
Chapter 9*

Enjoy The Chapter.


Chapter 9 Begins


--Elesis (MC) Pov

While thinking these I walk towards the dungeon where my slaves will give birth and think about other things.

Like my relationship with Serafall. My relationship with Serafall is very good. We are girlfriends as after 15 years of trying to make her love me she gave in and become mine.

--Flashback -5 Years Ago

I was talking with Serafall, flirting with her. We were not alone as Sirzechs, Falbium and Ajuka is with us.

Ajuka was looking at me and Serafall, thinking something. He was trying to say something as he was fidgeting around.

"Oh fuck it" he said quietly.

"Okay, that's enough both of you. I dont want to see you two flirt for another 17 years."

"Just admit you both like each other and stop flirting in front of us!" he said first very calmly but towards the end he yelled.

Serafall blushed and ran away from embaresment.

I turn towards Ajuka and said only with my lips but not with my voice "Thank you" and wink at him.

Ajuka look at me and Serafall that is running and smiled.

While I was running behind Serafall. I got to her after a few seconds and hugged her.

"So, why are you running?" I asked her.

She doesn't say anything and lower her head.

I turned her and lift her head. I see that her face is fully red from embaresment.

"Now this is a face I would want to see all the time" I said.

She tried to get off from my hand that is raising her head but I dont let her and kiss her.

She struggles a bit but I kiss her very aggressively.

After kissing for 10 minutes straight I stop kissing her. I put my forehead to her forehead and look at her.

"You are mine" I said. She just nodded and kiss me again.

After kissing for a while we went back to our friends and my brother.

They teased us a little but they were happy we finally are together.

Now how will we tell other devils that a two woman is in a relationship.

Even though my parents have no problem, other devils would have problems. Considering we two are two of the geniuses of this generation and they want us to pass our potential to the next generation.

--Flashback End

Me and Serafall decided to not publicize our relationship and wait for the right moment.

I also told her my maids and dungeon maids and she said she has no problem but she too wanted to fuck them so me and Serafall fucked every one of my maids together.

It was a nice month filled with sex.

I told her about my deal with Zekram Bael and how if my child is a girl I wouldn't give and if it was a boy I would give.

She tried to protest me against giving my child away but after telling her how I started to hate man to the point I dont want my children to be boys she relented.

I also told her about my reincarnation, how this world was an anime in my world and how I came here.

-Flashback -2 Years Ago

I was sitting with Serafall and watching TV. Yes TV. At this time devils are like the 21th century humans.

Anyway while we watch the TV I think about if I should tell Serafall about my reincarnation.

I know everything about her but she doesnt know everything so I want to let her know. If I had my memories as a man I probably would disagree but I think I will tell her.

After watching TV we decided to go to our bed and have sex but when we entered our room I told Serafall to wait.

"Wait Sera. I have to tell you something" I said and started telling her everything.

"So you reincarnated in this world by a very powerful being to see what would happen and this world is an anime in your world"

"Your Power of Devour comes from there and you have the power to travel to different worlds"

"And you plan to go to different worlds and didnt plan to take me with you!" she yelled at the end.

"Wait you have no problem with my reincarnation, me being a man in the past and everything else but you have a problem I didn't plan to take you?" I asked.

"Yes. I have no problem with your reincarnation and all that, I am just a little upset that you didn't tell me earlier"

"But you didnt plan to take me with you! That is my problem. You are mine and I am yours. We will always be together. Do you understand! We will always be together. You cant get away from me." she said with anger, madness and possesiveness in her voice.

I smile at her words and force her to the bed. I dont let her do anything and rip apart her clothes and my clothes.

Without a second of wait I put myself in her very hardly and fuck her very hard.

At the end of our sex session she fainted because i used too much strenght and that pleasured her very much.

Serafall found out that when she saw how I fuck my maids that I like inflicting my lovers pain and I held myself back to not hurt her.

So she wanted me to fuck her however I wanted. I was reluctant at first as she did not like pain and I didnt want to do anything she did not like but I gave in to my desires and fuck her like how I wanted to.

She cried and yelled in pain but I didnt stop and continue to fuck her harder and harder everytime she yelled in pain.

She found out that her yelling in pain make me more horny so she didn't stop yelling in pain but she didn't yelled in fake either so I was very happy with her.

At the end of my first time cumming inside her at that time her make-up was ruined, her face was full of her tears and she was sobbing.

Seeing her face I couldnt hold myself and facefuck her.

She didn't really liked giving blowjobs so she always did it half heartly so I enjoys myself fucking her face.

Like this I fuck her for 8 hours straight and at the end she started to like pain as I found a way to make my lovers experience the pain I inflicted as a pleasure.

I would first inflict pain on my lovers first and then pleasure they never knew existed. During me giving them pleasure I will also inflict pain. Like this I would make them think pain is pleasure but they very well aware pain is also hurting them. They experience both pain and pleasure at the same time when I am hurting them.

And I did this to Serafall.

After sleeping with Serafall for 7 hours she woke up.


"How was it love" I ask.

"Painful but I started to like pain in the middle of our sex."

"So I can fuck you however I want"


"And Les (A nickname for Elesis), can you tell me more about this anime" she asked. I laugh a little and tell her about anime and showed my memories.

In the end she become an anime lover like her story counterpart.

--Flasback End

At that time we talked about what I will do when I went to different worlds and we decided that Sera would only come when that world is good place for Sera to power-up.

I didnt want to let her come with me but after much persuasion from her I told her she would come only a few times.

Why I dont want her to come with me? Because she can't use other Power System's like me or she would loose all her current power and start from zero.

She doesn't have devour power like me that could help her adapt to another universe's power system but she could come with me and dont try to use that power system.

But if she do that why would she even come with me? Only to be my side?

No, I dont want her to remain as weak by my side and do nothing in another world so I need to go to a cultivation world with her and make her very powerful enough to stand by my side.

When she has enough power, like Low-Tier Devil Lord (lowest) she could easily adapt to another universe's power system with a little of my help.

I would create a soul link with her and she could easily adapt but she needs to be strong enough first for me to make a soul link with her or else her soul would be destroyed.

I check this with a slave of mine to give her strength through a soul link but her soul destroyed.

After experiementing I found that my devour power is devouring their souls even when I am ordering it to not do anything.

It is like a passive thing so even when I am ordering to not do anything they need to be strong enough to protect themselves from passive power of my devour.

While thinking these I finally arrive at my dungeon and see that Sera is waiting for me with Zekram.

Zekram came here to take the children away with him the moment they are born.

"Hello love" I said and kiss Sera.


"Welcome Zekram"

"Thank you, Elesis" he said

"Okay, we should get inside and let them birth quickly so you can get out of my head Zekram" I said. We walk a little as my maids are further in the dungeon.

While walking I remember something and turn towards Zekram

"Oh and Zekram" I say and unleash my presence as a Super Class Devil.

"Dont try to make my children Breeders."

Zekram gulped and nervously said.

"Of course, I wouldnt do that" his head was visibly sweat.

I look at him with narrow eyes for a few seconds.

"Good" I said and I began to walk again...





Chapter 9 Ends.
