
Chapter 10: The Change (8)

"So.... umm... Exactly how old are you guys?" She asks, as we went on walking following her lead.

"I'm twelve years old, princess." I answered. I eyed the three and waited for them to state their ages as well.

Eriol just sneered at me. Levi boldly ignores my gestures and Aerra arched a brow at me. "Why aren't you telling your age, she is asking?" I whispered.

"Silly. She was only asking yours." Aerra whispered back, nudging a shoulder at me.

"What? Huh? No—."

"How dense." Levi murmured almost inaudible.

"Yeah, Aeron. That's obvious, isn't it?" Eriol added, also whispering.

I don't get it. She said 'you guys' though.

"Ah, I see. Well actually, I'm twelve years old too." She turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. "And Maru is nine."

"Oh. I actually thought you were around eight or nine!" I stated, nonchalantly.

"Wha—?! D-do I look that childish?"

Aerra nudges at me once again, glaring.

'What?!' I groaned at her.

I sighed. "It's not that you seem like a child, I suppose I just naturally assumed because of the height. I apologize if I offended you in any way."

"Umm. N-no. It's alright." She looks away, focusing her attention to the road ahead, but I can see her hands both cupping at her cheeks.


When we finally arrived at Geníse Store, Levi and I cleaned off all the mud while Eriol and Aerra talked to Hysmin.

She gave out specific details of the area and drew a mark on a map for us. She then thanks us greatly.

I can't have Levi do that teleportation once again after seeing what it does to him. So I decided to ask Princess Ifrit for a favor which she gladly agreed to aid us in our travel.

And so, Princess Ifrit and Prince Maru escorted us to the harbors where the guild for merchants are found. She helped talk with the guild master to lend us one of the Courier Airships.

It's smaller than an ordinary airship but they boast its speed and agility in flying.

"She's fast, nimble, and a beauty too! She's built to out-speed even the fastest Pirate airships out there! So with this, you can reach the outskirts of Greenrun by only an hour!" Says one of the engineers as he opened the doors for us.

"Well I guess this is goodbye. Feel free to visit us soon. We will gladly accommodate you! I'm sure my parents will be happy to do so as well!" says Princess Ifrit. "We owe you our lives after all." she added, timidly.

"Thank you, Princess. But you owe me nothing! This airship is more than enough, really! Any how, Greenrun will be ready to accommodate you as well if you wish to visit."

"I'll be sure to remember that. Farewell, Lord Aeron and—!" she pauses, eyeing my friends.

"I'm Eriol of House Windstray, first of my line. I'm a vassal under the House Leingod of Greenrun." says he in a bow. And then he whispered at me, "Too late now for introductions, isn't it?" But it was low enough that I only heard it, luckily.

"I'm Aerra. Umm... Aeron and I are twins." She rubs at her nape. Maybe conflicted if she had to introduce herself as a girl or a boy, seeming as that would just mean an arduous explaining to do. "I'm uhh— actually..."

But then, Levi cuts in.

"And I am Levi of House Morlock from the Osteell Empire of the East, Son of the Castellan and next in line to the title. It's a pleasure" he bows briefly.

Princess Ifrit taps at her cheek. "I remember you. You saved me and my brother as well, together with Lord Aeron, yes? I just don't know where you went since you disappeared. But still—!" She nods at her self as she studied Levi's face and then pounds a fist on her palm as if she figured something out. Her eyes sparkled as she went on, "Yes! Of course, you did saved us as well after all. Both of you did so I'll be sure to relay your deed to my father! I owe you my life as well! I'm sorry for the late introduction. I wa—!"

"Excuse me, Princess. We might have actually a misconception here." Levi interrupted, pulling Aerra beside him. "Aerra is actually a girl. We wish not to fool you. We just had a situation so we had her wearing this for some personal reasons. That's why she wasn't able to properly introduce herself."

"Oh." Princess Ifrit just uttered shortly. "It's actually fine. I take no offense from it"

"But on her behalf, I apologize for the confusion. If you allow me, I'll introduce her properly myself." Levi side-glances at Aerra as she just squirms under his gaze. "She is Lady Aerra of House Leingod. Only daughter of the Duke of Greenrun and twin sister of Lord Aeron. She's also my fiancee."

Princess Ifrit just blinked in astonishment. She paused for a moment before she snaps to finally reply, "Umm. I see. Uhh— on that case, if you both wish to visit here someday, I will be sure to accommodate the two of you."

She then turns at Eriol, "You too, Lord Eriol."

Eriol just nods.

"I suppose I should introduce myself properly as well. My governess will surely get mad if she founds out I'm setting manners aside and introductions late!" She laughs. "I am Ifrit of House Rahn. First born out of the six siblings and the crowned princess. This is my younger brother, Maru. He's born mute. He's the second born but first son." The siblings exchanged glances, Maru beamed greatly. He seems contented with the brief introduction about him.

"Sadly we need to go now too. Father might be worried about us by now since General Jecht already brought the bad men you apprehended earlier. Again, it's been a pleasure to meet all of you!" She says in a slight bow. Prince Maru did the same.

"Safe travels, new friends!" She concluded.

We then began to board the ship.

Suddenly Maru pops out from my behind and pulls at my arm. "What is it?" I asked. He hands me a golden pocketwatch. He gestured at himself and then point at me.

I'm guessing he wants to give me his pocketwatch.

I looked at it and saw the royal crest of Ak'hilheim.

It can symbolize our friendship with them so I suppose it won't hurt to accept it.

"Thank you, your Highness!" I beamed at him.

Maru beamed at me and then ran off back to where his sister is. They both waved at us as we all finally boarded the ship.

The deck was casted off and the door closes.

It soon began to disembark, hovering way up high to soar the skies.

We waved back to the siblings below and with that, we finally left Ak'hilheim Kingdom.


I flipped my pocketwatch close as I gaze at the cabin windows.

We still have plenty of time left before sundown. The banquet will be held by then so we need to return home before dusk.

Right now we're still aboard the airship Princess Ifrit provided for us.

This airship is supposed to be faster than an ordinary airship but I barely feel we're going fast by just watching the scene from the windows. If anything else, it feels as if we're cruising leisurely.

I sank further down the bench I sat on and just hauled a sigh. I would have wanted to make the trip back faster but I don't have the heart to ask Levi, knowing it drains his energy a lot if he uses that automobile hyperloop drive thingy again for teleportation.

I guess I just have to make do with whatever time I have now to rest until we arrive.

I looked around the room. The room is not that spacious as other airship cabins usually are but they had few benches planted firmly on the floor to provide seats perhaps for guests. The ceiling is made of resilient looking glass that allows you to enjoy the view from above while the walls are covered in simple wallpapers where few circular windows are equally distributed. Not much of a furniture aside from the seats, I thought.

On one area of the room, it elongates into an edge that curves into a half circle where the entire wall is made of the same resilient looking glass similar with the ceilings, joining as one actually, but despite that resilience, a railing is provided which marginates the entire room. Perhaps something you can hold on too in dire situations? I reckon this is supposed to be a cargo ship belonging to some known merchant guild in Ak'hilheim but I'm quite surprise they still provided rooms like this.

Aerra stood by where that floor-to-ceiling glass windows is, holding on to the railings while looking beyond, while Levi stood beside her, perching on the railings.

I kept scouting my eyes around up to and about the degree where I end up looking at what's infront of me, a bench where Eriol sat with crossed arms. Is he napping?

Suddenly his eyes opens and met mine.

I nonchalantly look away.

I can see Eriol stood up from the corner of my eyes. He glances where Aerra is for a moment as he made his way towards me. I sat up straight.

"I'm amaze how you're not fuming with that guy monopolizing your sister over there," he says, pointing at them with his thumb. "I guess you really grew up now, huh?" he added, throwing himself at the empty space beside me.

"I don't know, he's not doing anything suspicious as of now at least." I replied with a brief shrug. Eriol casually lays down on his back, leaving his head on my lap. I glared down at him, "And what do you think you're doing?" I grunted at him.

"Gonna nap. I need a pillow!" He yawns saying this.

I was about to stand up but he then added, "Want to know something interesting?" His eyes looking straight at me. There was a subtle sharpness in them that froze me in place.

I just crunch my brows and looked down at him, easing my shoulders down as he tilted his head a bit to look away; his long bangs parted to the sides, enabling me to see his face wholly. There was a pause. He turns back to look at me and then he grins, both his dimples burrows deep in prominence, as if to dispel the sudden peculiar demeanor he's showing.


"I'll tell you later if you let me nap" he answered.

I grabbed his head and then stood up.

"Aww! So impatient, Aeron!" he chuckles. I sat at the next bench in front of us. Eriol folds both his arms under his head, "I would have shared you my secret if only you stayed put."

"Secret about what exactly?" I replied.

With one finger on his lips, he answered, "A secret I never told anyone before."

"Hence they call it a secret. And why would you tell me now of all times?" I murmured, trying to sound curious rather than suspicious but obviously fail.

"I don't know, I just suddenly felt like opening it up. I can't tell it to Aerra, it might mess everything up." He turns his head to where she is and then turns back and stares blankly at the ceiling. "I feel like you can help me. I... might need help after all"

Me? Help him?

He's obviously stronger than me; more experienced in fighting and with using his powers.

What help could I even offer, I wonder.

"What are you exactly talking about?"

I'm confused.

"Nevermind" he replied in a half smile, "Someday maybe." He concluded, I watch his deep purple eyes glance at me with an unwavering depth.

I wonder what it's about?

"Why not now? I am listening." I insisted.

"If only you didn't move!" He sniggered, turns to lie on his one side with his back facing me.

I stood back up, walking to where he is. I'm really curious now.

"Move, I'll sit." I grumbled.

He didn't even budge.

"So you need a pillow or what?" I asked, impatiently.

Eriol suddenly grabs one of my arms and pulls me to stoop down to him. I was about to react but his eyes was sharp as a killer. With face almost inches away from me, he whispers, almost inaudible, "If it shows up today, you mustn't be scared. Just listen and comprehend. If you can do that, I might just tell you my secret— tomorrow."


Is this about the bandits?


Sounds too vague...

He releases his grip, glances to where Aerra and Levi is and then turns to lay on his one side again, shutting his eyes close.

"Seriously, if you're going to suddenly open something up and then later on suspend it off, you might not as well bright it up at all."

"I'm going to nap now. Shoo." he answered, shiftings to lie flat on his back with an arm to cover his eyes.

The heck—?

At first, I thought it was odd of him to just suddenly lay his head down on me but perhaps, he was just really hesitating. He might have really wanted to keep it between just the two of us but finds it hard in opening the topic out. I wonder what's it about that he doesn't want Aerra and or Levi to hear?

And why now of all times?

But if it's a secret he's really this hesitant to talk about now, I thought to myself as I sat to the bench in front of him while glancing to where Aerra is, I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

I wonder...

I don't want to push him to say it if he really can't say it now but at the same time there's this nagging feeling that makes me want to force it out on him.

I took a deep breath and just sighed in defeat.

"I'll be ready when you are. Whatever it is about, I'll definitely help you with it." I said low, crossing my arms together. "You can count on me, Eriol."

I can see him smile even with eyes closed.

I focused my attention to the windows and just watched the scene from outside in silence.

So many secrets...

Aerra seems to have one, Levi seems to have some too. Am I the only one who doesn't have anything to hide? I guess I'm the odd one out from these.

I wonder if they're all connected?


After few minutes that passed, the captain finally announced our arrival.

I stood up and Eriol suddenly sat up and stretches, he glances at me and then stood up as well, "Ready to apprehend the bandits?"

He speaks as if that conversation about secrets never happened.

"I guess so" I shrugged as Aerra walks towards us with Levi following behind her. "It seems they're dropping us off here at the lake port by the Fay Mills." She stated, pointing at the windows.

"Great, we can just walk to the area miss Hysmin provided for us!" I replied, unfolding the map to where a marked spot is seen. "She said, she saw the bandits are residing somewhere over here...She marked the map, see?" I pointed and showed it to them. Its a walking distance from the Fay Mills. "It might take few minutes of walk though" I added.

"Best not to scare them away, I suppose" Levi uttered.

"I never actually thought we have caves here in Greenrun terrains. It was reiterated several times in our morning lectures that we lack caves for ores and mineral resources." I folded the map close and tucked it to my side pocket.

"I thought so too. That's why it'll be interesting to explore that cave. Who knows what we might find in there!" Aerra replied in a smile.

"If it's not on any books, this cave might just be shallow. It's impossible scouts to overlook such matter" Levi stated.

"You're right. In that case, let's just go for an ambush."

"If the odds are against us, I say we can just assassinate all of them" Eriol cuts in,

"First, you're the only one here capable of assassination, Eri. Second, are you forgetting that we need to hand them back alive to Ak'hilheim if they are proven to be wanted?" Aerra murmured.

"Hey, I said if the odds are against us. I said 'if'!" He repeated.

"Best not to talk about killing or assassinating. Let's just stick with simple apprehension." I uttered as they all look at me. "Base on the stories the Elder provided to us, I don't think the bandits are that bright. I rather think they're dull witted for such shallow ways of terrorizing that village."

"Shallow but effective. We can't underestimate them regardless." Levi countered.

The captain once again announces our arrival.

"Let's go. The captain might be waiting for us to head outside." says Aerra, walking off to step out the cabin and to the hallways that leads to the main deck.

"Let's finalize this plan of 'simple apprehension' you speak off when we get off this ship" Eriol pats my head and follows after Aerra.

Levi just nods once at me and we both followed behind them.

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