
Reincarnated in a supernatural universe * Dropped*

Waking up in the supernatural world, our MC finds himself in the body of the oldest son of the Winchester family, William. So he taught to take advantage of his knowledge of the plot in order to survive, But as he later found out that will not be so simple. . Read how at first he uses his knowledge of future events to his advantage, and later he goes from a simple human to one of the strongest beings in his new world. He also has some powers from the beginning, as most reincarnated people do. . Guys, this is my first time trying to write a story, so please don't murder me in the comments. I want to see if I am able to write fanfics and not just read them. English is not my first language, and my writing in said language isn't as good as I would want it to be, so I'm going to use some sort of AI spelling corrector, but some mistakes might get through. I will try to post at least 1 ch a day . Maybe I won't be able to post daily all the time because of work, but I promise to finish this fic, because in my opinion, an unfinished story is worse than a poorly made one.

Gboy77 · TV
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15 Chs

Ch 3 Starting the first solo hunt with a bang

Will is officially 20 years old now; the year '98 has just started. It was early morning, and he was in front of his house saying goodbye to his grandparents, ready to head out on his first solo hunt. Until now, he had only gone on the occasional hunt with his father, and a few times they took Sam and Dean with them, both for slightly different reasons. John wanted his sons to see the ugly side of this world and be ready when they came across any threats in the future, and Will wanted them to gain experience hunting, as he knew that he wouldn't always be there to protect them, even if he wanted to.

After he hugged his grandparents, who were the only ones home—his brothers were supposed to come back from a hunt with John in the next few days—he headed toward his car, a beautiful all-black 1969 Ford Mustang.

-Pic here-

This hunt was not on a whim; yesterday he had one of his usual hunches that he needed to head to a small town near the Grand Canyon.

(AN: Guys, I'm not from the US, so mostly I'm going to give vague descriptions of actual places or, like in this case, use a famous landmark. I don't have the time or patience to do that much research for this fic.)

He could not wait for the rest of his active hunting family because it was the strongest hunch he had so far.

From what he could find out from the papers, no strange deaths had occurred there so far, so he was going in mostly blind. He didn't like that, but he had to take the risk.

As he was driving to his destination, he began thinking of all his kills so far. His first was a werewolf that killed three people until he got to it. Watching a monster turn back into a human after he died made him realize that most of the monsters out there are just unfortunate normal people who got infected with a supernatural virus against their will.

He had also killed ghouls, wendigos, djinn, and a shit ton more. He was most disturbed when he got to hunt his first skinwalker because they looked like a family dog. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skinwalkers infect you with a single bite. Otherwise, they're basically a werewolf cousin—silver will drop them, and they chow down on hearts.

He could never look at a dog the same way after that. Now, for safety, when he meets a dog, he always touches it with his right hand, which has a pure silver ring on it. He always curses the writers of the show for ruining dogs for him forever.

As time passed, he finally got to his destination.

After a few hours in town, he was very puzzled because he didn't find any reason for his presence there.

So he thought, why not go on a sightseeing tour of the Grand Canyon, as he was near it already, and he needed to clear his mind until he figured out what the hell he was supposed to do here.

As Will was alone on the edge of the canyon, taking in the magnificent view, he noticed something he didn't think he would see until much later: carved on a big rock next to him was an arrow pointing down, and under it, the symbol for the Men of Letters, along with something like a dragon's head next to it.

-Pic for the Men of Letters symbol-

Will quickly went to his trunk, which was packed full of every type of weapon he could get his hands on, and with the money he spent on them, the average person could live comfortably for life. From the trunk, he got out his revolver and loaded it with special bullets that had cost him a fortune.

As he looked at the symbols again, Will took a deep breath to calm himself and gathered his courage to face his biggest hurdle yet because if it is a dragon down in the canyon, like he thinks it is, he doesn't really know if he is ready for that kind of monster yet. With the belief that he is here for a reason, he went down a path hidden behind the stone where the symbols were.

As he was going down, he discovered two more arrows guiding him to a cave right at the bottom of the canyon, and at the top of the entrance, the symbol for dragon and Men of Letters appeared again.

Taking two steps inside, he listened for any sounds, but unfortunately, he couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary.

Breathing in and out a few times—because if he was truthful, he was afraid—he started walking deeper, with all his senses heightened from the adrenaline that started coursing through his veins. He walked for what felt like hours. Eventually, he reached a big opening, and what he saw shocked him: treasures everywhere. From antique weapons to kind of modern ones to furniture, every treasure you could think of was there. As he got through the maze of stuff lying around randomly, his senses started screaming at him to dodge, so he threw himself to his right just as a jet of flames flew to his old position. He quickly hid behind a big pile of broken weapons until the flames stopped.

A voice boomed, "Human, I can smell you. Tell me what you are doing here and how you found my lair, and I might let you leave in one piece."

Gripping his revolver tightly and hiding it behind his back, Will stepped out to try and bargain his way out. As he came face to face with his foe, he saw something he didn't expect. It was not a human-looking creature like in the show, but what looked like a small Balrog from the movie "Lord of the Rings" mixed with a bat. Its body was covered in small scales, and its hands, with big claws at the end of its fingers, were a deep orange color, like iron when it gets really hot.

"O mighty dragon, I'm sorry to disturb you. I didn't realize this was your lair. I got lost in the canyon until I found this cave and decided to explore it."

"You are very bad at lying, human."

Will's heart started beating faster.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Then tell me, how do you know I'm a dragon, human? I am the last of my kind, and over the millennia, I took my human form when I went out to get my treasures, so to my knowledge, no human should know of my existence."

Will was silent for a second.


"I guess I really didn't think before I spoke. Truthfully, I panicked and didn't realize it."

"Sorry, Mr. Dragon, but I can't tell you how I know about you. What now?"

After a period of silence, Will, still facing the dragon like in some old western movie, heard the creature speak.

"Now you die."

As the creature opened its mouth and flames started forming, Will quickly got out his gun and shot three bullets right in the middle of its chest.

"That was anticlimactic "

The dragon looked surprised at the wounds because it knew it was dying, and there was only one thing that could kill it, the weapons made with blood from his kind.

"My mother will avenge me, human."

Will looked at his gun, thinking, "Smelting that old sword from the show that I got before the purgatory lady could into bullets was one of my best ideas."

Will gazed at the dragon again.

"Now I'm gonna be on Eve's radar. Great."

"I didn't have enough to worry about; why not throw the literal mother of monsters in the mix?" he said sarcastically.

After taking a few minutes to calm down after he killed the last dragon in this world, Will started looking around. He still didn't know why he saw the Men of Letters symbol, and he needed to find out.

After hours of searching, he found what he was looking for: a big golden box with the Men of Letters symbol on it.

After trying to open it for a while, when he was ready to give up, suddenly the feeling that he needed to drop his blood on it came to him. After he took his ankle knife out, he cut his palm and started dripping blood on the box. As soon as the blood touched the box, it got absorbed and started glowing; all these weird symbols appeared, and it finally opened.

Inside was something he desperately wanted from the show: the key to the Men of Letters bunker.

"How the fuck did you get here?"