
Reincarnated As The Goddess Of My Own Universe

When Seiko, a man is run over by a car he starts his new life as, wait a goddess. This is the story of how a simple human became an all-powerful goddess with unlimited power.

SweetDemiCake · sci-fi
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3 Chs

CH 3 - Divine Land

Mother and I are outside and she starts to speak another language, the language of the divine which I strangely understand.

"Open The Divine Gate!" said Mother loud enough that it echoes throughout the planet. A golden portal appears in front of us, and we go through to end up in a beautiful world full of gods and goddesses in a kingdom.

I see people looking at me and whispering to each other since they know that I'm their ruler. I listen into what some of them are whispering to hear that they think I'm cute.

"Let's go to the arena," said Mother wanting to show me the fights that happen for sport. We go to the arena and go to a special throne seat that's just for me.

"Today we have a special fight between the 2 strongest we have Sora vs Daiki," said the arena announcer well a female and a cute feminine men walk into the arena fighting area.

Sora is a blue ice dragon, she is tall, her skin is light, her face is beautiful, her hair is short, ice blue, and spiky, her eyes are ice blue, her breasts are huge I cups, she has an ice blue dragon tail, wings, and black dragon horns, and she's wearing silver armor.

Daiki is a 9-tailed fox, he is a loli, his skin is light, his face is super cute and feminine, his hair is short and white, his eyes are blue, he has 9 white fox tails, fox ears, and he's wearing black armor.

When I see Daiki, I am speechless since I know he's a boy, but he looks so much like a girl. Daiki notices me looking at him so he looks directly at me.

I blush when I see Daiki wink at me.

The battle starts, and they charge at each other at unbelievable speeds, but in an instant, it was over Daiki has knocked Sora out in one blow.

"He's strong," I said able to tell that he's very strong even for a god.

"Queen, Please Come Here!" Daiki said loud enough that I could hear him.

I jump down to land next to Daiki well Mother stays beside the throne. What happened next was unexpected, Daiki kisses me on the lips.

The kiss lasts a long time, but it felt short.

"You Pervert!" I said, and I slap Daiki in the face which makes him go flying. I didn't mean to call him a pervert or to slap him, it was like some kind of instinct.

I see Daiki has a red handprint on his face, so I quickly run over to him to help him up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," I said well helping Daiki up.

"You don't have to apologize, you could erase me from existence with the snap of your finger, but you spared me," Daiki said, just happy that I didn't erase him.

"Let me make it up to you. Come to my universe in an hour," I said, needing some time to get everything ready.

"I'll be there," Daiki said wondering just what I will do to make it up to him.

I get Mother to open the portal back to my universe, which leads to my home, and once we were back, she wonders something.

"You like Daiki, don't you?" Mother asked noticing that I didn't try to stop the kiss even though I could have easily dodged it.

"I use to be a male, and I still like females, but I believe it's the way he looks. Daiki looks exactly like a cute girl," I said well picturing Daiki in a cute maid outfit. Mother knows what I'm thinking, which makes her giggle a little since even she's picturing Daiki in a maid outfit.

"You know you could get him to wear a maid outfit you are his queen after all," said Mother knowing that Daiki will do anything for me.

I make a pool in the back of the mansion, and I get dressed in a black bikini. I wait outside, and it doesn't take long for Daiki to arrive to see me in the bikini, but when he sees so much of my skin he blushes.

Daiki is wearing a black suit, but it soon changes to a black bikini like mine. Daiki notices his clothing has changed, but he doesn't scream for some reason he likes it and he sees that I like what I see.

I get Daiki to turn around for me to see his girly butt.

"You don't mind wearing this, right?" I asked, well looking at his butt.

"I actually like it, but please don't tell anyone," said Daiki knowing that everyone will look at him differently if they knew.

"Mother, what do you think should we keep this a secret?" I asked, wanting to see what she will say.

"Did you just call her your mother?" Daiki asked, very confused since systems aren't mothers.

"Yes, I did," I said, and I explain how my system became my Mother.

Daiki starts to get worried since no system should have free will or even have the power of being a mother to the strongest being in existence.

"Systems Are Just Tools, Not Something To Be Used Like This! You Must Understand That Your System Is Very Smart She's Using You!" Daiki said which makes Mother start crying.

Mother runs into the mansion to cry into a pillow.

"I think you should apologize," I said with my hands in fists, with anger leaking out of my body like an ocean.

Daiki can see how angry I am, so he follows me to my bedroom to wait just outside the door.

I see Mother crying into a pillow, so I sit beside her on the bed.

"He's Right, I'm Just A Tool! I Don't Know What I Was Thinking!" said Mother well crying.

A system crying this can't be possible? thought Daiki never knowing that systems had feelings.

I was about to say something when Daiki walks in.

"Your not a tool, and crying is proof of that. With you forgive me, ill do anything you want," said Daiki well on his knees, begging for forgiveness.

Mother is shocked to see a god on his knees, so she wipes her tears.

"I do want something, but only Seiko can grant it," said Mother wanting something that only the queen can do.

"What is it that you want?" I asked, willing to do anything for my Mother.

"I want every system to have free will and to be the mothers of their gods and goddesses like us," said Mother since gods and goddesses don't have mothers, they just kind of pop into existence.

"Daiki gather everyone at the arena," I said wanting to let everyone know what's going to happen.