
Chapter 11

As Kagerou left his dorm with Yoshiro, around one of the corners you could see a couple of wolves spying on the two.

"Hey, did you guys smell what I smelt" said one of the wolves

This wolf was name was Yasaku, he was a black and white wolf with the height of 5'10 with wine red eyes.

"Yea, it smelt like real meat" another one said

This wolf name was Kyozumi, he was an all black wolf about 6ft tall, with yellow eyes

"Do you think he'd share it with us" another voice said

This was Kashigami, he was an all gray wolf with red eyes, he was the same height as Yasaku

"I think he'd share with us, if we ask" this time it was a girl voice that was heard

Her name was Mitsuriu, she was also a gray wolf but with a darker shade and had white eyes, but what stood out the most was the scar going down the middle of her left eye.

The last wolf didn't say anything and just listened to the other but it was a female wolf and was also a gray wolf with large yellow eyes

Kagerou who was maybe the wolf with the best hearing in Cherryton Academy, heard everything they said couldn't help but smirk.

'It seems I've caught the attention of some students.*Sniff* oh and what's this he or she smells like a wolf but not a whole wolf, maybe a hybrid I wonder' Kagerou thought to himself as he and Yoshiro kept walking

"Hey Yoshiro, I'll catch up later I have to check something" Kagerou said

"Alright man see you later" Yoshiro responded

Kagerou watches as his figure disappears, he then turns around and starts walking back towards his dorm, but instead of going to his dorm he went pass it.

The five kept talking not knowing that Kagerou was heading right there way.

"He wouldn't share with us he doesn't even know us" Yasaku said

"Did you guys see what he did to that wolf and tiger?" Mitsuriu said

"Yea, we were all there" Kyozumi responded

The wolf with the large yellow eyes didn't say anything and just listened to what the four were talking about.

"Yumi, what do you think?" Mitsuriu asked the large yellow eyed wolf now named Yumi.

"U-um I-I d-don't really know" Yumi replied

When they were about to speak again Yumi suddenly looks up and her eyes go wide. When the others see her they look up to where she was looking and they all go stiff while their eyes widen the same as Yumi.

"Why are you spying on me?" Kagerou asked

The five didn't know why but it was like they were under an deathly aura, as they looked at Kagerou.

"W-we weren't s-spying o-on you" she sighed, but gathered her courage. "we had smelt real meat and haven't had any in a very long time so we tried to see where it was coming from, and the smell led us here" Yumi explained.

Yasaku, Kyozumi, Kashigami, and Mitsuriu all looked at her with their eyes wider then before. The reason being as you may or may not have guessed she was the shy one of the group the only reason she was friends with them was because their parents were great friends.

"Is that it? If you wanted some meat, you could have just asked. You say you weren't spying on me, but why are you guys hiding behind this wall peaking at me and my friend?" Kagerou said

"Really" they all said at the same time thinking about getting some meat from Kagerou and ignoring everything else he was talking about

"But everything has a cost" Kagerou said

"We will do anything" They all said again

"Stop doing that, it's weird" Kagerou said irritated a little

"Sorry" they did it again

Kagerou just stared at them annoyed, but quickly got over it with putting his hand on his face and shaking his head.

"Whatever, follow me"

Kagerou said walking off

"Yes" they all said and followed him

Soon they were all in his dorm eating the buffalo meat that Kagerou had given them.

They were all eating quickly as if it would be taken if they don't finish it fast enough.

"Slow down or you'll choke, it's not going anywhere but into your stomach's" Kagerou said while he was enjoying some to.

"Sorry man *gulp* we just haven't it in so long" Kashigami says

"I can see that" Kagerou responded

A couple minutes later they all finish

"Alright, let's get down to business. You all work for me now, I give you meat whenever I want yo give it to you and you do anything I tell you. A win win situation ok" Kagerou stated the terms.

They all absentmindedly nodded their heads only thinking about the fact that they will still be able to enjoy meat, anytime Kagerou wants.

"Ok, now go to class if I want anything I'll call you guys. Oh and before I forget tell me you names" Kage said

They all gave said their names and after a minute left Kagerou's dorm.

'It's almost summer, should I go to the black market and handle business there' Kagerou thinks to himself as he walks around the school.

He skipped class and just wondered around the school. When it was time he went to the Drama Club room and saw the other club members celebrating about the festival.

Dom then calls meeting in the warehouse for them to decide what to do for the festival as they aren't going to have fun, instead it's to help out with the festival.

In the warehouse they discuss what to do, well the others did, Kagerou just sat down minding his business.

'Should I start a gang?' He questioned himself. 'There is already people following me as if I'm there gang leader, either by force or by choice' He thought.

'I'll see later' He thought before tuning out the others and just waiting to leave.

He overhears them talking about dinosaurs being ancestors of all animals and being treated as gods and then intervened.

"You are wrong" Kagerou said getting up walking towards then

"What do you mean?" Dom asked

"I mean you're wrong about dinosaurs being our ancestors and treated as gods. Have you ever thought something bigger and badder then even dinosaurs existed?" He asked them

"No, all history points to dinosaurs being our ancestors" Dom answers

"That's because no one ever thought about how a meteor that destroyed all life at one point wasn't found. A meteor that was big enough to wipe out all life, wasn't found not even a small piece of it. Now think about that" Kagerou explained

"You have a great point Kagerou, but what exactly are you trying to say" Kibi said this time.

"I'm saying there was something or someone who wiped out the dinosaurs but because this whatever wiped them out it didn't have anything to live off of so it also died, have you ever wondered why some of us are bigger then most of our race" Kagerou explained and questioned them again

"I have a proposal for you guys, if you can sneak out of the school without being caught tonight, wait that to easy, how about this if you guys can survive one night in a place I'll take you, I'll show you something that you'll never hear anyone talking about or see in any history book you'll find, how about it" Kagerou proposed while putting out his hands for them to shake.

They all thought about this proposal for a while

"What's in it for you" Legoshi asked

"Hehe, I get to watch some soft carnivores struggle in the actual wild, well except for Dom and Kibi of course" Kagerou said with a wicked smile.

They all looked terrified, because this was the first time they've seen Kagerou smile like that. The five think about it for about another hour before finally shaking Kagerou's hand.

"Nice, that's more like it. I like your bravery, I'll make sure to award you guys big time after" Kagerou said walking out of the warehouse as the five start back working.

Later on you could see Kagerou walking around school again but this time he looks like he is going somewhere.

'Why'd they have to put the room so far from other building' he thought to himself a little frustrated.

Soon he arrives at a small building, he looks around before going inside closing and locking the door behind him.

The dark area that he was in suddenly lights up with the sound of a switch turning on.

"Boss, you're finally here" a deep raspy voice could be heard from inside the small building as Kagerou walked forward after switching on the light.

"Butch, how many times have I said don't call me boss. You know never mind I have something to discuss call the others" Kagerou said to Butch as he sat at a big table with four other chairs.

Butch then comes out of one of the rooms inside the small building.

Butch is a 6ft tall red kangaroo, he has muscles but not to much and leopard like spots in his body, what really stood out the most was his face as it had lots of scars and his teeth which looked out of place as he was a herbivore with carnivore like teeth.

[Information on Butch]

Butch is a red kangaroo who wanted to be a carnivore so bad it led him to modifying his body in order to fulfill his desire. He glorifies predation and goes as far as eating meat and hunting carnivores and herbivores alike. He worked in the black market as a meat trafficker and offered his service to whosever payment pleased him the most until he meet a young Kagerou and decided to work for him.


Soon three more animals came in one was a male boreal woodland caribou, he was 6'5 with long sharp antlers and a muscly build, his name was Mazoku.

The other was a female kit fox, she was 4'2 with a thin body, her name was Rory. The last one was another kangaroo except he wasn't a red one, he was the same height as Butch, he had two different colored eyes one blue and the other one orange.

"KAGEROU" Rory yelled as she ran towards him and tried jumping on his lap, but before she could land Butch got in her way making her bump into him and hit the ground.

"No one touches the boss not even you Rory" Butch said to her irritated

"Awww, Butch you're still the same even after five years together with us" Rory says while rubbing her head and getting up.

"He will never change" said the other two as they took their seats, after a little while Butch and Rory took their seats.

"Let the meeting begin" Kagerou said