
Reincarnated Girl Seduces The Villain

In the eyes of everyone who saw him, Calixto is sinister, his name became a shame, from being "the most beautiful knight" he became "the sinister knight." The large scar on his face was irrefutable proof of his misfortune or so everyone said. Everyone thought that the knight Sinister Calixto would spend the rest of his life alone. Until one day the viscount's beautiful daughter asked him to marry her at the party of the third prince of the Celestial Kingdom. Nobody could believe it. She was a strange girl, she keeps a secret that no one knows except for someone. Can she keep the secret safe?

Heerlani · Fantasie
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27 Chs

3. Gossip

After what happened with the princess and the curse, Calixto became the mockery of society, countless rumors circulated about him and that was not the worst that could happen to him. Rumors never mattered to him, but he still had to take care of his reputation.

It was said that a powerful sorcerer cursed him with a spell that would bring bad luck for the rest of his life. Others said that a sorcerer envious of his beauty put a spell on him that would kill him slowly, some similar rumors also spread, there were also people who said that he had been poisoned, but the explanation that was most believed by ordinary people was the one that included a sorcerer envying her beauty.

Furthermore, the sorcerer had changed the aura that Calixto had; It made it impossible for people to want to get close to him, for some reason being close to him seemed like some kind of psychic or mental torture.

More than being ugly or looking like it, it was the curse placed on it that made the wonderful and charming work, when people saw it the first thing they wanted to do was run away or flee away. Being treated like this wasn't the end of the world for him and that was true, it was just frustrating in several ways.

But it was just a curse, no matter how powerful and high-ranking it was, it didn't mean it was the end of the world for him.

What was really bad was what would come next, realizing the harsh reality and how truly an idiot he was, for not realizing the truth.

Was he naive or just a fool? Only time would be able to answer that or maybe it was just his immaturity.

A person is supposed to learn through one's own experience, but experience is not always pleasant to live, he realized that later.

His life continued from him, fulfilling his duties as a knight and next duke, although he was despised by the curse he tried not to give it much importance as that would distract him from his duties and obligations.

At his house nothing changed, his parents treated him the same as before but that doesn't take away how surprised they were, they felt sorry for his son and wanted to help him but they just didn't know how.

How do you remove curses? They didn't know, witches were so mysterious.

They would soon go on a trip since his son would assume the position of duke in the next month, they had been preparing for a long time to pass his duties to his son.

And of course, how could we forget that there were only a few weeks left until his elegant wedding to Miss Nicole? youngest daughter of the Marquis Aurelio.

There were so many things, that's what Calixto thought, he couldn't afford to give too much importance to the curse.

Nicole was a gentle, kind, educated and beautiful lady with beautiful dark hair and hazel eyes, she had only one older sister who had already married a high-ranking officer.

The wedding day has come; a warm, sunny day perfect for a big celebration; The groom was waiting at the altar.

Calixto was nervous; a normal emotion for someone who is about to get married; Chaotic thoughts flooded his mind, but his face remained with a slight smile.

What would his married life be like? What would his day-to-day life be like? would they have children? If life from now on would be happy?

Although he was worried about his future, his face remained impassive to everything that was happening around him.

Everything was beautifully decorated, white seemed to be the main color and let's not forget the blue color that was mixed in the decorations, it seemed to be a scene from a movie.

There were many noble guests and even several royals attended the wedding.

This was one of the most important celebrations, not only would a wedding take place but also from today he would assume the position of duke so today would be a reason for a great celebration.

"Don't you think the bride is already late?" asked one of the noble guests, while he stood and looked around in search of the bride.

—It's certain that she was late getting ready, you know how women are. - Another added he without giving it much importance for this was normal.

—What a nuisance, it should be more punctual, to make us wait like this, what nerve! — this time someone complained and everyone agreed.

—I wonder why Marquis Aurelio's family hasn't arrived? This is very extrange.

—No idea, I'll go flirt with the maid as soon as they arrive. —And so one of them left and the others continued complaining.

Fifteen minutes later there was a huge commotion, everyone was shocked by the surprising news.

End of the third Chapter.