
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Myth_Valley · Andere
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199 Chs

Chapter 50

He hurriedly carried Yue Feng away, afraid that he himself might meet the same fate.

Although that elder, who was a Level 6 [Elder], was Yue Feng's main teacher, Yue Yang was surprised by his actions. He had watched his disciple being attacked, but his expression did not change at all. Instead, he remained calm and stayed seated.

As for the werewolf grandmaster being humiliated and having his head stepped on by Yue Yang, he had also ignored it.

While his head was being stepped on, the werewolf grandmaster dug his claws into the stone, vigorously trying to straighten his back and support his body. Despite his bones emitting a series of cracking sounds, he was still incapable of struggling free.

Yue Yang's foot was weighing down on him like a huge mountain.

Upon seeing the werewolf grandmaster struggling with all he had, Yue Yang coldly laughed and reduced the force of his leg by a little.

When he felt that the force on his head had lessened, the werewolf grandmaster felt a great delight.

Could it be that the brat's strength had waned?

It was time for his retaliation. However, once the werewolf grandmaster raised his head just a little, another huge burst of force fell. With a bang, his head was once again barbarically stomped into the ground by Yue Yang. It was only now that the werewolf grandmaster understood; this brat was actually intentionally teasing him in front of the masses and was causing him to suffer an even greater humiliation.

He was, after all, a Level 5 [Grandmaster]; it could not be that he had to plead for mercy under the stares of the masses?

At the thought of this, the werewolf grandmaster's pupils became wet with humiliation.

He could not do so, he was an instructing grandmaster of the Southern Mountains Floating Mist Sect.

"Stop it immediately. San er, listen to everybody. You can only hit your opponent during the competition and killing is not allowed here. You have already won. Quickly come down so that Yue Bing can go up for her turn." Fifth Grandfather knew that Yue Yang was confronting Yue Shan and Yue Ling. But they were as crafty as foxes, so they would definitely not be fooled by this plot. If this carries on, there would be no way of salvaging the situation.

"I can't hear anything. What are you all saying?" Yue Yang intensely stomped down onto the werewolf grandmaster's back, as if he was stepping on a shameless toad.

"Ah Xian, he listens to you so advise him. No matter what, you have to quickly get him down." Fifth Grandfather turned towards the beautiful woman and pleaded.

"San-er, come down," the beautiful woman initially would not bother about Yue Yang's matters, but she could not reject the elder's plea.

"Yes. Only my Fourth Mother speaks loudly enough. I could hear clearly as soon as she spoke." Yue Yang relieved the force of his leg, carrying the werewolf grandmaster up.

He tidied up the torn clothes of the werewolf grandmaster and said in a sincere tone, "Grandmaster, please forgive a trash like me. You are a Level 5 ranker and also an instructing grandmaster of the Floating Mist Sect, while I am just a trash that anyone can bully easily. Aside from Fourth Mother who dotes on me, there is nobody else who cares for me. Please be magnanimous and let me off. Things such as the medical fees for you beating me up, slashing my back, and stepping on my head, I will not dare to mention it at all. It all can only be blamed on the fact that I'm a piece of trash. You see, I am now drenched in blood and my clothes are in pieces. I'm in such a sorry state, so could you please spare my life and allow me to go back down and reunite with my family?"

"...." The werewolf grandmaster did not cry but he knew that the expression on his face was worse than a crying one.

If he could, he would rather smash his own head and die.

However, his life was now still in the hands of this lunatic and he could not do anything.

Yue Yang let go of the werewolf grandmaster and waved away his hands. "Thank you grandmaster for sparing my life. I knew from the start such an impressive grandmaster like you, will definitely not pick on such a weakling like me. Thank you, Grandmaster, I will now send the grandmaster down the stage."

With a kick, he sent the grandmaster flying over ten meters as he hummed, "I'll send you away, a thousand miles away". He was by the side of the beautiful woman in a jiffy and appeared like an obedient child. He bowed courteously and said," Fourth Mother, I have returned. It was fortunate that everybody had pleaded for me and that the grandmaster was benevolent enough to spare my life. It was only due to this that I escaped from danger. I realized my mistakes and I do not dare to not listen to you again."

"You silly child," The beautiful lady understood that Yue Yang was purposely trying to make her look important with his words. She was moved to tears at this instant.

"...." The crowd did not know what to say as they looked at the weird actions of this kid.

While it was crazy for him to be so confrontational in front of everybody, he acted logically the entire time. Be it in scheming or in his words, there was not a trace of him losing himself in aggression. But his actions were not logical either, since he had overestimated himself and made an enemy out of everyone. He was even bold enough to confront the Southern Mountain Hidden Mist Sect, one of the Four Great Sects.

While he went against his clan and was a rebel by being disobedient towards his elders, he was incomparably filial towards his Fourth Mother.

It was to the point that everything he had done was to raise the importance of his Fourth Mother.

There were so many contradictions with regards to this little lunatic.

"Brother Hai. Your clan's Third Young Master is really interesting and pretty good. He is more interesting than his father who had that stubborn attitude. If only I had such a filial son, how good would that be." Jun Wu You burst into laughter and patted elder Yue Hai's shoulder.

"Isn't Princess Qian Qian very filial?" Elder Yue Hai only laughed indifferently and looked at Yue Yang with an odd gaze. It could be that he was reminded of his late son Yue Qiu whom he felt the most pleased and proud of before. His expression was a little solemn. Jun Wu You's expression suddenly changed and became as solemn as elder Yue Hai. "It is a pity that girl is not male. Such a pity."

"Yes, it's a pity" Although elder Yue Hai said that it was a pity, it was unclear if he meant it towards Princess Qian Qian or his son Yue Qiu who had already died fighting in battle.