
Reincarnated in Domestic Girlfriend World and more...

Killed by a crazy business rival. He must have been in a lot of stress, so a lesson to those that are too stressed. Get some rest some time. Reincarnated as Fujii Natsuo. The protagonist of Domestic Girlfriend, I'll make sure to not be trash, like how he ended up in the manga. This time, I will make sure to not sacrifice anyone and live my life to the fullest. Beautiful ladies, here I come! □□□ Please take some time to read the Editor's Notice. *Cover photo is, not mine.* *I don't own any of the characters, it belongs to their respective owners.* *This fanfic was written by akikan40. Make sure to support him.*

LazyKhris · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

A boy, the piano, and a beautiful song

When he arrived at the restaurant, he saw it was really busy. He had already seen the restaurant staff working while multitasking. Natsuo had immediately figured out why Fumiya called him here.

"Natsuo! You're finally here! Quick, quick, we need your help."

He did not even wait for him to react as he was dragged towards the changing room and was forced to wear their server uniform. Though Natsuo didn't mind since it was to help Fumiya and he also had experience being a waiter in his past life.

L'Amant Restaurant is owned by Masaki Kobayashi, the word L'Amant is french for 'The Lover'. Kobayashi is openly gay and a former yakuza. He had now stopped being a yakuza and had opened this restaurant.

Walking out of the changing room, Natsuo immediately went to work, as this was not his first time helping out, he was quite familiar with what they serve and its prices.

Today was a really unique day, it was his first time seeing so many guests inside the restaurant. With only three of them working in the restaurant, it was no wonder Fubiya asked for help.

Natsuo already had an above-average appearance, but because of his low self-esteem, he doesn't appear to be somewhat attractive. But now that he had replaced the Natsuo from the anime, his handsome appearance can finally see the light of the day.

As he had always been a charismatic person, something that is needed in the business circle. Natsuo easily garnered the attention of the guests, mostly the ladies.

Natsuo was not a saint so he flirted with them while doing his serving them, giving them compliments, teasing them, and just smiling. He was given papers one after another, with their numbers written on it.

Fumiya also noticed this and was surprised to see Natsuo act like this. The change was very big that he had even begun to doubt whether it is Natsuo or was possessed by some sort of demon.

The situation in the restaurant gradually began to subside and it had quietened by a lot compared to before. Natsuo can finally take a breather after serving non-stop. As he had to maintain a bright smile while at the same time, pay attention to the customers he was serving. He sat on a chair after making sure that there's nothing to do anymore, Fumiya can handle it all by himself anyways.

~bell ringing

It was the notification sound he had set on his phone which means he had just received a message. Natsuo curiously looked at it while thinking that it must be his father.

Ena {Natsuo have you decided?}

Surprisingly, it was from Ena. They had just separated so he did not expect her to message him so soon. Reading her message, he fell into deep thought.

Earlier this morning, Ena invited him if he wants to go to a campsite with her to take pictures of nature. Natsuo was also a little bit worried about Ena, they had just met and she is already inviting him to go out with her alone. Luckily though it was him and not some other guys. Only God knows what would have happened if it was someone with some hidden motive.

So he decided that he will be accompanying her, it's not like he has something else to do. He is also a little bit interested in photography.

Natsuo {Yes, I will go with you. What time will we be leaving tomorrow? I think that it would be best if it's noon, the sunset will definitely be something worth taking a shot.}

Ena {That's great! I also love the sunset.}

They chat for a little bit before Ena left as she has something to do. By this time, Fumiya had already finished what he was also doing and was approaching him with a menacing smile.

Grabbing his shoulders, Fumiya shouted at him, "Who are you?!" His shout attracted the attention of the guests, seeing this, Natsuo immediately apologizes and dragged Fumiya into the changing room.

After that, Natsuo turn to look at Fumiya and chastised him, "What are you doing? Shouting like that so suddenly, aren't you embarrassed?"

"I'm sorry okay? But you did not answer my question earlier. Who are you really? The Natsuo I know is different from what I've seen today." Fumiya was a little bit embarrassed and by a little bit means not at all. He had asked Natsuo again about his change and no one can blame him. The change is just too great.

"What are you talking about? I'm me, Fujii Natsuo. What's with you asking silly questions." Natsuo calmly explained without giving himself away. He knows that him acting out of character so suddenly will definitely be suspicious but there is no way that he will continue to act like his predecessor.

They are different even though he had come to possess the body of his predecessor.

"Okay, the question might be silly. But how can you explain the way you act earlier? Why are you not so fidgety while talking to girls anymore?" Fumiya also did not ask again who he really is. Because he also thought that it was a little bit silly, even though he still can't believe it.

"Oh, about that? That's the result of me trying to improve myself during this month. And before you ask, here." He explained it like it was nothing serious. After that, he took out all of the papers with numbers written on them and handed them to Fumiya.

This proved to be effective as it took Fumiya's attention from probing about his changes. He began to excitedly talk about the numbers.

"Are these phone numbers?" Fumiya asked.

Natsuo nodded, "Hmm."

"Wow, so many? Aren't you going to leave some for you?" Fumiya saw that Natsuo gave him all the numbers. He thought that Natsuo was acting really weird today.

"Nah, I am just not interested that's all," Natsuo said. He then continued, "I'll be heading out now, there might be a customer looking already."

"Wait! It's because you already have a girlfriend right? That must be why." Fumiya said.

"Huh? What girlfriend and what must be why? You must have been reading too much romance novel." Natsuo answered, acting like he was irritated as hit Fumiya's head.

"Ow! That hurts dude!" Fumiya rubbed his head.

"That's the point why I hit you," Natsuo stated as a matter of factly.

"Why are you guys here and what girlfriend?" A voice was suddenly heard as they all turned to see the owner of the restaurant, Masaki Kobayashi standing behind them.

"Ah, that? Kobayashi-san, Natsuo got himself a girlfriend."

"Ara? Really, Natsuo-Kun? Although I must admit, you look very different today. You are oozing with confidence, something must have happened, right?"

Natsuo stared at the man standing in front of him. He has long, curly black hair tied into a ponytail and has a lightly trimmed mustache.

"That's right Kobayashi-san."

"Oh no-no-no." Kobayashi shook his head as he said, "I've told you already before, it's not Kobayashi-san but Marie."

Natsuo smiled and said, "Whatever you say Kobayashi-san. Anyway, I had a breakthrough with my novel and was finally able to write one. One that I am confident of."

"Ohh, so that's why you seem to be very happy today," Fumiya asked.

"Yes." Natsuo nodded. He then took out his phone and said, "Though I didn't bring my laptop, I have the file saved on my phone. It is still not finished though, do you want to read it?"

"Of course." Saying that Natuso handed his phone to Fumiya. He then walked out of the room, this time Fumiya didn't stop him.

When he got out, he can see that a girl is waiting in front of the table. She seems to have been waiting for a long time based on her posture and obviously the line behind her.

Natsuo approached them and smiled apologetically.

"I'm so sorry about the wait, something came up. What can I get you?" He asked politely.

The girl just nodded, not minding it too much, and said her order, "I want one americano, please."

"Is that all miss?" Natsuo asked.


He then also asked other's orders and began to prepare them. It was at this time that Fumiya finally came out of the changing room with an excited expression together with Kobayashi.

"Natsuo/Natsuo-kun what happened next?!" Fumiya and Kobayashi asked in unison.

Natsuo scratched his head and said, "I already you earlier alright, I had just started writing it so I'm still not done."

Although he had known that Your Name is a good novel, he had not thought that their reaction would be this exaggerated. This just goes to show how lacking the entertainment in this world is and how much he would gain from this.

"Why? Why are you like this?" Fumiya kneeled directly on the ground. Natsuo felt a little bit awkward as he can sense that everyone's gaze was focus on them. He had to bow apologetically at them since he might be disturbing them.

"Fumiya, stop with all the drama, you are disturbing the customers." Natsuo scolded Fumiya.

Kobayashi also interjected at this time, "Fumiya-kun you should help Natsuo-kun. I'll go back to the counter." He then turns his head towards Natsuo, "And the story is really great, I can't wait to read the whole story in the future."

"Thank you, Kobayashi-san." Natsuo said.

Kobayashi just sighed and muttered something about how hard is it to call him Marie.

Natsuo and Fumiya began to work again, this time they're not many customers so their workload was light. After a few minutes, they had finished preparing all the orders and had begun to serve them.

Natsuo brought the americano the girl from earlier ordered, speaking of the girl, he can't help but slightly appreciate her beauty. She has brown hair tied into a bun but the few loose strands of hair slightly covering her face make her look really sexy. She is also wearing glasses which gives the vibes of a sexy secretary. He wonders if she really is a secretary.

"Here's your coffee miss and once again, I am really sorry for the inconvenience," Natsuo said once again.

"It's alright." She answers politely while taking her coffee.

Natuso suddenly had an idea, he immediately went towards the counter and asked Kobayashi.

"Kobayashi-san, is it okay if I play on the piano?"

"You know how to play the piano?" Kobayashi asked.

"Well, yes. Is it okay? I feel bad for earlier so I want to make up by playing a song."

"It's okay I guess, just don't embarrass yourself."

"Don't worry I won't."

With that said, Natuso immediately went towards the piano but he didn't sit immediately. He first loudly clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the customers.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry for earlier so as compensation. I'll play a song of mine for you guys."

Even though he hasn't played a song yet, just his smile and handsome appearance had already turn some of the ladies inside into his fan.

Seeing that everyone is not expressing any discontent, Natsuo sat on the chair. His fingers hovered above the piano keys as he thought of the song to play. He thought for a few minutes before his fingers stopped.

{One Direction - One Thing (GG JP COVER Session)}

(AN: Thank me for finding this song.)

The start of the song had immediately piqued their interest and when he opened his mouth, they were immediately captivated by his voice and also the song.

Fumiya had his mouth open as he stared at Natsuo singing while playing the piano. Of all the things that he had found out about Natsuo today, this is definitely the strangest thing ever. If he weren't Natsuo's childhood friend, then he would have also thought that he had always had this good voice.

Kobayashi had his eyes closed as he listens to the song and enjoying it. The girl who had ordered Americano was surprised, she did not expect Natsuo to be this good at singing and he can even play the piano like a professional. Also judging by the song he was singing, she is a hundred percent sure that this is an original song just like he had said earlier.

The song ended after 3 mins but the lingering feeling it left made anyone who had listened to it be speechless. They were still absorbed in their own world thinking about the song as Natsuo had finish singing, he went back to the counter.

There was one lucky girl who had managed to record everything from the start, although she had not expected this to happen she was grateful for her own foresight.

Fumiya was the first one to snap out of his daze as he dashed towards Natsuo.

"How the hell can you sing so well?! You were not like that before."

"What do you mean, I was practicing."

"Like hell practice can do that to you."

"Whatever, whether you believe me or not, that's not my problem."

Natsuo ignored Fumiya who was still complaining at him.

"Ano~ Natsuo-kun, what's the name of that song," Kobayashi asked.

"Oh, it's called One Thing," Natsuo answered.


AN: OOKAY! I'm ending it here even though it doesn't feel right. So as I said yesterday that I am back but that doesn't mean that I will be able to immediately start writing every day. Our finals are coming near so I still have a lot of things to do, you guys are really lucky since I sacrificed four hours to write this chapter.

The only reason why I still write a chapter even though I am really busy is that you guys are the best. I would love to give you guys a mass release but my time is currently limited so be satisfied with this chapter for now, okay?

Btw, is L'Amant Restaurant a restaurant or a cafe. I really don't have any idea.