
Reincarnated as Yukihira soma but why is my dad missing?????

In the bustling world of Totsuki Culinary Academy, MC finds themselves inexplicably reincarnated as Yukihira Soma, inheriting his culinary skills and a unique cooking system that grants them godly abilities. However, Soma's father, Joichiro Yukihira, has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Yukihira family restaurant in chaos. (very different from original, not sure if to add crossovers of different programs maybe like master chef.)

Albi2468 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

A New Culinary Beginning

With the regional competition behind them, Soma and Erina found themselves on the cusp of a new culinary adventure at Totsuki Culinary Academy. The academy was a renowned institution, a hallowed ground for aspiring chefs who sought to refine their skills and compete on the grandest stage of all.

The culinary world had taken notice of the young chefs, and their reputation as innovative and talented cooks had spread far and wide. The mysterious letter inviting them to Totsuki was a golden ticket, a chance to prove their worth in the hallowed halls of culinary excellence.

Erina Nakiri, the Nakiri family's prodigy, stood alongside Soma, her presence at Totsuki adding an extra layer of anticipation. The culinary world had high expectations for her, and attending Totsuki was a way to refine her skills further and show the world what she was truly capable of.

Their entry into the academy was met with a mix of curiosity and respect. Soma and Erina, already accomplished chefs, were viewed as potential powerhouses in the world of Totsuki.

Their induction into Totsuki began with a captivating culinary showdown, a Shokugeki - a one-on-one duel that showcased their skills and adaptability. Soma's opponent was a confident student renowned for his mastery of French cuisine, while Erina faced a classmate with a reputation for traditional Japanese cooking.

The showdowns were fierce and left the entire academy in awe. Soma, with his signature confidence and creativity, embarked on reimagining a classic French dish. He chose to prepare Coq au Vin, a rustic French dish that required skill and precision. The choice seemed audacious, for his opponent was a master of the French culinary tradition.

Soma's culinary journey in the academy had begun with a bold move. He marinated the chicken in a wine reduction with a medley of aromatic herbs, creating a deep and complex flavor profile. His opponent, initially confident, watched in astonishment as Soma unveiled his culinary innovations.

The critics, renowned figures in the culinary world, were present to judge the duels. They watched as Soma's dish took form. His methodical yet creative approach to French cuisine left a lasting impression. The aroma of the simmering wine and herbs filled the room, enticing the senses and the critics' palates alike.

When the critics sampled Soma's Coq au Vin, their expressions ranged from skepticism to amazement. The head critic, an expert in French cuisine, had been a stern observer throughout the match. However, as he tasted Soma's dish, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but nod in approval. "This Coq au Vin is a departure from tradition, a bold reimagining of a classic. It captures the essence of French cuisine while infusing it with a fresh perspective. It is a triumph."

Erina's duel was equally captivating. She took on her classmate, a chef known for his expertise in traditional Japanese flavors. The theme was to prepare a simple yet soulful dish, a reflection of Japanese culinary heritage.

Erina chose to prepare a Kaiseki-inspired dish, a harmonious medley of flavors and textures that celebrated the essence of Japan. Her opponents, despite their initial confidence, watched in awe as Erina's skills came to life.

The head critic, a venerable Japanese culinary expert, sampled her dish with profound reverence. His first bite transported him to a realm of culinary bliss, and he found himself unable to contain his emotion. "This is a dish that touches the very soul of traditional Japanese cuisine. It pays homage to our culinary heritage while pushing its boundaries. A masterpiece."

The applause that followed was thunderous, echoing through the halls of Totsuki. Soma and Erina had not only secured victories but had also garnered the respect and admiration of their peers.

The journey into the Totsuki arc had begun, and Soma and Erina, with their unique culinary perspectives, were ready for the rigorous training, intense competitions, and the friendships and rivalries that awaited them.