
Reincarnated in DanMachi

God was one day watching all of his worlds when he noticed that one of his worlds was missing its core character, this world's name was DanMachi. God then decided to choose a male from the planet called Earth and have him die and reincarnate into DanMachi as the new core. This is the beginning of the story of the Strongest Adventurer in History. ________________________________________________________________ This is a remake from a WebNovel FanFic that I liked called 'Rebirth in DanMachi' by Ice_Wielding_Ronin.

_Azrael_ · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

POV: God

God was one day looking at all the worlds with sentient beings in all the universes he had created until he came across a world which worried him. The world's name was 'DanMachi' and the reason that had him worried was that the world was missing the core being that this world should have, and without the core being the world would inevitably self-destruct. He decided to look in the world called Earth where a core was not needed and chose a young man who had wished to go to DanMachi many times now. The man he chose was an American orphan named Draco Black, a very smart and hardworking person in both academics and work. God then devised a plan to have Draco die and reincarnate into DanMachi with some wishes.

POV: Draco Black

Draco Black was an orphan whose parents died when he was five in a bank robbery when they tried to interfere and stop the robbers. After they died he was sent to an orphanage, where he was not social and spent all his time studying, reading manga, watching anime, and the chores he had. He mostly only watched DanMachi and Naruto, but he mostly only liked DanMachi but he thought having his own 9 tails was cool. He also got past college while getting a Master's Degree in Mathematics and Social Behavioral Science. One day he was scrolling through the internet and decided to check it out.

Once he clicked on the survey, a screen with three questions popped up which he answered by saying:

Question 1; If you could reincarnate into any world, which one would you choose? (Survey)

I would choose to go to the world of DanMachi without a doubt. (Draco)

Question 2; What role would you like to play if you were allowed to go to this world? (Survey)

I would like to become the Main Character. (Draco)

Question 3; What would your goal for this world be? (Survey)

I would try to complete the whole dungeon, become stronger than the Gods and Goddesses, and help those close to me. (Draco)

After answering the questions, he submitted the survey and just sat there for a few seconds while thinking why that survey came up. A few moments later he heard a ding and looked at the computer.


You have been chosen to be reincarnated with wishes. This computer will blow up after you finish reading this and you will be sent to god to give your wishes then reincarnate in DanMachi. Good Luck. (Electronic Voice from Computer)


Right when the computer exploded, a piece of shrapnel pierced Draco's heart and he fell to the ground dead.

He then woke up in a completely white area with a groan.

Hnnnng, where am I? (Draco)

You are in my house so I can grant your wishes and send you to DanMachi. (God)

In front of Draco was an old man with black hair and a white beard in a pure white robe.

Huh, I was thinking you would just appear as a golden glob of light, but it's much nicer to see you in human form. (Draco)

Well this is my true form but I'm glad you find it acceptable, but let's get down to why I called you here. (God)

So why did you call me here God? (Draco)

I called you here because the world of 'DanMachi' is missing its core character and I need you to go there, so will you agr- (God)

I agree to help! (Draco) said cutting off God

Oh my bad for interrupting, I just got excited. (Draco)

It's fine but why did you agree to help? (God)

I've always wanted to go to DanMachi and clear the Dungeon as well as becoming the strongest adventurer ever. I also want to see Hephaestus in person, I always liked her character. (Draco)

Okay, now I am going to allow you to get 6 wishes then I will send you on your way to DanMachi. (God)

I have some questions first, will I keep my memories. can I choose my appearance without using a wish, and does Bell Cranel still exist in the world because I would not like Hestia to be without a Familia? (Draco)

Yes you may keep your memories, and since you are helping willingly I will allow you to choose your appearance, and no Bell will not exist but I will put some people in her Familia. (God)

Another question, does Welf exist? (Draco)

Yes but he has no connection to Hephaestus and he does not have any skills, he's a regular civilian. (God)

Okay great, now onto the wishes, I want to have:

1. An improved version of Liaris Freese which helped Bell level up quicker in the series. Also helps with physical improvement and keeps the body in shape to use the strength in the most efficient way.

2. All information on Krav Maga, Bo Staff techniques, Chokuto sword arts, Dagger arts, and the best weapon forging techniques.

3. Immortality when I turn 18, but quicker healing until then.

4. An infinite Space inventory.

5. The Nine-Tailed Fox bloodline and transformation to the point where I have tails in my human form and can retract them along with my claws and fangs from the fox bloodline and I should be able to change the size of my transformation to the fox state.

6. Increased brain function allowing hyper reflexes, eidetic memory, and instant mastery of magical skills.

and that's it. (Draco)

I can grant all of that but the inventory will be limited to 1,000,000 items, and the instant mastery will be just so that you don't have to chant to use a spell or something, all you have to do is say the name of the spell and it should work. Now for you to decide your appearance. (God)

I'm fine with that, now time to change how I look for this new world. (Draco)

{His appearance is the same as the cover photo but his hair is pure white with the same hairstyle and his eyes are Saphire blue with a perfect body build including compact 6 pack abs with perfect compact muscles all over his body with his Lil brother being 8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter when flaccid and gets to 10 1/2 inches long with 3 inches in diameter.}

Done, and can I change my name to Rai Inari while also getting to sense other people's emotions if I want to and arrive a year earlier so I can get used to everything in that world along with my powers. (Draco)

Yes, I shall allow all of those, now it's time to go to 'DanMachi". Now go on and have some fun, Bye. (God)

Thank you, God, I won't disappoint. (Rai)

After that Rai fell unconscious and was sent through a portal to DanMachi. After getting all the way through the portal, Rai started to wake up and noticed he was in a medium-sized wooden cabin. He then decided to get up and check outside through a window and saw many other houses just like his along with multiple stores. He knew his age was 15 at the moment due to the way his body was aged. He then went to look for a note in his room from Zeus and found it next to his bed on a table and it said:

Dear, Rai

I'm sorry Rai, but I had to leave due to some emergency that has arisen. I hope you grow up to be a great man and be the Hero your destined to be. Also do not walk around outside with your tails out or your claws.

Sincerely, Zeus.

Kin couldn't care less about the note all he was thinking about was how he was planning to train.