
01: Roseanne And The Girls

Roseanne's eyelids felt heavy as she fought to stay awake.

Every part of her body throbbed with pain, and the sounds of hostile voices still echoed in her ears.

"Let's teach her a lesson she won't forget! Who does she think she is, trying to cozy up to our idol?"

"Such audacity! Acting like a pampered heiress. Shameless…"

Slowly, the fog of unconsciousness lifted, revealing a grim reality.

Roseanne was on the receiving end of a relentless barrage of kicks and taunts.

It felt as though her assailants were intent on breaking every bone in her body.

Confusion and fear gripped her.

Why was she facing this brutal assault the moment she awoke? This wasn't what she had signed up for.

As Roseanne struggled to regain her senses, she realized she was on the ground, surrounded by a sea of legs.

These legs belonged to her attackers, and they continued to lash out at her, each kick accompanied by an unwanted, uncomfortable view.

The floor was cold and bore the unmistakable smell of a restroom.

It didn't take Roseanne long to piece together the horrifying situation.

She was trapped in a bathroom, subjected to a brutal assault.

Her mind was in disarray, and she hadn't even had the chance to understand.

The situation was beyond bewildering.

A hand suddenly reached out and yanked Roseanne up by her collar, her body moving involuntarily.

When her eyes met her captor's, they widened in shock.

The person who held her was a girl in a school uniform with a short skirt.

Disgust and disdain emanated from her eyes as they bore into Roseanne.

She used her long nails to scrape Roseanne's face as if trying to tear her apart.

The pain was excruciating, and Roseanne couldn't help but let out a cry of agony.

This body had endured a decade of illness, but it was not prepared for such physical suffering.

The pleasure in the girl's eyes sent a shiver down Roseanne's spine.

What kind of deep-seated hatred could drive a young lady to display such a twisted expression?

This was no ordinary schoolyard bullying. It was something far more sinister.

As the girl continued to scrutinize Roseanne, she noticed the vacant gaze in Roseanne's eyes.

With a cruel smile, she seized Roseanne by the hair and mercilessly smashed her head against the wall.

Dizzy from the relentless beating, Roseanne's consciousness began to waver.

It felt as though her very soul was about to detach from her body. Panic washed over her.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Roseanne gritted her teeth through the torment.

Perhaps the attackers had grown weary because she was no longer resisting, and they finally released her, retreating and leaving her in the bathroom.

As they departed, some even stepped on her, causing her body to jerk from the pain.

A potent mix of frustration, injustice, and hatred surged within Roseanne's heart.

It filled her with an overwhelming desire to confront her tormentors, to make them experience the pain and humiliation they had inflicted.

Roseanne was astonished by this body's reaction. It took some time to rein in those emotions.

She gradually managed to get to her feet, pushed the bathroom door open, and entered the dimly lit hallway beyond, utterly drained.

The restroom's flickering fluorescent lights bathed the hallway in an eerie, intermittent glow.

Roseanne's battered body moved forward, one step at a time, her mind still reeling from the recent brutality she had endured.

She needed to understand how she had ended up in this horrifying situation and what her mission truly entailed.

Each step was a struggle, but Roseanne couldn't afford to remain passive.

She was determined to uncover the truth and fulfill her mission, no matter the obstacles ahead.

Finding an empty classroom, Roseanne entered and sat down, her body and mind exhausted.