
Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

In the grungy back-alleys of Meteor City, where chaos is order and danger is as common as air, a peculiar baby is found by Feitan, a teenage delinquent with a flair for violence and a suspiciously stylish cloak. This isn't just any baby, though. Oh no! This little one is Haruto, the reincarnation of Meruem, the terrifyingly powerful King of the Chimera Ants, now reborn into the messy world of humanity. As it turns out, having a past life as a hyper-intelligent, super-powered ant king doesn't grant you any exemptions from diaper changes or terrible twos. Haruto, now an infant with an already apparent air of majesty and an oddly intense gaze, becomes the unlikely little brother of the unsociable Feitan. With Meteor City as their chaotic playground, the mismatched pair navigates the ups and downs of brotherhood - including squabbles over candy theft, unexpected life lessons, and the occasional Nen-powered brawl. Soon enough, they are joined by Phinx, a boisterous fighter with strength and ambition in equal measure, and Canary, a young, no-nonsense girl with a mean right hook. As Haruto grows older, his kingly traits shine brighter, albeit coated with the cheeky charm of a child. Slowly, fragments of his past life as Meruem trickle in, and he starts aiming for greatness - because why settle for a backyard kingdom when you can aspire for the world? Prepare for a roller-coaster of laughs, squabbles, heartwarming brotherly moments, and just a dash of existential crisis as Haruto, Feitan, and their motley crew tackle life in Meteor City head-on, always reaching for the stars... and maybe the occasional ice cream truck. This fanfiction combines humor, brotherhood, and the trials of growing up in Meteor City, providing an entertaining exploration of familiar characters in a fresh setting. With Haruto's kingly personality and the eccentricities of his newfound family, the stage is set for a journey full of laughter, growth, and meteoric ambition. -- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Haruto's memories from his past life(Meruem) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Haruto attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All. Limited action and battles in early chapters: While there will be battles and action sequences, the focus of the story lies more on character development and interpersonal relationships. Readers seeking intense combat scenarios or continuous action may need to adjust their expectations.

IWriteFanfic · Anime und Comics
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122 Chs

End of Exam

Netero then gestured grandly toward the enormous structure that had materialized in the middle of the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chessboard Arena!"

The Chessboard Arena was an imposing spectacle, towering above everyone in the room. Constructed of a gleaming obsidian, each square was marked with intricate, glowing runes. Suspended orbs of ethereal light floated above, casting an otherworldly glow that reflected off the polished surface. It was as if they were about to participate in a sacred ritual, a celestial battleground suspended in a void.

The arena was a towering 3D chessboard, with squares extending in three dimensions. Four glowing "safe squares" marked the corners of the arena.

Netero explained the rules: the objective, the mechanics of movement, the intricacies of combat, the stalemate clause, and finally, the time limit. Netero then added, 'Should two participants land on the same square, a brief duel will ensue to determine who gets to stay. Unnecessary confrontations will be penalized, so choose your battles wisely.

Feitan glanced at Haruto, who merely nodded. Instructions had already been disseminated through his "Ant King's Pheromones" technique. His men were ready.

"As for the combat, it's not about knocking your opponent out. It's about strategy," Netero emphasized. "You have to make the right moves to reach your safe square while considering time and the dynamics of the arena."

"Understood," Haruto said, his voice tinged with approval for the well-crafted challenge.

Netero grinned. "Very well. To your positions!"

Participants teleported to opposite corners of the chessboard. Gon and Killua found themselves positioned near each other. Leorio was a bit farther away, trying to calculate how many squares he'd need to cross to reach a safe square. Gon's eyes widened as he took in the enormity of the arena, his heart pounding with excitement. This was a playground for strategy, a maze for warriors. Killua, standing not too far from him, eyed the structure critically. Suspicion played at the corners of his mind as he watched Haruto and his men. Leorio looked overwhelmed, scratching his head as he muttered calculations under his breath.

Haruto and his men were well-distributed throughout the arena, each aware of the choreography they would engage in upon encountering each other.

The match started, and Haruto immediately initiated his choreographed moves with his nearby subordinates. To an observer like Netero, it appeared as if they were in a balanced combat dance, neither giving an inch. But they were actually following Haruto's pre-planned strategy, avoiding the potential for stalemate while subtly advancing toward their safe squares. Inside, Haruto savored the ticking of the invisible clock. Each second that passed was a testament to his strategy unfurling like clockwork. Yet, as he glanced toward Netero, he couldn't shake off the elder's penetrating gaze—it was a challenge and a mystery all rolled into one.

Haruto's moves weren't rushed; they were deliberate, orchestrated to make efficient use of time without drawing suspicion. His men seamlessly flowed from one square to another, respecting the choreography that would lead them to their destination.

Gon and Killua tried to figure out their own strategies, watching Haruto and his men warily from a distance. Gon was thrilled by the complexity, but Killua couldn't shake off the sense that Haruto's men were up to something.

Leorio was sweating bullets but managed to move steadily toward his corner, avoiding any direct confrontation. "This is absurd, utterly absurd," he mumbled to himself, as he plotted his moves carefully. His heart raced as he narrowly dodged an opponent lunging at him from a diagonal square. The near-miss rattled him, but he took a deep breath and pressed on. 'Too close, way too close,' he thought, reaffirming his resolve to reach the safe square.

The time limit neared its end, and several of Haruto's men began stepping onto the safe squares, their choreography complete. It was a quiet victory, one that didn't disturb the ongoing matches but was significant in its subtlety.

Netero watched intently, sensing but not fully comprehending the depth of Haruto's strategy. He respected it, nonetheless, intrigued by the young king who continued to challenge his expectations.

Finally, Haruto himself stepped onto a safe square, just as the last second ticked away. His men, spread across the safe squares, signaled their completion with discreet nods. They'd succeeded, every last one of them.

Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio also managed to reach their respective safe squares, each in their own way.

After Chairman Netero declared the end of the Hunter Exam, the atmosphere in the room became palpable with relief, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. Netero stood at the podium, his face crinkling into a warm, genuine smile.

"Congratulations, everyone. You've passed the Hunter Exam, one of the most grueling tests of ability, character, and skill. Each of you has proven your mettle, and I'm honored to welcome you into the fold as official Hunters," Netero announced, applauding along with the other examiners and staff.

"But remember, this is only the beginning," he continued, his tone turning more serious. "Being a Hunter carries with it not just privileges, but also responsibilities and expectations. You are now part of an elite group, tasked with exploring the unknown, uncovering hidden treasures, hunting down criminals, and many other missions that serve humanity and extend the boundaries of human knowledge."

As he spoke, a screen behind him displayed slides illustrating the various duties and roles Hunters might find themselves in: Archaeological digs uncovering lost civilizations, intense battles with dangerous criminals, exploration missions into uncharted territories, and more.

"And now," Netero said, "let's talk about this." He held up a sleek, holographic card, shimmering with an array of colors.

"This is your Hunter Card. Treat it with the utmost care and respect. This card is not just your ID; it is a tool and a key. It grants you access to resources ordinary people can't dream of—restricted areas, classified information, and even lines of credit. Lose it, and you lose more than just a piece of plastic. You'll lose a significant part of your abilities to operate as a Hunter."

He paused to let the gravity of his words sink in.

"However, I urge you not to misuse this power. With great power comes great responsibility. The Hunter Association trusts you to use your privileges wisely and ethically. Violation of our code can lead to revocation of your Hunter status."

Netero's eyes swept over the new Hunters, his gaze penetrating yet kind.

"Once again, congratulations, and welcome to the challenging, rewarding life of a Hunter. I expect great things from each and every one of you."

With that, the ceremony concluded, and the new Hunters dispersed, each holding their Hunter Card as if it were a fragile treasure, which, in many ways, it was. As the new Hunters dispersed, Gon turned to Killua, holding his Hunter Card delicately between his fingers. 'This is just the start, isn't it?' he said, eyes gleaming with anticipation. Killua smirked, his own card secure in his pocket. 'You have no idea,' he replied, both knowing that this card was their ticket to endless adventures and challenges.


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