have to do a few things" Hasan said . . 1. No crime in my Kingdom is allowed . 2. There will be a message will appear in front of you and you have to answer with yes or no. . 3. You have worship me as a God king. . News everywhere:

** Reporter 1:** This is insane! How can we trust such an offer?


** Reporter 2:** If it means having powers like a superhero, count me in.


**Reporter 3:** But what if we're just playing right into his hands? This could be a trap.


**Reporter 4:** I don't care! I could have the power to save people. I'm joining up!


**Reporter 5:** Have we really come to this? Are we so desperate that we're willing to give up our freedom for temporary power?


**Reporter 6:** This being might have taken over our planet, but there's no way I'm bowing down to him!


**Reporter 7:** I don't know what to do. This offer is tempting, but I don't want to support someone who is taking away our freedom. .

**Reporter 8:** If there's even a chance of me gaining superpowers, I'll take it. .

**Reporter 9:** We need to be cautious. This could all be part of a bigger plan.

. **Reporter 10:** How do we know that this being won't just use us and then discard us when we're no longer useful?

. **Reporter 11:** I'm not going to sell my soul just for some powers. There has to be another way.

. **Reporter 12:** I have a God already, he's most likely the satan. . 'I have to call captain marvel back' said Nick fury. . 3 billion people have accepted the offer to become hasan's worshiper. . They have been teliported to Hasan's Kingdom. . 'Wanda and her brother was there home praying on their hearts for Tony stark's downfall and watching T.V. suddenly they a Thunderclap with high amounts of sound, then a man's appeared in sky. Who's appearance is godly a straight man will have second thoughts about their sexual preferences and girls have wet dreams. Then he gave crude speech about this world is his'. . 'He can destroy it and recreate it so we should pray to him not some god who abandon us ext. And he has a Kingdom were you don't work to get food everything is free'. 'Truly his Kingdom is like heaven'.

'I wish I can live there'. 'Then he said everyone can live there but they have to worship him'. 'Awww he's so handsome I want to marry him'. . 'Stop Wanda what are you thinking you have take revenge on Tony stark'. . 'Then a message appeared Infront of me and Pietro where it's written that We accept to become His Majesty God Kings worshiper and to live in his kingdom flowing rules and regulations ext'. . 'We accepted because we chances to take revenge on Tony stark'. . 'Well now we know who were up against and chances us winning in impossible'! said Tony stark . 'Not really we have secret weapons that we have to use' said Nick fury . 'Sir all over the world people are vanishing' said a shield agent . 'Activate protocol B-45' said Nick fury. . 'What's protocol B-45' said Suzan storm. . We will tell everyone it's conspiracy ext. Through T.V. Internet ext. . Wanda pov: 'me and my brother opened our eyes and we are in a large nearby lake were new and beautiful types of fishes are swimming, the water is taking on different shapes'. 'Truly a magical place'. . 'Then a beautiful lady made of Ice welcomed us and everyone in the field'. Her name is Ayesha . 'She then led us to the Tree Of Life where we would gain our powers'. And said if you want powers, you have to learn to control them so you don't harm anyone without intent harm and don't worry your brain's processing power will improve so it won't take much time to control your power's'. . 'She then entered a large root of tree of Life with us there are thousands of wood cacoon that were told to enter'. . 'When I entered I felt comfortable, a vast amount energy entered my body. I felt my body growing stronger and stronger'. 'I felt something deep within me trying fight that energy, but the energy slowed it'. 'I felt my eyes are uncomfortable then the mix energy merged with my eyes'. . 'Ayesha then told me that I hade a meta gene so his majesty's power merged with my power I awakend a blood line limit named Sharingan'. 'prerequisite of Rinnegan or samsara eye that has power of multi planetary power but to his majesty it's small power'. . 'Oh there is a map of this place' said Wanda. 'It's larger! this place is larger than Earth but how'. 'Were are we'? 'What's going on'? 'Oh so we are in his majesty's own dimension Ayesha told me'. . 'So here there are Fire Giants, Ice Giants, lava Giants, Sand Giants, Wood Giants ext'. Wanda said. . Tetramand or Fourarms and Wildmutt or Vulpimancer and Big Chill or Necrofriggian ext. Species lives in this world they are made by our God king his majesty. . . . What's going on! Said Ansiant One. She couldn't believe it, first time stone stop working. Then every connection with multiverse and dimensions was severed and she was going to die but somehow survived. And then a truly terrifying being appeared on Earth and ask everyone to worship him