
Reincarnated as the weakest sorcerer: A sorcerers tragedy

DionStudios · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two: Madness Unleashed

The air in the Fifth Realm crackled with tension as Emissary Selene and the Order of Saints continued their preparations. Reports of Gai's sinister beasts inching closer to their borders had sown unease among the realm's inhabitants. Rumors of madness infecting those who had ventured too close to the chaos only deepened their anxiety.

It began with whispers in the shadows, eerie voices that promised power and glory to those who succumbed to their allure. Ordinary citizens were lured into darkness, their once-rational thoughts twisted by the chaotic influence. Friends turned against friends, and families were torn apart by paranoia and mistrust.

Emissary Selene, her eyes filled with sorrow, witnessed the heartbreaking transformation of her realm. She knew that this madness was a deliberate tactic employed by Kael to weaken their resolve and divide them before the impending war.

In the midst of this chaos, the Order of Saints faced their most challenging task yet—protecting their realm from the madness that threatened to consume it. Maki's sealing abilities proved invaluable as she worked tirelessly to contain the malevolence, forming protective barriers around the most vulnerable areas.

Garon, wielding his Cleansing Sword, stood as a bulwark against the encroaching madness, his blade glowing with purification energy as he drove back the malevolent forces.

Kamo, using his bell's soothing chimes, attempted to calm the minds of those on the brink of madness, offering them a respite from the chaos.

But even their combined efforts couldn't halt the relentless spread of madness entirely. The Order of Saints realized that to truly combat this threat, they needed to find the source of this malevolence and strike at its heart.

In the midst of the madness, whispers led them to a dark, foreboding cavern hidden deep within the Fifth Realm. It was here that they would confront the embodiment of Kael's malevolence, a grotesque entity that thrived on chaos and despair.

With grim determination, the Order of Saints ventured into the abyss, ready to face the madness that had gripped their realm and confront the malevolent force that threatened their very existence. They knew that this battle was not only physical but a test of their willpower and unity, for the fate of their realm hung in the balance.